Writing Activity: RogueWave Movie Outline
Due date: 9/17
Points:20 points
Standards: W 3, SL 4
Directions:Over the next 2 days, you are going to create a movie outline or pitch to send to a producer to share why you feel “Rogue Wave” should be made into a movie. Just like the close reading process, there are 3 steps to this assignment that if completed, will lead to your perfect “pitch”, and your group getting paid!
Step #1: Brainstorm(Monday) Brainstorm ideas with your partner and write them down on the back of this handout in bullet points. Do NOT worry about grammar, spelling, or write in complete sentences, just ideas and pictures. (5 points)
Step #2: Rough draft (Monday)Create a 2 paragraph rough draft of your perfect “pitch” to send to the movie producer. Make sure you use evidence and support your opinion on why you feel this short story should be made into a movie. It is your job to sell your idea to the producer (remember, you are going to get paid for this) so be creative and present unique ideas. After you have completed step 2, give your rough draft to your neighboring group and have them peer edit your paper using the guidelines I handed out. (5 points)
*****(Peer edit handout completed-worth 5 points)(Tuesday)
Step #3: Final draft (Tuesday)Edit, finalize, and re-write your rough draft and turn it into your final draft. This is where spelling, grammar, and tenses will count. Your final draft is “selling” your pitch and ideas to the producer, so make sure you use supporting details with evidence and “sell” your pitch. (5 points)
Things you MUST include in your movie outline:
- A description of the opening scene that establishes the characters, setting, and conflict
- A description of each important scene in the plot
- Suggestions for how to shoot each scene to convey the suspense
Brainstorming Step one (5 points)9/15 Monday
Think about the overall idea you are going to use for the Perfect “Pitch” of selling the idea to make this short story into a movie. How would you do this? What is the main idea of your story going to be? Make sure you include as many ideas and thoughts as you have about what to include in your movie outline in the box below. Come up with a title for your movie outline. Do NOT worry about grammar, spelling, or write in complete sentences, just ideas and pictures.
After brainstorming, draw a picture of what you want your movie to look like: