Salvatore Vitale wasborn in Catania (Italy) on August 30th, 1984. Duringhisuniversity career he trained in histology and embryology, microbiology, clinicalpharmacology, general surgery and finally, in obstetrics and gynecology. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery in July 2009 from the University of Catania with 110/110 cum laude, presenting an experimentaldegreethesisentitled "Quality of life and sexualchangesafter double transobturatortension-free approach to treat severe cystocele", laterpublished in the European Journal of ObstetricsGynecology and ReproductiveBiology. In February 2010 he received a professionalqualification to practice medicine with full marks and, in June 2015, he specialised in gynecology and obstetrics with honours.
He beganhisclinicalactivity in June 2010 at the "Policlinico - Vittorio Emanuele" University Hospital in Catania, where he worked in the delivery room, obstetric and gynecologicalemergencyunit, obstetrical and gynecologicaloutpatientdiagnostic service, aswellasgynecologicaloperatingtheateractivities (mainly for benigndiseases).Duringhisspecialization, he initiallyfocused on gynecologicalsurgery, attending a one-year training periodat the Division of Gynecology and Obstetricsat the “Ospedali Riuniti / Papa Giovanni XXIII” Hospital in Bergamo (directed by Prof. Luigi Frigerio) and anotherperiod, whichlastedsixmonths, at the Unit of Gynecology and Obstetricsat the "Santa Maria delle Grazie" Hospital in Pozzuoli (directed by Dr. Nicola Gasbarro). He thenmoved to prenataldiagnosis, includingmainly invasive diagnosticprocedures (amniocentesis and chorionicvillussampling), diagnosticultrasound images (ultrasoundlevels I and II), prenatal screening of fetalaneuploidy (SCA-Test & Multiprenataltest), and pregnanciesatrisk, undergoing a training periodat the AltamedicaMain Center of Rome, directed by Prof. Claudio Giorlandino.
He is the author of over 90 scientificpublications in national and internationaljournals. He is a reviewer for manyinternationaljournals and alsomember of the Editorial Board of severalscientificjournals. His researchinterests are: endometriosis, chronicpelvicpain, gynecologicalendocrinology, urogynecology, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.
He is the head Gynecologistat the Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale of Messina from July 2015 to June 2016, and iscurrently in chargeat the Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale of Enna (Hospital "Umberto I"). He iscurrentlyworkingtowards a PhD in "Medical and SurgicalBiotechnologies" at the University of Messina (Department of Human Pathology in Adulthood and Childhood "G. Barresi"), with a researchprojectentitled: "Myo-inositolsupplementation to preventgestationaldiabetes in overweight non-obese women: bioelectricalimpedanceanalysis, obstetricoutcomes, hormonal and metabolicaspects".
In July 2010 he founded an association, namedAxada Catania, of which he iscurrently chairman. Axada Catania, with over 700 members (includingdoctors, dentists and otherhealthprofessionals), hasrecentlybecome a major organization in Sicily, aswellas a playing a leadingrole in the organization of seminars, conferences, training courses and othermedical educational activitiesdirectedatbothspecialists and doctors, aswellasyoungstudentswho are preparing to join thisprofession.
He hasalreadybeenRegional Vice President of S.P.I.G.C. (PolispecialisticItalian Society of Young Surgeons), an organizationwhere he currentlyholds the title of RegionalSecretary. He was Vice President and Treasurer of the Leo Club Catania North and Counsellor in the Rotaract Club Catania North. He waselectedasCouncillor of the Order of Physicians and Dentists of the Province of Catania in September 2015 with 2107 votes, and isresponsible for the organisation's website, aswellasbeing a Member of the Albo PhysiciansSurgeonsCommission. He isalso a member of the bulletinboard of Technical Consultantsat the Court of Catania.
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