Professional Development (PD) Evaluation Plan – Crystal Lake Middle School
Content as aligned to SIP Part II: SCIENCE (Goal)
Student objective(s) in _science_ to be addressed by teacher professional development (see SIP-Part II):
By June 2010, 8th grade students will increase the average percent correct in the Life & Environmental Science strand from 54% to 77%.
What will teachers know and be able to do as a result of the following professional development planned for science? Teachers will be able to access BEEP for lesson plans. Teachers will have electronic copies of Instructional Focus Calendars and use them to plan small group instruction to create a differentiated classroom.
Professional DevelopmentEvaluation Level / What is the evaluation question? / What data sources are needed to answer the evaluation question? / What are the target dates for data collection and analysis? / How will the findings be used?
(Planning, Formative or Summative?)
1. Participants’ Reactions
(Attitudes, Aspirations) / Did the teachers find the content from PLC’s based on The Differentiated Classroom useful? / Teacher feedback in follow-up PLC’s, Classroom Walkthroughs, peer to peer discussions. / September 15, 2009
October 20, 2009
As part of Sharing Best Practices PLCs, monthly. / Planning, Formative
2. Participants’ Learning
(Knowledge, Skills) / Did the teachers attempt to change teaching strategies and address learning styles with small group instruction? / Classroom Walkthroughs, reviewing teacher lesson plans, PLC discussions. / Ongoing and developing.
Weekly and monthly. / Formative, Summative
3. Organizational Support & Change
(Behavior, Attitudes) / How are the Leadership Teams providing support to the teachers to implement changes in teaching styles? / PLC’s to support learning (minutes/agenda), sharing best practices, faculty meetings (minutes) / Factulty Meetings: 8/21/09, 9/4/09, 10/2/09
11/6/09, 12/4/09, 2/5/2010. Also upcoming Faculty meetings and PLCS. / Planning, Formative.
4. Participants’ Use of New Knowledge & Skills
(Behavior) / Did the teachers implement new strategies in the classroom? Was there evidence of differentiated instruction? / Classroom Walkthroughs.
Teacher Lesson Plans.
Informal discussion in PLCs.
ESS Appraisals. / Ongoing throughout the school year. During PLC’s. Appraisals at the end of each semester. / Formative, Summative.
5. Student Learning Outcomes/Job Performance
(Behavior, Aspirations) / How did the implementation of a Science Coach impact student achievement? What were the most effective practices? / For science, evidence will be used from BAT 2, mini-assessments and FCAT Science results. / When available, release of results from BAT 1, BAT 2, FCAT Science.
Results from mini-assessments. / Summative, Planning, Formative.