/ Application
2014 Quality Diocesan Committee Award
Diocese ______City ______State ______
Committee Chair ______Chaplain ______

A National Quality Diocesan Committee must achieve 8 of the 14 objectives to qualify. Starred (*) items are required.

Objectives / Circle One
* 1. / Increase religious emblem awards presented over prior year / Yes / No
* 2. / Provide your (Arch)Bishop and Regional Chair a year end summary of activities of your committee including strengths and weaknesses.Maintain a functional DCCS committeethat meets at least four times during the year and has an annual schedule of activities. / Yes / No
* 3. / Contact each unit leader of the Catholic-chartered units in the diocese at least once during the year (does not need to be in person) / Yes / No
* 4. / Promote and encourage participation of each Catholic-chartered unit in the National Catholic Quality Unit Award – Pope Paul VI program. / Yes / No
* 5. / Offer an adult leader training program such as religious emblems counselor training or the Scouter Development: Lay Apostolate Formation for Scouting program. This activity may be shared with a neighboring diocese. / Yes / No
*6. / Send a reportto your Regional Chair that identifies the number of religious awards presented by emblem. Include participation information on patch and other programs offered by your diocese. / Yes / No
7. / Discuss with local BSA council ways to charter new units. Conduct aunit impact event to promote new unit formation and retention of existing units. See BishopsEvent.doc for suggested activity. / Yes / No
8. / Conduct a religious event such as a retreat, day of recollection or history-themed program. / Yes / No
9. / Host a diocesan Scout Mass, inviting the (Arch)Bishop and other clergy. This Mass may celebrate Scout Sunday, an awards ceremony, or other occasion as appropriate. / Yes / No
10. / Present your committee’s schedule of activities at a Scouting Roundtable, show, preview or training event. Publicize activities in local or NCCS websites and publications. / Yes / No
11. / Promote attendance at the NCCS Scouting in the Catholic Church course(adults) and the 2015 St. George Trek (youth). / Yes / No
12. / Distribute, at least twice during the year, a diocesan Catholic Scouting print or electronic newsletter, or host a website for Scouters to get informationwitha link to the NCCS website. / Yes / No
13. / Develop and Implement a plan to ensure chaplaincy at a local council’s Scout camp or ensure Mass coverage for district/council camporees, Wood Badge training or other functions. / Yes / No
14. / Attend aCatholic regional training event or meeting, or attend the NCCS annual meeting / Yes / No

Bold items indicate new or revised item


Diocesan ChairDiocesan Chaplain

Regional Chair Approval by:______Region #: ______Date:______

Achieved 2014 Quality Objectives (Circle One): Yes NoPlease send the certificate and patches to:

Contact name: ______

Contact address: ______City, State, Zip: ______

Please forward this application to your Regional Chair to be signed and approved fromDecember 1, 2014 – March 15, 2015.

9/15/2018 3:14:12 PM