Board of County Commissioners

Regular Board Meeting

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Board of County Commissioners in and for Wakulla County, Florida met for a regular Board Meeting on Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. with Chairman Howard Kessler presiding. Present were Commissioners George Green, Lynn Artz, Alan Brock and Mike Stewart. Also present were County Attorney Ron Mowrey, County Administrator Ben Pingree and Deputy Clerk Evelyn Evans.

Invocation provided by Commissioner Kessler and Pledge of Allegiance by Commissioner Brock.


(CD5:01) Commissioner Stewart moved to approve the Agenda with the following additions:

Under Commissioner Stewart, discussion items add (1) Letter of Support for CTST Grant for the Upper Bridge land purchase (2) opposing turn lane North of Crawfordville

Under Lynn Artz, add Resolution

Under Commissioner Kessler, add Wetlands Ordinance

Second by Commissioner Green and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


Presentation by Charles G. Pattison, FAICP, President, 1000 Friends of Florida on Wakulla Springs

Tabled to the July 21, 2009 Board Meeting

(CD5:03) Introduction of Nakeisha Oliver, Probation Services Coordinator

(CD5:06) Presentation by Mark Mitchell, Waterfronts Committee, Rock the Dock Tournament


(CD5:12) Commissioner Stewart moved to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of items 8, 12, 18, 19 pulled for discussion. Second by Commissioner Green and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

1. Approval of Minutes – June 2, 2009 Regular Meeting

Option 1 - Approve

2. Approval of Minutes – June 2, 2009 Workshop to allow Selected Firms to Provide Oral Presentations in Response to the Legal Services Request for Proposal

Option 1 – Approve

3. Approval of Payment of Bills and Vouchers submitted for May 28, 2009 – June 10, 2009

Option 1 - Approve

4. Request Board approval to adopt a Resolution declaring July 3, 2009 as Freedom of Speech Day in Wakulla County

Option 1 – Approve adopting a Resolution declaring July 3, 2009 as Freedom of Speech Day in Wakulla County

5. Request Board approval to Amend Ordinance 96-26, to transfer the collection and enforcement of Tourism Tax from Wakulla County to the Florida Department of Revenue

Option 1 – Approve to schedule a public hearing and authorize advertising of Ordinance amendment

6. Update to the Board on the Wakulla County Health Department Budget Cuts and Request Board approval of the Proposed Fee Schedule
Option 1 – Approve and adopt the proposed fee schedule for fiscal year 2009/2010

7. Board Confirmation of Commissioner Appointments to the Recreation Board to fill vacancies in their District Representation

Option 1 – Approve Commissioner appointments to the Recreation Board

9. Consideration for Board to request Clerical and Administrative Support to the Code Enforcement Board from the Clerk of Court’s Office
Option 1 – Direct staff to begin negotiations with the Clerk of Court’s Office on the transfer of administrative and clerical support to the Code Enforcement Board public hearings

10. Status Report and action plan regarding the expenditure of funds drawn on three (3) Irrevocable Letters of Credit for the completion of paving, sidewalk improvements and park amenities within Hidden Meadows Subdivision – pulled prior to meeting

11. Request Board ratification of submission of Transportation Enhancement Project (Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan) to CRTPA for inclusion in the FDOT 2011-2015 Work Program

Option 1 – Vote to ratify the submission of a Transportation Enhancement Project (Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan) to CRTPA for inclusion in the FDOT 2011-2015 Work Program

13. Request Board approval to purchase a 2009 Excellance Type 3 Advanced Life Support Ambulance

Option 1 – Approve to purchase a 2009 Type 3 Excellance Ambulance

14. Request Board consideration and approval of a Resolution and Budget Amendment for acceptance of the State of Florida EMS Office Grant for Intraosseous Devices

Option 1 - Approve Wakulla County EMS to accept the Intraosseous Grant, by approving Resolution and Budget Amendment

15. Request Board consideration and approval of a Resolution and Budget Amendment for acceptance of the State of Florida EMS Office Grant for First Responder Bags

Option 1 – Approve Wakulla County EMS and Wakulla Fire Rescue to accept the State of Florida EMS Grant for First Responder Jump Bags by approving the Resolution and Budget Amendment

