NJ Department of Community Affairs
Division of Codes and Standards
P.O. Box 802
Trenton, NJ 08625-0802
(609) 292-7899
Table of Contents
Introduction ...... 4
Installation and Getting Started ...... 6
If You Are New ...... 7
Overview of the System ...... 8
Main Menu ...... 14
Enter Data ...... 15
Permit Fee Log ...... 16
Payment Record ...... 19
Permit Updates / Changes ...... 20
Certificate Log ...... 22
Inspection Data Entry ...... 24
Enter New Request ...... 24
Update Current Request ...... 30
Inspection Results ...... 31
Ongoing Inspections ...... 32
Structure – Plan Review ...... 33
Record of Payment ...... 35
Adjustment Record ...... 35
Misc. Payment / Adjustment ...... 36
Block / Lot File ...... 39
Violations ...... 40
Changing Permit Numbers and Modifying Permit Status . . . . 47
Display Permit / Certificate Data ...... 49
Print Reports ...... 52
Main Print Menu Reports ...... 52
Inspection Reports ...... 57
Plan Review Reports ...... 60
Violations ...... 62
Printing Problems ...... 64
Send Data to DCA ...... 65
Communications Problems ...... 68
Change Program Setup ...... 69
Change Passwords ...... 69
Update Inspector Data ...... 71
Ongoing Inspection Intervals ...... 72
Fee Collection – Administrative ...... 73
Permit Number Sequence Checking ...... 74
Archive Permits ...... 75
Database Housekeeping ...... 78
Restore System from Backup ...... 79
Change Program Setup (continued)
Municipality Name on Notices ...... 82
Interface With Tape Backup System ...... 84
Rebuild Index Files ...... 85
Backup System ...... 86
Appendix A
System Requirements and the UCCARS Directory System ...... 89
Appendix B
Installation and Operation of UCCARS on a Network ...... 90
Appendix C
Glossary ...... 91
Appendix D
Data Entry Conventions and Field Validation ...... 92
Appendix E
Use Group and Census Item ...... 95
Appendix F
UCCARS Reports ...... 97
Appendix G
Lookup Feature ...... 98
Appendix H
Red Box Errors ...... 101
UCCARS System 1 is an accounting and record-keeping system for Code Enforcement officials. It is designed to automate much of the existing paperwork that goes along with Uniform Construction Code administration. Information can be typed directly onto the screen, in forms that look just like the forms you would use on paper. UCCARS then stores all of this data, and makes it easy for you to find and work with different pieces of information. Some of the things UCCARS can do for you are:
-Summarize cash receipts and permit-related transactions.
-Produce reports complying with state requirements.
-Produce summaries for mayor and council officials.
-Maintain a permanent record of building activity throughout the year.
-Track inspections and plan reviews.
-Print violation notices.
UCCARS is menu-driven. This means that you do not have to spend any time learning commands. The program offers you a list of actions, and you simply choose the one you want to perform. You might want to enter a new permit, you might want to find information for a particular block and lot, or you might want to print out a report on last month’s certificate activity. There are menu choices for all of these actions.
Information in UCCARS is stored in different files. All permits are stored in one computer file, while all payment records are stored in another; inspections are stored in yet another file. This is just like storing forms on paper in a filing cabinet, except that UCCARS does all the filing for you, so you don’t have to know anything about how the UCCARS files are organized. Any time you ask for a particular form or piece of information, UCCARS will retrieve it from its electronic files and bring it up on the screen for you.
UCCARS is designed to operate with a minimum of input, while automating your month-end reporting tasks. Its purpose is to make your tasks easier. UCCARS produces the following main reports:
-Permit Fee Log Report
-Certificate Log Report
-Municipal Monthly Activity Report – Permits
-Municipal Monthly Activity Report – Certificates
-State Training Fees
-Federal Census Report
-Cash Receipts Audit Report
In addition, UCCARS helps you track permits that have been voided, abandoned or expired, the status of inspections, periodic ongoing inspections, and plan reviews. Other reports that UCCARS produces are:
-Expired / Abandoned / Void Permits
-Current Inspection Requirements
-Inspection Log (Results)
-Overdue Inspection Requests
-Permits with no Inspections
-Inspection History for Specific Permit
-Periodic Ongoing Inspections
-Status of Plan Reviews by Project
-Status of Plan Reviews by Subcode
-Due or Overdue Plan Reviews
UCCARS also prints the following notices of violation:
-Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate
-Notice and Order of Penalty
-Notice of Unsafe Structure
-Notice of Imminent Hazard
-Stop Construction Order
When you are working with a particular form and adding supplementary forms to it, UCCARS will fill in all of the information that is already knows. On certain pieces of information, UCCARS will also check for errors. For example, only certain numbers have any meaning as Census Items. UCCARS has an internal list of which numbers do have meaning, and if you accidentally type one that doesn’t, UCCARS will ask you to provide a different number. This checking of information is called field validation. For specific information on which fields are checked, and what they are checked for, refer to Appendix D.
