Minutes from the West Kent Carers Consultative Committee Meeting (WKCCC)
Tuesday, 17th May 2016, 19:00PM –21:00PM
Room 301, Priority House, Maidstone
Members:Janet Lloyd (JL)Patient Public and Community Involvement Manager (chair)
Sarah Holmes-Smith (SHS)Acute Service Line Director
Louis Coelho (LC) Carers First
Marilyn Mitchel (MM)Involve Kent, Mental Health Carer’s Assessment and Support Coordinator
Karen Tweedie (KT)Carer Support Worker
Keith Jennings (KJ)Carer
Don Sloan (DS)Carer
Tony Wright (TW)Rethink South West Kent
Carol Wright (CW)Rethink South West Kent
Tim Jepson (TJ)Carer
Diana Jepson (DJ)Carer
Administration:Kamila Lobuzinska (KL)Patient, Public and Community Involvement Administrator(notes)
Apologies:Philip CaveExecutive Director of Finance
Bobbie Taiano (BT) Carers First, Carers Support & Assessment Worker
Donna Eldridge (DE)Acting Executive Director of Nursing & Governance
Linda Riley (LR)SUIG, Service Users Representative
Jane Knox ICTCommunications & Engagement Lead
Gerda Collins Carer
Maureen BelcherInvolve Carers, Mental Health Carer’s Assessment & Support Coordinator
Reference: Agenda item:WKCCC 16/17-1 Welcome and introduction
1.1A welcome was given by JL
WKCCC 16/17-2 Apologies for absence2.1 Apologies noted as above
WKCCC 16/17-3 Executive team representative3.1Phil Cave, Executive Director of Finance and Resources couldn’t attend the meeting due to a personal matter and the short notice of absence was unavoidable
WKCCC 16/17-4 Minutes of Last WKCCC Meeting4.1 Minutes from the previous meeting were approved
4.2 Action sheet attached:
WKCCC 16/17-5 Matters Arising5.1 None
WKCCC 16/17-6 Patient Portal/ Jane Knox6.1 Not present
WKCCC 16/17-7 Synopsis/ Gerda Collins7.1 Not present, decision made to move it to the meeting in August
7.2 TW and KJ, the agenda is overcrowded, too many speakers; JL suggested considering more frequent meetings, not necessarily during evening time; TW happy to go ahead with the agenda for the next meeting
WKCCC 16/17-8 Triangle of Care/ Sarah Holmes-Smith8.1The Triangle of Care Membership Scheme - Requirements of Membership was presented by Sarah Holmes-Smith; ToC is a therapeutic alliance between service user, staff and carer that promotes safety, supports recovery and sustains wellbeing; As a Trust we are committed to Triangle of Care and have now cemented that commitment by signing up to the audit process. Self-assessment tool will be completed for each ward and service.
8.2 Discussion around the ToC
8.2.1 TW, ToC was mentioned for the first time in 2004, can the carers rely on KMPT to make sure it will be implemented? Confirmation received
8.2.2 TW, asked if the list of carer champions can be provided ACTION
8.2.3 TW, the document covers lots of issues, are the staff actually reading it to adjust to the changes? SHS, focus groups and training organised, it will go to the Quality Accounts as one of the Trust priorities
8.2.4 MM, asked for the carer organisation partners, JL three commissioned organisations are East Kent Carers Consortium, Involve Kent and Carers First
8.2.5 Discussion around the nominated carers’ leads – JL, it was previously Pippa Barber and now Mary Mumvuri, the new Executive Director for Nursing and Governance is going to be an Executive Lead for carers, Mary would bring all the issues mentioned during the PCC or CCC meetings to the board
8.2.6 SHS shared the Common-sense Confidentiality Document created by Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust with the group, which is different to the concept presented by KMPT and KCC
8.2.7 KJ, happy to see that people are taking a positive lead on confidentiality to carers and service users
WKCCC 16/17-9 Triangle of Care/ Keith Jennings9.1 ToC presentation was given by KJ, it focused on his experience as a person caring for someone going through mental health services and the background for the Triangle of care
9.2 KJ, mentioned the Carers and Service Users booklet in Priority House, he pitched the importance of adding it to the KMPT website; JL will discuss it with the Communications team ACTION
WKCCC 16/17-10 Statutory reports10.1 Feedback from the Carers Charter Audit meeting which was held on Friday, 29th April in Eureka Business Park was given by Janet Lloyd; staff and carers were discussing the ToC self-assessment tool and the Carers charter. The service leads suggested focussing on ToC and have a break from the Carer Survey 2016, they would run a service line specific survey in 2017; the agreement after the meeting was if there is no legal agreement carers would be happy to postpone it; however since then it was superseded and the KMPT will carry out the survey in 2016; it is also now included in the contract with the CCG
10.2 There are 4 items on the Charter that will not be covered by the ToC self-assessment tool; An action plan will be developed that will be reviewed and monitored at the Trust-wide Patient Experience Group (TWPEG) to look at these 4 issues. 4 items are as follows;
10.2.1 We will work with carers in carer-led initiatives including working with carers groups across Kent/Medway to ensure that service developments and clinical protocols are developed and implemented collaboratively
10.2.2 Carers Forums will be established within services where appropriate
10.2.3 Training opportunities will be made available to carers
10.2.4 Carers will be able to access workshops within ‘Wellbeing Centres’
10.3 Discussion around the carers charter, joining strategic needs assessment,this is a commissioning issue, the question could be answered by Dave Holman who will be attending a meeting in August;
WKCCC 16/17-11 Members’ reports11.1 None
WKCCC 16/17-12 Report to Trust Wide Patient Experience Group (TWPEG)12.1 It will be presented to the TWPEG group by JL
WKCCC 16/17-13 AOB13.1 TW, asked if the KMPT would produce overallplan with all their initiatives which could be measured; SHS, there are too many different plans for different purposes, the Quality Accounts has 12 main points and it could be presented during the next meeting; ACTION TW to think about 4 areas of performance and the KMPT will look at it; the KMPT is measured on its targets by the CCG
13.2 KJ, the EK and WK carers will write a joint report which will be presented, JL askhow he would like the feedback presented?ACTION
13.3 TW, interested in management structure, ACTION to provide the structure of service managers, associate Directors and directors
WKCCC 16/17-14 Dates of next meetings 2016Date: Tuesday, 2nd August 2016
Time: 7:00PM – 9:00PM
Venue: Rooms 300&301, Priority House, Maidstone
Member of Exec Team:Catherine Kinane, Executive Medical Director