Neighborhood Association
P.O. Box 2484, Pflugerville, TX 78691
e-mail address:
Letter from the President
Sally Gannaway, BNA President
Happy New Year! I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season. Due to the burn ban and strict enforcement of the city’s fireworks ordinance, our neighborhood had a quiet New Year’s celebration this year. Our dry conditions coupled with the wind make for serious fire conditions. The speed of the Christmas Eve fire off Pflugerville Loop was really frightening. While picking up trash along the Old Hutto Road portion of the trail on the adopt-a-trail clean-up day, I was amazed at how many cigarette butts people throw out their windows. All the grass and shrubs are so dry; it only takes one spark to cause a serious fire!
The Bohls Neighborhood adopt-a-trail clean-up day was a big success. If you have not already seen it, drive by the corner of Poppy Pass and Old Hutto Road and see the new landscaping around the Bohls Place sign. Thanks again to all the volunteers. See the article later in this issue for more information.
This is a very busy time in Pflugerville. Texas 130 is being built faster than I ever thought possible. The new Pecan Street bridge over Texas 130 is now open! Later in the newsletter you will see an article about new businesses around our neighborhood. Each of us has a personal responsibility to be informed citizens. I strongly encourage all residents to be active in your city government and local organizations so that you will be informed of and have a voice in what is happening in Pflugerville.
Have you been out to see Lake Pflugerville lately? The water level is up and the lake is really pretty. The foundations for the fishing piers have been completed. Watch for emails concerning volunteer workdays (tentatively set for February 18th and 25th) to finish the decks and rails of the piers.
Please mark your calendars for the Bohls Neighborhood Association annual meeting. We will meet at 3:00 P.M. on Saturday, May 6 in Heritage Park. Our next newsletter will give more details.
2005-2006 BNA Membership Drive
We are currently signing up for June 1, 2005 - May 31, 2006 BNA membership. The dues are $30/yr. Dues are used to promote neighborhood communication, maintain signage, support the Architectural Committees' enforcement of the deed restrictions and any other BNA expenses approved by the members of BNA. If you are
interested in joining contact Sally Gannaway @ 251-8516, Willie Watts @ 670-1447 or Shirl Enoch @ 252-0846.
Bohls Neighborhood Adopt-a-Trail Update
In November 2005 Bohls Neighborhood Association partnered with the Pflugerville Parks and Recreation Department to “adopt” the trail adjacent to Old Hutto Road from East Pecan north to F.M. 685.Adopting a trail means that our neighborhood will volunteer to:
· help pick up litter along on the trail,
· notify the Police Department of vandalism and/or illegal activity along the trail,
· notify the Parks and Recreation Department of any problems (e.g. low-hanging limbs, broken lights, dead shrubs or safety hazards, etc.) along the trail and
· participate in scheduled clean-up activities and approved special projects.
On Saturday, January 7 we had our first official scheduled clean up day. This was the first adopt-a-trail clean-up day in Pflugerville and Bohls Neighborhood was recognized at the January 10 City Council meeting!!
Eight Bohls residents partnered with four Pflugerville Parks and Recreation employees to pick up litter, trim trail shrubs, remove dead vegetation, dispose of trimmings and complete a special project. In a matter of few hours, the trail adjacent to our neighborhood was neat and clean.
Our special project for this clean-up day was to replace the plantings around the Bohls Place sign at Poppy Pass and Old Hutto Road. The Parks Department provided soil, grass sod, plants and water. Our volunteers cleaned the sign, laid sod, and planted new ornamental grass around the Bohls Place sign. The city is watering the new plantings using their water truck until the plants are established. The end result of this special project is a MAJOR improvement to one of our four neighborhood entrances.
A big THANK YOU to residents Nathan, Maren and Brian Giles for picking up litter along the trail. Thanks to residents Dwight Phillips, Craig Enoch, Michael & Sally Gannaway and Willie Watts for spending part of their Saturday making a difference in our neighborhood. We could not have done this without Pflugerville Parks and Recreation Department employees: Glenn Holzer (Director), Wayne Granger, Bill Abernathy and Robert Spriggs.
We encourage each Bohls resident to help keep our neighborhood and trail as clean as it can be. When you walk, take a plastic bag and pick up litter as you go. There are two trashcans along the trail where you can dump your finds. Also, please notify the Police Department (911 or 251-4004) if you see anyone vandalizing the trail, pool or park areas. Notify the Parks and Recreation Department (251-5082) if you see any other problems in the park or along the trail.If you would like to be more involved with the Bohls Neighborhood adopt-a-trail program, please contact us at .
The next Bohls neighborhood adopt-a-trail cleanup day is scheduled for Saturday, March 4th in conjunction with Keep Texas Beautiful, Dumpster Day and the citywide cleanup.
Dear Neighbors,
It appears that as the population continues to grow in Pflugerville, the number of crimes increases. This is a good reason we all need to become more educated about criminal activities. We need to learn what we can do to help Bohls Place and Bohls Crossing stay as safe as possible from criminal activities. A Neighborhood Watch Program for each block in our neighborhood will help to accomplish the goal of making us safer from criminals. The Neighborhood Watch Program is a self-help, community crime prevention program, with the main objective being to reduce crime by involving citizens in their communities.It is based on the crime prevention concept of reducing the opportunity for crimes to occur through education. The program is the most effective means available for keeping crime out of our neighborhood. The prevention of crime is a law enforcement duty and a public responsibility. Criminal activity can be reduced if individuals and communities partner with law enforcement.Make an impact to prevent crime in your community by starting a Neighborhood Watch Program for your block. It is our responsibility to make our neighborhood safer from criminals.
