Proposer: Kongor Youth Association (KYA)


Tel: + 254(0) 0723504023


Donors: Kongor Students Association in Australia (KSAA), the Kongor Publics and well-wishers.

Term of Reference: The Kongor reconstruction and Development plans policies with respect to the on going project KMC-Kongor Muti-Centre.

Presenters: Mr. Atem Bul Malang, the KYA chairman, Mr. Aguer Chol Arok, the KYA Nairobi Representative.


To the call for improving the education standard at home, we find it necessary to invest in establishing each school to have a library, this is a long term plans that we are addressing currently in the main project Kongor Muti-Centre (KMC). We request the well-wishers to respond to this call for assistance to the schools at home. We need to supply some text books to the high schools, we targeted the high school because there is only one high school in the Twic East County, and considering it now may not stretch the little fund we can acquire to an insignificant achievement, it be good to concentrated and solicits them in one focal point.

Since most of the learning people need to engagement in intensive games activities which move along with the education, we need to give support with games items. In the next short term project, we may support the schools with games items.

The budgeting that will following will show the list of importance choice that we have made.


The unique unrests problems that have tire our Nation for many years has brought down all the development nearly to zero. The infrastructures for education, health, communication, housing and transport are completely paralyzed. This remains now to be the harder time of re-establishment. The war just added to vanishing to the infrastructures disappear, since we were mostly deny the chance of those infrastructures, before the war there were nearly no educations centers, health centers, transport and communication mean.

The displaces the Sudanese in the Displace camps, Refugee camps and in overseas did not sleep with out thinking of their homes, they, old and young push for education as the only option weapon for them to continue participating in the librations. It happens to those few survivors.

In 1998, the Kongor Students in Kakuma Refugee camps form their own students Association-KSA, mainly to provide support to the welfare to the students through counseling, resources mobilization from the community for community library books and more.

The extension of the same work force has not lasted in the mind of every Kongor People. The transformation of the association to Kongor Youth Association was done in 2005 to broader the objects dimensions to a wider perspective.

With the repatriations of the Refugee to home, there is, and it been there, a great concern that we the young and old get up and say let do this for the people. Recently we communicated with one of Heads of the high schools in Kongor, Mr. Mayom Arok from the John`s Garang High School, He demand us to help him with at least a copy of each syllabus text books, the Kenya education system. We release each copy to him but that does solve any, it trouble for having teachers without the learning tools. Similar request was communicated to me us Aguer Arok Gak, a teacher in Pamuot primary schools. Here our resources are insufficient and we need to respond to the entire request as sooner we have the fund.

The KYA had work collaboratively with KSAA in many small projects that befitted to the prosperity of the community and the nation. This is a great considerable desire that need to embraces by others.


@  To sensitize self-sustainable projects to the community,

@  To promote socialization and preservation of positive cultural practices

@  To nurture and promote unity, interaction and improvement on potentialities of youths and the potential youths.

@  To advocate and promote corrupt-free environment

@  To fight for illiteracy eradication, ignorance, poverty and development.

@  To enhance and promote children’s rights and welfare, equality and sports etc

@  To educate the community about HIV/AIDS and other diseases

@  To help the government in civil education

@  To prevent discrimination base on sex, age, status, religion, and race

@  To promote healthy environment and conservation

@  To prevent sexual abuse, drugs abuse and exploitation.

@  To have hands in promoting free corrupt environment, rehabilitations, reconciliation and co-existence of communities.


The project aims at addressing the educational under-locks and improvement of the learning institutions to be equipment with the right educational facilities and stationeries.


·  To help the teachers with the teaching tools and equipment for an effective duties

·  To create best learning environment and to subject the students to research and self-reading.

·  To prove physical improvement and games, and to identities potential talents.


·  To improve education challenges in the provision of educational stationeries-library center and to support learning institutions, and to create good atmosphere and encourage education services at home for the repatriated people and the people in the area.

·  To accommodate and make use of the library services; books and other stationeries of KYA from Kakuma Refugee Camp in due time of repatriation.


Books Title / Form / Descriptions / Quantity / Cost per unit (Kshs) / Total cost (Kshs)
Mathematics / 1 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 345 / 3450
2 / KLB/KIE / 7 / 405 / 2835
3 / KLB/KIE / 5 / 370 / 1850
English / 1 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 360 / 3600
2 / KLB/KIE / 7 / 320 / 2240
3 / KLB/KIE / 5 / 370 / 1850
Chemistry / 1 / KLB/KIE / 15 / 140 / 2100
2 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 270 / 2700
3 / KLB/KIE / 5 / 310 / 1550
Physics / 1 / KLB/KIE / 15 / 370 / 5550
2 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 360 / 3600
3 / KLB/KIE / 3 / 465 / 1395
Biology / 1 / KLB/KIE / 15 / 265 / 3975
2 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 300 / 3000
3 / KLB/KIE / 8 / 315 / 2520
Agriculture / 1 / KLB/KIE / 15 / 255 / 3825
2 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 290 / 2900
3 / KLB/KIE / 8 / 315 / 2520
CRE / 1 / KLB/KIE / 10 / 310 / 3100
2 / KLB/KIE / 7 / 235 / 1645
3 / KLB/KIE / 5 / 290 / 1450
Books ∑ 190 / Total cost ∑ 57,655

