30 Things To Do Before The End Of Year 3.

Each week choose 1 homework from the list and present it in any way you choose. You could write, take photos, present a presentation or draw pictures. Make sure that you use different ways of recording throughout the year.

1.  Learn the 3, 4, 6, 7 & 8 times tables / 2.  Learn the division facts for the times tables that you know / 3.  Build a den / 4.  Learn to tie your shoe laces / 5.  Learn how to neatly fold your clothes
6.  Learn number bonds of 20, 50 & 100 / 7.  Plant some vegetables and help them grow / 8.  Design a healthy packed lunch / 9.  Use your weighing skills to bake / 10.  Research constellations
11.  Design and trial a weekly fitness routine that you can do at home / 12.  Make a model of an Egyptian pyramid / 13.  Visit the beach and create some art work with what you find / 14.  Learn all about a calendar year; how many weeks, days etc. / 15.  Learn how many hours in a day, seconds in a minute etc.
16.  Use technology to learn times tables (internet/apps etc.) / 17.  Use common homophones correctly (e.g. their/there/they’re, to/two/too) / 18.  Make an analogue clock and then practise telling the time (o’clock, half past, quarters & intervals of 5 minutes). / 19.  Research your family tree. How far back can you go? / 20.  Design an exciting obstacle course and challenge your family to complete it.
21.  Create healthy alternatives for your favourite unhealthy snacks, / 22.  Research an endangered animal. Create a poster or leaflet explaining how to protect it. / 23.  Count up all of the coins in your piggy bank / 24.  Write a diary entry of a trip/holiday / 25.  Play a board game with your family
26.  Draw and label a picture of a Roman soldier / 27.  Make up a game that you could play in the playground. Teach it to your friends! / 28.  Create a fact file about the Romans. / 29.  Research the highest mountains in the world. / 30.  Make a model of a volcano
32.  Research Egyptian Gods / 33.  Go on a natire walk and document all the nature you see / 34.  Interview a grown-up (with your parent) about their childhood and discuss how it is different from yours / 35.  Collect empty bottles and see which holds the most/least.