16. Request Board consideration and approval of a Resolution and Budget Amendment for acceptance of the State of Florida’s EMS Office Grant for Automated CPR Devices

Option 1 – Approve Wakulla EMS to accept the Automated CPR Device Grant by approving the Resolution and Budget Amendment

17. Request Board approval of a specific Holiday Compensation Policy for 56-Hour Classified Employees of the Department of Public Safety

Option 1 - Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Human Resource Personnel policy for a specific holiday compensation for 56-hour classified employees of the Department of Public Safety, and authorize the payment of all County holidays at the new policy level.


(CD5:13) 8. Request Board approval to transfer funds for cost associated to Permitting Modifications on Dock Elevations and Geo-Tech Sampling for each Piling Depth associated to the Dock Elevation

Commissioner Brock moved to approve payment in the amount of $12,530.00 to Preble-Rish and the $1,250.00 permitting modification filed by FDEP. Second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:16) 12. Request Board approval to purchase a New Rosenbauer Custom Chassis Fire Engine for the principal use of the Wakulla County Fire Rescue Division

Commissioner Brock moved to approve the purchase of a 2009 Rosenbauer Custom Chassis Fire Engine for the principal use of the Wakulla County Fire Rescue Division. Second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:29) 18. Request Board consideration and approval to establish and appoint Members to the Dangerous Dog Appeals Board

Commissioner Green moved to continue this item to the July 21, 2009 meeting and have Board Members and Animal Control submit names of people they recommend from this community to serve on the Dangerous Dog Appeals Board. Second by Commissioner Stewart. Voting for: Brock, Green, Kessler and Artz. Opposed: Stewart. Motion carried, 4/1.

(CD5:36) 19. Request Board Consideration and Approval to appoint an Auxiliary Animal Control Officer

Commissioner Stewart moved to table this item until October. Second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD5:43) 20. Request Board approval for the Construction Manager at Risk Request for Proposals

Commissioner Brock moved to approve the RFP for Construction Management (At Risk) Professional Services for the Community Center Project and to advertise for Proposals. Second by Commissioner Artz. Voting for: Kessler, Green, Stewart and Artz. Opposed: Brock. Motion carried, 4/1.

(CD6:04) 21. Request Board approval to negotiate with the top ranked firm for the Legal Services Request for Proposals

Commissioner Stewart moved to schedule a Workshop for Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. to negotiate with the #1 ranked firm Nabors, Giblin and Nickerson for legal services. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:19) 22. Request Board approval of the Florida Communities Trust additional revisions to the Management Plan with Florida Foresight, Incorporated for the development of the Big Bend Maritime Center

Commissioner Stewart moved to table this item to the July 21, 2009 Board Meeting. Second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:40) 23. Request Board consideration of Re-Establishing the Industrial Development Board Authority

Tabled to the July 21, 2009 Board Meeting

(CD6:40) 29. Request Board approval to direct County Staff and County Attorney to prepare and negotiate a Lease Agreement between Wakulla County Board of County Commissioners and Heaton Companies for use of the existing boat ramp and parking area at Shell Point and authorize the Chairman to execute the Agreement

Commissioner Brock moved for approval to authorize staff and the County Attorney to negotiate and prepare a temporary lease agreement; authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement; authorize staff to proceed with improvements up to $5,000.00 on the existing ramp; and authorize the transfer of $5,000.00 from the County’s Reserve Fund. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD6:54) 30. Request Board approval of Evaluation Teams ranking of proposals for Architectural & Engineering Services for the Community Center RFQ, approve County Administrator to negotiate, and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement for Services with the top ranked firm

Commissioner Brock moved to approve the Evaluation Teams ranking of proposals for the Architectural & Engineering RFQ, approve the County Administrator and Chairman to negotiate, and authorize the Chairman to execute an Agreement for Services with the top ranked firm. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD7:01) 1. Larry Roberts – Big Bend Maritime Center and associated costs, Wetlands Ordinance

