Voices for Inclusion
Friday 25 August 2017
The Astral, Crown Perth Convention Centre, Crown Perth.
Great Eastern Highway, Burswood. Western Australia.
COST Member: $100Non-Member: $120
An important dialogue between people with disability, the Disability Sector and Local Government Sector to:
• Identify areas for collaboration that promote and support the participation of people with disability in community and civic life;
• Gain insight on the impact, challenges and opportunities of NDIS in WA; and
• Provide a significant opportunity for inter‑sector learning, engagement and networking on inclusion issues and solutions.
The Forum concludes with the Lighthouse Awards Ceremony, recognising the key initiatives and outstanding work achieved by Local Governments in employing people with disability.
Voices for Inclusion – Program
Time / Session / Presenter9.00am / Tea and Coffee on arrival
9.15am / Welcome / Facilitator, Alison Blake
9.20am / Welcome to Country / Shaun Nannup
9.30am / State Overview-Inclusive WA Society / Hon Stephen Dawson MLC, Minister for Disability Services
9.45am / Opening Address: Opportunities and Challenges / Samantha Jenkinson,
People With Disabilities WA,
Councillor City of Stirling
10.15 am / The State of Play: Local Government sector / Ricky Burges, CEO, WALGA
10.30 am / The State of Play: Disability sector / Julie Waylen, WA StateManager, NDS
10.45 am / Morning Tea
11.00 am / LG Professionals WA, Community Development Network / Garry Fisher, Chair Community
Development Network
11.10 am / Managing an event through a new lens / Ben Cox
11.30 am / Local Government Case Studies
The purpose of this session is to focus on partnership approaches between Local Government and the NFP sector, but also highlight the great work local government are doing in the accessibility and inclusion space / Fiona Bentley, City of Bayswater
Ryan Campbell, City of Bunbury
Denver D’Cruz, Inclusion WA
12.50 pm / Lunch
1.40 pm / Facilitated table discussions / Facilitator—Alison Blake
2.05 pm / “Shout Out Session”
Panel session—audience will have the opportunity to ask panel questions / Facilitator—Alison Blake
Panel:Jodie Holbrook, WALGA
Keith Hayes, Town of Victoria Park
Denver D’Cruz, Inclusion WA
Travis Burt, Inclusion Solutions
A&I reference group member from local government
2.45 pm / Afternoon tea
3.00 pm / Keynote Address: Spiral of Inclusion—Employment / Peter Darch, NDS
3.10 pm / Lighthouse Project—Launch of findings
A brief overview of the two-year Lighthouse Project andofficial launch of the findings, and the tools and resources forlocal government that have been produced. / Warren Pearce, CEO,
LG Professionals WA and
Jayne Bryant, Localise
3.20 pm / Lighthouse Awards—Celebration of good practice. This session will celebrate and share good practice in localgovernment. Ms Janine Freeman MLA will give an addressand present the awards for CEO leadership; partnershipbetween local government and DES provider; and Lighthousegrant project. / Ms Janine Freeman, MLA,
Member for Mirrabooka
4.15 pm / Sundowner and networking
Voices for Inclusion – Presenters
Ricky Burges
Prior to joining WALGA in February 2000, Ricky was the Director General of the Department for Culture & the Arts, Chief Executive Officer of Perth Zoo, and Director of Human Resources at the WA Tourism Commission. Ricky has a Masters in Leadership and Management from Curtin University, a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Development, a Certificate in Psychotherapy, and Diplomas in Coaching. Ricky sits on the Nudge Foundation, the Board of MercyCare, the Local Government Insurance Board, the State Emergency Management Committee, the
Murdoch Senate, the Healthway Board, and various Local Government committees and Boards. Ricky is a past President of the Australian Institute of Management and the Board of the Art Gallery of Western Australia. She was the Western Australian
Businesswoman of the Year in 1997 and was awarded a Public Service Medal in 2007.
Samantha Jenkinson
Samantha has been an advocate for the rights of people with disabilities
throughout her professional life as a Social Worker, working in employment, housing, service coordination, individualised funding and person‑centred planning. She has worked for community organisations and the State Government, from case
management to CEO. She is a City of Stirling councillor and Executive Director of People with Disabilities WA, a past member of the National People with Disability and Carers Advisory Council, and past chair of the Ministerial Advisory Council on Disability in Western Australia.
Julie Waylen
Julie Waylen is the State Manager, National Disability Services Western Australia.
NDS is the peak industry association representing disability service providers in WA working to improve life opportunities for people with disability and to promote and advance the delivery of quality services for people with disability. NDS in WA is part of a national organisation that represents over 1,100 non‑government organisations, which support people with all forms of disability across Australia. Julie began her career as a Social Trainer working with people with disability with complex needs. She has worked for over 30 years in a range of senior executive roles with both the State government and community services sector encompassing disability services, child protection, family support, homelessness, domestic violence, community services and health.
Peter Darch
Peter forged a career in the community services sector after suffering a spinal cord injury that resulted in quadriplegia in 2002. Following his accident, he completed a psychology degree. He is Senior Project Officer for School to Work Transition at National Disability Services. He has worked for the City of Mandurah and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and as a School Community Business partnership Broker and a consultant for the Ministerial Advisory Council on
Disability. Peter’s achievements include 2011 Western Australian Young Person of the Year; Most Outstanding Youth Worker; and lobbying extensively for the NDIS.
Shaun Nannup
Shaun is a WhadjukWardandiNyungar man who, through his people, has greatdepth of knowledge of culture, liaison and inspirational speaking. His work in areas such as mentoring, leadership and healing are highly respected in Indigenous and mainstream communities. Shaun is now a director at wisdominyourlife.com.au
Alison Blake
Alison Blake is the founder and director of Strategic Support, working with disability sector organisations and local governments to strengthen their business and community outcomes in support of people with disability. She managed access and inclusion, policy and communications for the Disability Services Commission, joining the public service after an early career in journalism, public relations and marketing.