UCCARS uses passwords to provide security. Each option of the Main Menu requires a password before it will let you move on to the next level. There are four levels of passwords, which allow different people access to different areas of the program. Level 1 allows the least access, while level 4 allows access to everything in the program. Each level of password builds on the previous one; that is, level 2 allows for everything that level 1 does, and adds some capabilities on top of that. The basic functions are:
-Level 1: Reports and display only.
-Level 2: Enter and update data; make backups.
-Level 3: Make adjustments; send data to DCA.
-Level 4: Administrator access – can change program setup; modify a permit number or permit status.
Your administrator will give you a password to use.
Again, the whole purpose of using UCCARS is to make your life easier. If you have any problems with it or questions about it that the manual doesn’t answer, call the support line for free telephone technical assistance at (908) 889-6000 or call NJDCA at (609) 292-7899.
Installation and Getting Started
If you do not have UCCARS on your computer, you will need to install the program. If you do already have UCCARS installed, skip this section; you are ready to start reading about how the program works.
To install UCCARS, place the UCCARS System 1 Disk in you’re a drive or B drive, whichever is appropriate. At the C:\prompt, type:
A:\INSTALLA or B:INSTALLB (again, whichever is appropriate) <ENTER>
It doesn’t matter whether you use upper or lower-case characters. This command runs the UCCARS install program, and it will set up your computer for UCCARS. Once you have installed UCCARS on your hard drive, you need never do it again.
There is one other install program that you should run. This part of installation will help you to load the communications software that is used in sending data to the Department of Community Affairs. If you are not currently in the UCCARS subdirectory, type the following:
Then insert your Crosstalk disk into your floppy drive, and type:
INSTALLXA or INSTALLXB (again, whichever is appropriate) <ENTER>
When you see the message:
Installation of Crosstalk is now complete
Your computer is all set to run UCCARS. From now on, any time you want to start the program, just turn on your machine, and type:
Installing UCCARS in a network environment may be different. Consult your network administrator or vendor for assistance.
Do not use the A:INSTALLA or B:INSTALLB from a Windows environment.
If You Are New. . .
If you are new to the computer, it might be good to spend a little bit of time playing with it first to get used to it. You should also become comfortable with your computer’s keyboard, which for the most part acts like a typewriter. A few keys that you should understand are:
-Backspace: Deletes the character to the left of the cursor; acts like a typewriter by erasing backwards.
-Delete: Deletes the character that your cursor is under; does a forward erase.
-Enter: Acts like a carriage return on a typewriter; but is especially important on a computer, because it is often used to relay what you have typed to the computer.
-Shift and Caps Lock: Work just like those on a typewriter.
-Cursor Keys: These are the four arrow keys on the right of your keyboard. They allow you to move your cursor In any direction while you are in any program.
-Function Keys: These are the keys along the top or on the left side of your keyboard, labeled “F1” through “F10”. They have special functions that are defined by whatever program you are using.
Feel free to experiment with your computer. The more comfortable you are with it, the easier your work will be, and the more you get out of using it.
Overview of the System
This section is intended to provide a brief overview of UCCARS System 1, and to give you an idea of where to start with the program. Each menu option is discussed briefly to give a general idea of how it works. Full explanations can be found in the following chapters, which detail each UCCARS operation.
Main Menu
The Main Menu is your starting point in UCCARS> It contains seven options. Six of these options are entry points into different areas of UCCARS. You can perform any number of options in these areas, and when you are finished, you will always be returned back to the Main Menu. The seventh option is Quit. Select this option when you want to end this session of UCCARS. UCCARS will shut down, and you will be returned to the DOS prompt or to Windows Desktop or Program Manager.
Explanations of each of these Main Menu choices follow:
Enter Data
This option allows you to enter data into the system. When you select this option, you will be brought to another menu, from which you choose the type of information that you want to enter. Each type of data entry ultimately returns you to the Enter Data menu, so you can enter any number of different forms before you decide to return to the Main Menu.