Supplementary/Revision Books

Book Title / Descriptions / Quantity / Cost per unit (Kshs) / Total cost (Kshs)
English Dictionary / Longman / 1 / 950 / 950
Mathematics KCSE / Golden tips / 5 / 600 / 3000
English KCSE / Golden tips / 5 / 455 / 2275
Chemistry KCSE / Golden tips / 5 / 450 / 2250
Biology KCSE / Golden tips / 5 / 420 / 2100
Physics KCSE / Golden tips / 3 / 350 / 1050
Agriculture KCSE / Golden tips / 5 / 550 / 2750
CRE KCSE / Golden tips / 4 / 385 / 1540
Books ∑ 33 / Total cost ∑ 15,915


KENYA SHILLING 73,570 ≈ 1,115 USD


N/B: Some few teacher guides books have not been included. KYA shall organize how to transport them to panyagor.


The sooner we get the fund, the procurement will be done and items transported home. The few texts books that we have in Kakuma shall be transfer home.


The heart and interest of the people at back home, in the displace camps, Refugee camps and overseas is the establishment of a well stable society, society full of hope and prosperities, there is a great need for the war effects to be addressed. The government of South Sudan should establish communities’ development fund, as well as the local government take responsibilities to solicit the local resources for the re-construction.

Education cannot operation effectively if other publics’ utilities are not stable, we need the present of human security, food, water and health among other necessities.


It our pleasure to submitted this project for funding from KSAA and other interesting developmental organizations. The target projected in this project is very much closer to the optimum line of maximization. We need to move far away from that line so as to satisfy the need and demand of the Schools at home. Let work hard for KMC to solve all this pending problems. Many students are leaving the Kakuma in a very desperate state; they do not know their future education back home. Let comfort them and intervene.

Towns and cities are build bits by bits through investment.

The success of this project is the beginning success to the KMC.


Library Acts

The KYA has developmental missions that range from the windows of education, health, agriculture and –eco-social development. The association has the implementation strategies drawn for the Kongor Development Association-KONDA which oversees development in Kongor.

With references to the constitution, KYA is committed to design, support and maintain the community investments. The organization has the dedications of energy for development, education, unity and equity

The following are the elements and provisions of the library acts;

1)  The library assets are community resources and be use by all the direct and indirect beneficiaries of the association without discriminations.

2)  All users must cohere and be governance by the rules of the association.

3)  The library users who wanted to be members of the library shall be given library membership card. This card shall be use for the borrowing and other provisions to the membership.

4)  A fee of at most 15 USD or it equivalent is charge per member. Remember not all the users are considered as members.

5)  Misuses of the resources by any one shall not be tolerated and any person must make compensation of the losses/damages he/she incurred.

6)  The books are to be use at the established venues in every Boma, or school or in the community Library. The head of the community services shall be a primary advocator for the community projects.

7)  The librarian has the authorities to propose and by-rules that are applicable to the public interest. The librarian shall be the chair to the library council. The council composes of selected members from the community and relevance KYA education board members.

8)  The association will undertake to fund the operation cost of the services through it own funds or from any agents that are supporting the education in Kongor.

9)  The association shall take a co-operate interest with other organizations in developing management and optimum measures of supporting development projects.

10) The community shall be required to make supervisory roles in the association’s work. The community directives and design on how the resources should be consumed shall be bonds to all sectors of the association.

11) The users who wish to borrow books must produce the library membership cards. Only the members shall be allowed to take books or library resources outside it premises.

12) The library shall operate from Monday for Saturday, appropriate opening time are to be due arrange by the library councils.

13) All books must have the association stamp, Books reference number and the affiliate source of funding/donation sheet attach to the first inner cover page. E.g (Donated by Kongor Students Association).

14) Individual gifts and donations are strongly encourage and shall be the great pillars of expansion.

15) The community and it publics are the dependable sources for liable security to the library and it premises content.

16) All the books in the library must be in the inventory and record books. After every half-year, an audit and inspections shall be conducted by the appointed commission.

17) The officials sign must observe and plays professional duties and keep vigilant to the call for their functions.

18) The association can from time to time set roles and provisions that are to be adopted and respected by all the sectors. Those roles are legislative and executive free and fair to the majority approval.

Concern information to:

, Tel: +254 723504023

KYA Library Acts 2005 drawn from KSA legislative assemble 2000