5 September 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
392s Esk Valley Bus Service from Snainton
I am writing to you to with regards to the school transport arrangements for the 392S Esk Valley bus service, which starts in Snainton in the morning and is the final destination for the service after school.
This service is intended to transport Scalby School students who are eligible for, and in receipt of, a School Travel Permit issued by North Yorkshire County Council. Currently, the school has 36 students who have a Travel Permit.
Esk Valley have provided a 57 seater coach to transport these students to school and have, in the past, filled any remaining spaces with fare paying students at the bus stop in Dean Road. This has lead to the impression that the 392S in a general school bus service. It is not however and some problems were caused this week as more fare paying students attempted to board the 392S at Dean Road than there were places available. This resulted in a number of students have to make alternative arrangements to get to school and subsequently arriving late.
After discussing this with Esk Valley and Integrated Passenger Transport at NYCC, it has been made clear to the school that only School Travel permit holders will have priority to travel on the 392S. I emphasise that the 392S is not a general school service and that students who wait to see if there is space on the coach at the Dean Road bus stop have no guarantee that there will be a place for them on the coach. Esk Valley have also pointed out that they reserve the right to limit this service to School Travel Permit holders only. I would urge you therefore, to explore alternative public transport services, such as those provided by EYMC to Scalby Road, to ensure that your child arrives in good time prior to the start of school.
Due to the confusion over the 392S, I have waived after school detentions for transport -related lateness during the course of the first week of the new academic year.
Please note that Scalby School, as with all schools in North Yorkshire, has no control of School Transport and we are unable to negotiate any alternative arrangements with coach providers.
Mr M McCluskie
Deputy Head Teacher