Permit Fee Log: This option will bring up a blank Permit Fee Log form on your screen. UCCARS will not let you fill in any information until you have entered a permit number. If the permit number is a new one, you will be allowed to enter information into all the fields on your screen. If the permit number you typed has already been entered into the system, you will have a choice as to whether you want to create a permit update, or change the information that is currently stored for that permit number. If you choose to update the permit, UCCARS will add a letter to the permit number, (e.g. 92-632+A) to indicate that this is an update. Whether you are creating an update or changing and existing permit, information from the original permit, will be retrieved and displayed on your screen and you will be able to add/change the information. When you save a Permit Fee Log, UCCARS will check to see whether or not any fee information has been filled in. If you have entered fee information, a Payment Record screen will be displayed. This is the same screen that is brought up by selecting Record of Payment from the Enter Data menu. At this point, you can fill in any payment information, and you will be returned to the Enter Data menu.
Certificate Log: This option will bring up a blank Certificate Fee Log form on your screen, and like the Permit Feel Log, you will have to enter a certificate number before you can fill in any other information. If you want to enter information that corresponds to an existing permit, type in the number of that permit. UCCARS will then retrieve data from the permit and display it on the Certificate Fee Log screen. If you are entering a Certificate of Continued Occupancy, Certificate of Compliance, or Temporary Certificate of Compliance, you may not have a corresponding permit; in this case, enter a unique certificate number. Again, if you have any fee information, a Payment Record form will appear when you store your Certificate Fee Log. This is the same screen that you see when you select Record of Payment from the Enter Data menu. Whether or not you fill out a Payment Record, you will be returned to the Enter Data menu,
Inspection: This option will bring up an Inspection Data Entry menu on your screen. There you can choose to enter a new inspection request, update a current request, enter inspection results, or return to the prior Data Entry menu. You must have previously stored a corresponding Permit Fee Log entry into UCCARS before you can enter any inspection request or results data.
Structure – Plan Review: This option will bring up a blank Plan Review status form on your screen. You must have previously stored a corresponding Permit Fee Log entry identifying it with either a permit or a control number. UCCARS asks you to specify that permit or control number on the Plan Review screen, If no Plan Review data exists for that number, you will be allowed to enter information onto the blank Plan Review screen. If Plan Review data has already been entered for that number, it will appear on the screen and you can update it. In the event that plans have been rejected and resubmitted, you can enter the Plan Review Resubmittal information.
Record of Payment: This option allows you to enter payment information for a permit or a certificate without going through the Permit or Certificate Fee Log data entry. When you select Record of Payment, a payment form will appear on your screen. You must enter the number of an existing permit or certificate, and UCCARS will fill in the information it already knows about the item. When you are finished filling in the Payment Record, you will be returned to the Enter Data menu.
Adjustment: This option allows you to make adjustments to any Payment Record. Payment Records cannot be modified as Permit and Certificate Fee Logs can; if you want to make a correction to a Payment Record, you must apply and adjustment to it. Type in the number of the permit or certificate you wish to adjust, and UCCARS will display the corresponding Payment Record and allow you to make any adjustment. When you have finished, you will be returned to the Enter Data menu.
Misc Payment / Adjustment: This option allows you to enter a penalty or other miscellaneous payment. It is the only data entry form that does not require a permit or certificate number; enter a number if the payment corresponds to a permit or certificate that is on file, otherwise you can use the Block, Lot, and Qual Code as identifiers. This screen can also act as an adjustment screen for individuals with a level-three password or higher. When you have finished entering the payment or adjustment, you will be returned to the Enter Data men.
X – Exit to Main Menu: Select this option when you are finished with all of your data entry. At this point, UCCARS will return you to the Main Menu.
Block/Lot File: This option will bring up a blank Block/Lot form on your screen. You can change information on a specific block and lot which has already been entered into the system by typing in that block and lot. UCCARS will then retrieve that information, at which point you can make the change and store the screen. Your other option is to enter new information into all
of the fields on your screen so that when you enter a new permit for the block and lot, the information will appear on the Permit Fee Log Input screen. If a change is made to block and lot information on the Permit Fee Log Input screen, the information will automatically be updated in the Block/Lot file, affecting future permit entries. Permits which were entered prior to the change in block and lot information will not be affected.
Violations: This option will bring us a Violations Data Entry menu on your screen. There you can choose to enter a Notice of Violation and Order to Terminate, and Unsafe Structure Notice or a Stop Construction Order. It is not necessary to have already entered a corresponding Permit Fee Log entry into UCCARS prior to issuing one of these notices.
Display Permit/Certificate Data
This option allows you to make queries on all permit and certificate data in the system. You can request information based on the permit or certificate number, the block and lot number, the worksite address, or the owner’s name. UCCARS will then display a list of all permits and certificates that match your criteria.
If you are interested in seeing any of these permits or certificates in full, you can choose one from the list, and UCCARS will display all of the information associated with it on-screen. You can look at any number of permits/certificates on the list. When you are done with the list, you can either specify a new search for UCCARS to perform, or you can return to the Main Menu.