ESL Friday Update

for 9-4-09

Hot Off the Press!

LEP Exit Criteria approved by the State Board of Education, September 3, 2009!

The LEP exit criteria has been established as an overall composite score of 4.8, with at least a 4.0 on the reading sub-test and at least a 4.0 on the writing sub-teston the state’s annual English language proficiency test, ACCESS for ELLs. The LEP exit criteria will be referred to as the Comprehensive Objective Composite (COC). The October 10th Webinar will explain how this criteria was determined.

FDC Reopens Tuesday, September 8th, with format changes to serve you better!

  • In order to access the FDC sites, you will need to connect your NCID to your FDC accounts.

Attached is the NCID Connection User Guide which you will need to follow once you have obtained your NCID.

(Instructions for obtaining your NCID were sent by Helga Fasciano July 24th or go to If you already have an NCID you do not need to get another one)

  • Please begin entering new student data into the W-APT site on Tuesday.
  • The new COCs have been applied to the LEP FDC. When the site reopens on the 8th, you will be able to filter for students who exited from LEP status under the new COCs.
  • New URLs: W-APT LEP Note:The Immigrant FDC Site will be added as a separate site at a later date. LEP Immigrant information can be accessed through the LEP and the W-APT FDC sites.

New and Improved ESL Website

The ESL website at will be shut down on September 15th. It will be replaced by a new site. There should be no loss of service. We are hoping that when you log into the old site after September 15, you will be automatically be taken to the new site. We will provide you with the direct URL as soon as it is available.

Reclassification Guidelines for Kindergarten Students

Retained kindergarten student should be reclassified using the 2nd semester Kindergarten test so that they will be assessed on all 4 language domains. The Revised W-APT Designated Forms Chart is attached.

Annual Planning Time Line for LEP Coordinators [Optional!]



Webinar, Thursday, October 10th: Join us from 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm to discuss LEP Exit Criteria and the October 1 headcount. Gary Cook with WIDA will present the Exit Criteria portion of the Webinar. Invitation attached.

Title III Applications: If you have not spoken to Glenda about your Title III Application for 2009-2010, contact her ASAP!

NC Wise has ACCESS scores. Contact your NC Wise Data Manager if you do not know how to access these or if scores are not recorded in NC Wise.