All the walks in this programme are open to anyone interested in joining us. If you are not a current member of Ramblers but wish to join the group as a ‘walking member’ it is advisable to come with us for up to three times before making application for membership. In this way you can ‘try us out’ before committing yourself. If you want to know more about Ramblers please contact the Group Membership Secretary for further details.
Walks:Our main walking day is Sunday, but we do have monthly shorter walks on Saturdays, evening walks in spring and summer plus occasional midweek walks if people are willing to lead them. Queries about a specific walk should be addressed to the walk leader.
Clothing and Equipment: Many walks cover rough country and may be muddy. We therefore advise that stout footwear, preferably walking boots, be worn on most occasions. Warm and waterproof clothing is necessary on all but the hottest days and it is best to bring a number of ‘layers’ rather than a heavy jacket. You will also need a rucksack to carry food, liquid, spare socks etc.
Food and Drink: You should always carry a drink of some kind, particularly in hot weather when cold water is probably best. Isotonic drinks are useful on hot days or on long strenuous walks. If the walk includes the opportunity of a pub lunch this will be stated in the programme.
Walking with dogs on Sedgemoor Ramblers’ walks:
Registered Assistance Dogs are allowed to walk with their owners on all Sedgemoor Ramblers’ walks, in accordance with the Disability Equality Act (2010). Assistance dogs covered by the Act are: hearing dogs, guide dogs, service dogs, therapy dogs, seizure alert dogs. Where the programme states ‘Dogs Welcome’, the Walk Leader has agreed that a Ramblers member can walk with their dog.
The first priority is the safety of walkers, and therefore the following will apply to all dogs on walks: -
- All dogs should be kept on a lead and walked at the back of the group. If livestock is encountered, the owner should keep the dog separate from the rest of the group and wait until the group have passed through before proceeding. Cattle and horses can become unsettled by the presence of a dog and give chase. In this case, Ramblers suggest that it may be safer to let the dog off the lead to avoid getting hurt by trying to protect it. The dog will be much safer if it is allowed to run away from a farm animal in these circumstances, and the attention will be directed away.
- Anyone wishing to bring their dog on a walk must contact the Walk Leader, in advance, for permission. Dog owners are responsible for being aware of their responsibilities and adhering to them. Walk Leaders need to remind dog owners of their responsibilities in advance of the walk.
- In some cases, dogs may be banned from certain areas that people use, or there may be restrictions, byelaws or control orders limiting where they can go. In some areas, e.g. at the coast, there may also be some local restrictions to require dogs to be kept on a short lead during the bird breeding season, and to prevent disturbance to flocks of resting and feeding birds during other times of the year.
- It is the dog owner’s responsibility to ensure that their dog does not alarm other people, or put their safety at risk, and they must clean up after their dog – ‘bag it and bin it’.
- On coastal walks, the Coastguard reminds dog walkers to keep dogs on leads near cliffs.
- Incidences caused by dogs are covered by the insurance policy, as long as the activity is a recognised and planned Ramblers activity.
Further information about dogs on walks is available on the Ramblers website
Walk Leaders: We are always seeking walk leaders (who must be members of Ramblers) in order to extend our range of walks offered in our Walks Programme. Remember our programme can only be as varied as the number of leaders permits.
Footpaths: Any problems please contact the Footpath Secretary below.
Committee 2014/2015
Tony Fawle 01278 455180
Angela Aldridge 01823 490501
Footpath Secretary:
Don Aldridge 01823 490501
Mike Aldridge 01278 446079
Membership Secretary:
Tina Ross 01278 783560
Programme Secretary:
Edward Levy 01278 651094
Publicity Secretary:
Alan Chick 01278 773730
Social Secretary:
Jenny Fawle 01278 455180
Walking Members:
HazelBoxer 01934 710640
Sara Chick 01278 773730
The Ramblers’ promotes rambling, protects rights of way, campaigns for access to open country and defends the beauty of the countryside”
The Ramblers’ Association is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company registration number: 4458492.
Registered Charity in England and Wales number: 1093577. Registered Charity in Scotland SCO39799
Wot’s appening then?
Sedgemoor Ramblers Group News
Walk Grades
Our Walks use grades as specified by Ramblers and are as follows:
Easy: Walks for anyone who does not have a mobility difficulty or a specific health problem or is seriously unfit. Comfortable shoes or trainers can be worn.
Leisurely: Walks for reasonably fit people with at least a little country walking experience. May include unsurfaced rural paths. Walking boots and warm, waterproof clothing are recommended.
Moderate: Walks for people with country walking experience and a good level of fitness. May include hills and rough country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and warm and waterproof clothing are essential. Moderate A is the lower to mid range of the grade. Moderate B is the upper end of the grade. Veering towards Strenuous.
Strenuous: Walks for experienced country walkers with an above average fitness level. May include hills and rough country, and may be at a brisk pace. Walking boots and waterproof clothing are essential. People in doubt about their fitness are advised to contact the walk leader in advance.
Every effort is made to show correct distances but because they are mostly measured from the map they can only be regarded as approximate.
Duration of Walks
Generally we walk at an average speed of 2 mph, which includes stops for coffee and lunch. So taking a 9-mile walk as an example it is likely to last for 4½ hours. This is just a rough guide but should assist those who need to calculate the time they will return.
A New Way to Receive Your Walking Programme
This programme appears on our website If you have internet access this gives you a number of options.
You can either:
a) Visit our website to view the programme whenever you wish.
b) Copy the programme and save it to a file on your computer.
c) Print the programme in full or select only the pages you wish to print.
Issuing the programme through the post incurs us printing, postage and stationery costs and we would therefore prefer our members to receive their programmes via the internet. If you are prepared to pick up your programme via our website then would you please advise us by sending an e-mail to . Please show a subject heading of: Sedgemoor Ramblers Programmes and then advise your full name postal and e-mail addresses. We will then send you an e-mail to let you know when each programme is put on our website.
Our website contains much more than our programmes and we would recommend that you visit it regularly in order to keep up to date with what is going on. In particular we post news flashes giving latest information. So if you are in doubt as to whether a walk might not be taking place due to bad weather make the website your first port of call to get the latest information
Please check the Home page of our website to find out any update on walks re adverse weather conditions, change of meeting point etc