(CD7:04) 2. Ron Piasecki – Chairman of Code Enforcement Board and Attorney issues pursuant to Florida Statutes Chapter 162

(CD7:05) 3. Vic Lambou – Water Quality Monitoring and request for Board financial support

(CD7:09) 4. Hugh Taylor – Freedom of Speech, Wakulla Independent Reporter barbeque on Friday, July 3rd at Wakulla Springs State Park

(CD7:11) 5. Al Shylkofski – Recusal of County Attorney from Code Enforcement Board

(CD7:11) 6. Chuck Hess – Budgetary support for Lake Watch Program

(CD7:12) 7. Carla Brandt – Recusal of County Attorney as advisor to Code Enforcement Board


24. Commissioner Artz

(CD7:38) a. Request Board approval of enclosure for TRIM notice mailing to Over-Platted Subdivisions

Commissioner Artz moved to approve going forward with a mail out in the TRIM notice regarding over-platted subdivisions, to bring the document back for a final review on July 21, 2009, subject to review by County Attorney. Second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD7:51) b. Resolution – Federal Health Reform Legislation

Commissioner Artz moved to adopt a Resolution urging immediate passage of Comprehensive Federal Health Reform Legislation. Second by Commissioner Brock. Voting for: Brock, Green, Kessler and Artz. Opposed: Stewart. Motion carried, 4/1.

Chair to Commissioner Green

25. Commissioner Kessler

(CD7:59) a. Request Board support of Legislation for projects that expand & improve the Nations Rail Network

Commissioner Kessler moved to send four letters of support to The Honorable Bill Nelson, The Honorable Mel Martinez, Congressman F. Allen Boyd, Jr., and Congressman Ander Crenshaw. Second by Commissioner Stewart and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD8:01) b. Request Board consideration of taking action on matters concerning the paving of Old Bethel Road

Commissioner Kessler moved for approval in obtaining all necessary deeds (right of way) and surveys along the route of Old Bethel Road for the properties which right of way has been agreed upon. Pave all of the agreed upon project from Wakulla Arran Road to Gavin Road to Spring Creek Highway with the exception of the one section of road where the property owner refuses to give right of way. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD8:24) c. Resolution – Wetlands Ordinance

Commissioner Kessler moved to adopt a Resolution forming a Citizen Advisory Committee that will make suggestions and look at various options for revisions to the current Wetlands Ordinance. Second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

Chair returned to Commissioner Kessler

26. Commissioner Stewart

(CD8:33) a. Request Board consideration to review the Panacea Area Water System Agreement with Wakulla County

Commissioner Stewart moved for approval to negotiate a new Agreement with Panacea Water Systems (PAWS) for sewer billing, with Commissioner Stewart, County Attorney and County Administrator participating in the negotiations. Second by Commissioner Brock and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD8:40) b. CTST (Community Traffic Safety Team)

Commissioner Stewart moved for a letter of support with the Chairman’s signature for CTST to forward to the granting authority regarding the Upper River Bridge land purchase. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD8:53) c. Opposing turn lane/third lane going northbound of Crawfordville

Commissioner Stewart moved to add the opposing turn lane/third lane going northbound of Crawfordville to the State and Federal stimulus list as a shovel ready project. Second by Commissioner Green and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD9:03) 28. Request to advertise Public Hearing to adopt Supermajority Ordinance Regarding Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Commissioner Brock moved to table this item to the July 21, 2009 Board Meeting. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.

(CD9:09) 27. Proposed Settlement/Dismissal of the Snyder v. Wakulla County Case – pending litigation for closure of Division Street in Panacea

Commissioner Brock moved to authorize the County Attorney to sign the joint dismissal on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD9:11) a. Hamaknocker’s Oasis property rights and access to the airport

Commissioner Stewart moved to direct staff to bring back an Agenda item that includes a history of said property and an option of how to address the property owners concerns. Second by Commissioner Artz and the motion carried unanimously, 5/0.


(CD9:16) Commissioner Brock – A need to encourage Green Business in the County

(CD9:17) Commissioner Kessler – CRTPA (Capital Regional Transportation Planning Agency)

This Organization represents Wakulla County with good items in the plan

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.