Liturgical Ministers September 2015 through August 2016

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1st week

Greeters: Peg Murphy

Ushers: Dave and Mary Hoffer

Lector: Deb Garlock

Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Wehri, Brianna Atkins, Bob Minto

Servers: Zane Myers and Grace Myers

Cantor: Katie Hohenbrink


Greeters: Jan Emmert and Diana Sabater

Ushers: Dave and Joel Siefker

Lector: Jason Swartzlander

Eucharistic Ministers: Jessica Wischmeyer, Jeanne Parinello, Jack Marcum

Servers: Derek Swartzlander and Courtney McLaughlin

Cantor: Jenny Roby


Greeters: Basil Meyer

Ushers: John Parinello and Chuck Niese

Lector: Jim Kinn

Eucharistic Ministers: Diana Bucher, Jennifer Tschuor

Servers: Brayton and Addison Businger

Cantor: Steve McCullough


Greeters: Jeanne Parinello

Ushers: Hank and Carol Schroeder

Lector: Jenny Roby

Eucharistic Ministers: Bob Minto, Edna Conkling

Servers: Allyson Kettels and Kendal Giesige

Cantor: Dave Roby


Greeters: Peg Murphy

Ushers: Bob Minto and John Parinello

Lector: Laura Jones

Eucharistic Ministers: Jessica Wischmeyer, Basil Meyer, Rosemary Meyer

Servers: Derek Swartzlander and Abigail Kettels

Cantor: Sister Carol


1st week

Greeters: Logan and Rachel Welch

Ushers: Trent/Todd and Colin Phillips

Lectors: Mel Heitmeyer and Laura Jones

Eucharistic Ministers: Wes Lovett, Lisa Welch, Logan Welch, Megan Dulle, Rosemary Meyer

Servers: Drew and Ken Lovett, Olivia Smallcombe

Cantor: Karen Phillips


Greeters: Mel and Sherri Heitmeyer

Ushers: Mike and Serena Maag

Lectors: Brian Miller and Matt Ellerbrock

Eucharistic Ministers: Julia Miller, Jenna Kimmel, Cathy Hermiller, Crystal Ellerbrock,Candace Vance

Servers: Kaden Reneker, Julia Mehaffie, andJonathan Schriner

Cantor: Kevin Vance


Greeters: Steve and Kelly Yarnell

Ushers: Jerry and Jeanne Wehri

Lectors: Judy Lester and Joe Herrmann

Eucharistic Ministers: Amy Marcum, Mark Zweibel, Tricia Herrmann, Hank Schroeder

Servers: Joel Siefker, Anthony Kiser, Makayla Schweingruber

Cantor: Steve McCullough


Greeters: Judy Lester and Deb Buck

Ushers: Nick Marcum and Joseph Schriner

Lectors: Lisa Welch and Jan Schulte

Eucharistic Ministers: Michelle Risner, Betty Gerten, Tom Schulte, Linda Kinn,

Servers: Brayton Businger, Josh and Nathan Meyer

Cantor: Katie Hohenbrink


Greeters: Judy Lester and Basil Meyer

Ushers: Mike and Serena Maag

Lectors: Sister Carol and Pat Lugibihl

Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Wehri, Kim Garmatter, Dave Gerschutz, Travis Kahle, Basil Meyer

Servers: Drew and Ken Lovett, Jonathan Schriner

Cantor: Becca Schlumbohm