EDWG Meeting Agenda October 9, 20151
1.Welcome...... 9:00 – 9:05
Fred Huette, Environmental Data Work Group (EDWG) Chair will call the meeting to order and determine whether a quorum is present for the conducting of business. Attendees will be asked to introduce themselves by name and affiliation, both in person and over the phone/webinar.
2.WECC Antitrust Policy Open Meeting Reminder
Jon Jensen, WECC Staff and SRWG Liaison will inform attendees of the WECC Antitrust Policy.
All WECC meetings are conducted in accordance with the WECC Antitrust Policy and the NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines. All participants must comply with the policy and guidelines. This meeting is public—confidential or proprietary information should not be discussed in open session.[If the meeting is being recorded, also say “This meeting is being recorded for the purpose of taking minutes.”] Please contact WECC legal counsel if you have any questions.
3.Approve Agenda...... 9:05 – 9:10
Fred Huette will introduce the proposed meeting agenda. We will hear any discussion, addition or correction to the published agenda at this time.
Request for a motion to approve the proposed agenda.
4.Review July 17, 2015 Meeting Minutes...... 9:10 - 9:15
Fred Huette will introduce the minutes from the July 17, 2015 meeting. We will hear any discussion, addition or correction to the published draft minutes at this time.
Request for a motion to approve the draft minutes.
Review of Previous Action Items9:15 - 9:25Fred Huette will review action items carried over from the July 17, 2015 meeting of the EDWG.
- Prepare a draft letter to DOI explaining which BLM data WECC would prioritize for use in transmission planning.
- Assigned to: Byron Woertz
- Due date: July 31, 2015
- Coordinate with Platts to obtain GIS data on transmission lines
- Assigned to: Byron Woertz
- Due date: July 31, 2015
5.CARTODB Demonstration – Nathan Wagoner (ICF)...... 9:25 – 10:00
Nathan Wagoner and others from ICF will provide a demonstration of the CARTODB tool, which is a suggested alternative to the ARCGIS ESRI Data Viewer. They willpresent the analysis capability of the tool as well as implementation possibilities.
6.Status of Long Term Planning Tool (LTPT) Data – WECC Staff...... 10:00 – 10:30
WECC staff will provide a high level discussion of the status of WECC’s Long-Term Planning Tool (LTPT). Discussion topics will include: How environmental data is being used in the LTPT; Applied catalogue of transmission assumptions; Capital Cost;Environmental data currently in use and how new data will be handled.
7.Sage Grouse Environmental Designation Plans – Pam Eaton, The Wilderness Society 10:30 – 11:00
Pam Eaton will introduce the U.S. Department of Interior’s (DOI’s) sage grouse plan including the new designation and avoidance areas, available habitat data, intended uses for the data, and how sage grouse-related data can be utilized in WECC’s existing modeling tools.
8.Status of Cultural Resource Data – Nathan Wagoner, ICF...... 11:00 – 11:15
Nathan Wagoner will present an update on the availability and use of cultural data and how data will be presented inWECC’s Environmental Data Viewer and published on the web.
9. Section 368 Energy Corridors – Jim Gazewood,BLM...... 11:15– 12:00
Jim Gazewood will lead a discussion on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM’s) Section 368 Energy Corridors. Specifically, the discussion will seek to identify ways to initiate stakeholder input for Region 1, and how to Improve data sets.
10.EDWG Outreach Plan – Jim Gazewood, BLM and Harliv Singh, Xcel Energy 12:00– 12:15
EDWG Outreach Plan – Jim Gazewood, BLM and Harliv Singh, Xcel Energy12:00 – 12:15 Jim Gazewood and Harliv Singh will facilitate a discussion on developing an outreach plan for the EDWG. The purpose of this plan is to identify resources available to the EDWG, promote the products of the EDWG to those who may benefit, and strategize methods to communicate resources available through the EDWG externally.
11. Additional Remarks ...... 12:15 – 12:25
12.Review of New Action Items
13.Review Upcoming Meetings
SPSG - November 2-3, 2015...... Salt Lake City, UT
TAS - November 3-4, 2015...... Salt Lake City, UT
TEPPC - November 4-5, 2015...... Salt Lake City, UT
14.Adjourn 12:30
The meeting is expected to adjourn by 12:30 p.m. MDT on October 9, 2015.
Western Electricity Coordinating Council