There are currently thirteen areas in our neighborhood who have received the Neighborhood Watch Program training. We need more trained. If you are interested in starting a program in your area, please contact me as specified at the end of the article.I can help you organize a training session with Cpl. Mike Clowdus of the Pflugerville Police Department, who performs the required training.Please consider starting a crime watch program and joining the Bohls Neighborhood Association to aid in keeping our neighborhood safer from criminals and property values at their optimum.
Willie Watts
1516 Santolina Court
February Outdoor Chores
By Kim Gaddy of Gaddy’s Hardware, Garden & Feed
A lot of “prep work” is done in February, but it will all pay off in the Spring. February is the time to prune, clean up leaves and debris from your beds, add organic matter to your garden soil, and apply pre-emergent weed killer to your lawn.
This month is the best time to prune most trees and shrubs, although you will want to avoid pruning spring-blooming shrubs like azaleas because they have already set their blooms by February. Prune rose bushes around Valentine’s Day, but wait to prune climbing roses until after they have bloomed. Make sure your pruning shears are sharp and in good condition before pruning.
Rake your lawn and save the leaves for compost.If you have had trouble with weeds in the past, apply a pre-emergent weed killer to keep last year’s weed seeds from germinating once the weather warms. You can find both organic and chemical pre-emergent weed killers. Also treat your yard with a fungicide in late February if you have had chronic brown patch problems.
Start getting your vegetable garden soil ready by adding organic matter and tilling the ground. Cool weather vegetable plants like broccoli, cabbage and English peas may be planted. Potatoes and onions are also planted at this time of year
Changes Near Our Neighborhood
There are a number of new projects either under development or planned for the near future around our neighborhood. The Pflugerville Planning and Building Inspection departments were asked for information. It is amazing how quickly things change. You are all encouraged to keep in contact with the city through attending city meetings or watching meetings via the city website or Cox cable.
This list is for your information only and should not be considered to be complete or official documentation. For official documentation contact the Pflugerville Planning and/or Building Inspection Departments at city hall.
· The land on the east side of F.M. 685 south of Pfluger Lane is in the process of requesting rezoning. This land is on the north side of Bohls Place and Bohls Crossing neighborhoods. According to the Planning Department, this land currently has multiple zonings and the owner is requesting that certain zonings be changed. The Planning Department at City Hall and the city website have detailed maps showing the requested zoning changes and the location of this land in relation to the Bohls neighborhoods. Per the Planning Department, the following public hearings are scheduled regarding this property:
JANUARY 30, 2006, 7:00 PM(public hearing)
FEBRUARY 6, 2006, 7:00 PM(P&Z recommendation)
FEBRUARY 14, 2006, 7:30PM (public hearing)
· The new structure being framed on the east side of F.M. 685 near Sonic is a veterinary office.
· HEB has obtained permits to build a self-service car wash on their lot facing East Pecan.According to HEB management, the car wash will be on the lot between the two Pecan Street driveways. There is currently a fenced retention pond facing Pecan on this lot. HEB management could not give me a construction date. There are no current plans for development of the lot at the corner of Pecan and Old Hutto Road.
· The Pflugerville Cedars Shopping Center is under construction on the west side F. M. 685 behind the Shell gas station at the corner of Applewood Drive.
· A new Chinese restaurant and a beauty shop are being constructed on Pecan Street next to Mama Jack’s Hamburgers. This is west of Timmerman Elementary School on the north side of Pecan.
· A new coffee shop is planned for the corner of Pecan and Second Street in downtown Pflugerville.
· No new information has been published concerning the widening of East Pecan since funding was approved in the last Travis County bond election.
Campanula Way 1st place
Santolina Court 2nd Place
Firebush 3rd Place
Thanks to households who decorated their homes for the holiday season. We would also like to thank resident Tracy Pena-Carpenter, with Keller Williams Real Estate, for donating a portion of the prizes.
Our neighborhood will be having a food drive on February 25. Watch for a flyer with instructions and bag on your doorstep.
Bohls Neighborhood Association
E-mail Distribution List
Did you know that we have an e-mail distribution list that we use to keep the residents of the neighborhood informed of what’s happening in Pflugerville and our neighborhood? If you are interested in being added to the list send your e-mail address to . You do not have to belong to BNA to be on the distribution list.
P.O. Box 2484, Pflugerville, TX 78691 is the address used by Bohls Neighborhood Association, Bohls Place Architectural Committee and Bohls Crossing Architectural Committee. You may also contact any of these groups by emailing .
Bohls Neighborhood Association (BNA) will only accept advertisements for BNA neighborhood communications from businesses. Advertising a business in a BNA neighborhood communication does not imply endorsement of that business by BNA. BNA reserves the right to refuse to accept any advertisement. Political or religious advertisements will not be accepted.