Bullying Resources


- Suicide Prevention materials


A marvelous video produced by TomiedePaola. "Oliver Button is a Star" based on DePaola’s book "Oliver Button is a Sissy." Suitable for all ages, this 56 minute video features De Paola reading his book to a group of young children.
A children’s book, again suitable for all ages by David McPhail, called NO. No is the only word in the entire book. It is a fable about a child who is bullied, All the while the illustrations cleverly and profoundly dramatizes war, violence and conflict. It is a marvelous discussion starter for youth and adults.
Woodlake Publishers (Canada) had a set of Intergenerational Curriculum called Learning God’s Stories Together. One on the units was on bullying using stories of bullies from the Bible.

Bullying and Stop Bullying: Video Series:
Bullying is pervasive in our schools. An estimated 1.6 million young people in grades six through ten are bullied at least once a week. Many young people feel helpless in these situations. Learn the differences between bullying by boys versus bullying by girls. Learn concrete steps to teach students how to respond to bullying. Two video set; leader guides included.
Bullying: What Every Adult Needs to Know
As long as there have been schools, there have been bullies. Today we understand that bullying has serious consequences for both the victims and the bullies, ranging from low self-esteem to suicide. This tape helps educate adults about what bullying is and what they can do to help the young people in their lives when bullying is a problem. Leader guide included.
Stop Bullying! Standing Up for Yourselves and Others
Every school day, 150,000 American students stay home to avoid being bullied. Many young people feel helpless in these situations. They need to what to do if they are bullied or if they witness bullying. Mark Brown uses his own personal experience with having been bullied as he speaks to thousands of kids each year about the importance of tolerance and respect. Guide included.
What Do I Do When Teenagers Encounter Bullying and Violence

Nobody can prepare you for all the issues you’ll encounter when you work with teenagers. In this hard-hitting book, you’ll find answers to the difficult questions you face when challenges arise.

Dr. Steven Gerali

Zondervan Publishing


- UCC National Headquarters provided a lot of material on bullying. They put together a wonderful packet of material for teachers, clergy, community leaders, and parents. JanResseger
Minister for Public Education and Witness
Justice And Witness Ministries
700 Prospect Ave., Cleveland,Ohio 44115

Another organization is Youth Frontiers
They host Kindness Retreats for youth.
has done something on this topic. Contact CEO and ordained Episcopalian, Linda Grenzat Phone: 413-320-4773 or 800-941-2218, Email:
Paraclete Press has done some excellent things on bullying.
- I am not personally familiar with it so can’t vouch for quality or theology, but seems to be worth a look. (Paul Coughlin is the founder of The Protectors, the faith-based and values-based solution to adolescent bullying and the author of No More Christian Nice)
The Trevor Project ( They are much better known for suicide prevetion.

Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Netowrk (GLSEN)