Jenna H. Tilt, Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
104 CEOAS Admin.
Oregon State University (541) 737-1232
Corvallis, OR 97331
Ph.D. Social Sciences, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, 2007
Dissertation Title: “Neighborhood Vegetation and Preferences: Exploring Walking Behaviors in Urban and Suburban Environments” (Drs. Gordon Bradley and Anne Kearney, Co-Chairs)
Graduate Certificate in Urban Ecology, University of Washington, 2007
M.S. Social Sciences, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, 2001
Masters Thesis Title: “Perceptions of Rural Character” (Drs. Anne Kearney and Gordon Bradley, Advisors)
B.S. Environmental History, Utah State University, 1998
Research Interests
Regional and rural land use planning and land use change, geospatial intelligence, natural hazards mitigation and planning, urban ecology & green infrastructure, water resource and natural resource decision making, social science research methods
Professional Positions
Assistant Professor, Senior Research 2015-Present
Geography Program
Oregon State University
Faculty Research Associate 2009-2015
Oregon State University
Natural Amenities and In-migration: Influences on Residential Location Choice in Exurban Areas
Instructor 2008-Present
Oregon State University
Departments of Anthropology, Forest Ecosystems and Society, and Geosciences
IGERT Fellowship, Urban Ecology 2003-2007
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
Vegetation, Neighborhood Design and Walking in King County, Washington
Research Assistant 2006-2007
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
Visual Perceptions of Forest Harvest Practices in Washington State
Volunteer Research Advisor 2002-2003
Yangjuan Forestry Program, University of Washington and Sichuan University (China)
Natural Resource and Land Use Planner 2001- 2003
Department of Natural Resources King County, Washington
Land Use Planning Research Intern 2001
Puget Sound Regional Council, Seattle, Washington
Research Assistant 2001
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
Nearby Nature and Long-Term Care Facility Residents Benefits and Design Recommendations
Research Assistant 2000-2001
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
Visual Perceptions of Forest Harvest Practices in Washington State
Research Assistant 1999-2001
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
Residential Development Patterns and Neighborhood Satisfaction: Impacts of Density and Nearby Nature
Research Grants and Fellowships
State and Private Forestry Western Competitive Resource Allocation, U.S. Forest Service and Oregon Department of Forestry ($51,000.00) (7/1/14-6/30/17). Co-Investigator. Adapting Urban Forestry and Green Infrastructure Practices for Urban/Rural Interface Communities to Address Forest Action Plan Priorities. (Funding awarded, cooperative agreement forth-coming)
Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, PNW Station #13-JV-11261985-074 ($50,000) (9/1/13-8/31/16). Co-Investigator. Understanding the Mediating Political, Economic and Social Forces Creating Exurban Residential Environments and Patterns of Outdoor Recreation
Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, PNW Station #10-JV-11260489-046 ($100,000) (1/01/10-12/31/13). Principal Investigator. Natural Amenities and In-Migration Influences on the Location Decisions of Rural and Non-Rural Residents with Application to Stewardship Activities to Restore Forest Health
Joint Venture Agreement, U.S. Forest Service, PNW Station #09-JV-11261985-050 ($70,000) (9/01/09-8/16/14). Principal Investigator. Natural Amenities, In-Migration, and the Location Decisions of Exurban Residents; with Implications for Public Lands Management
Dissertation Research Grant, Urban Ecology IGERT Program, University of Washington ($4,500). Survey Development
Urban Ecology Research Grant, Urban Ecology IGERT Program, University of Washington ($4,000). Survey Development
Urban Ecology Fellowship, Urban Ecology IGERT Program, University of Washington 2003-2006. Tuition and stipend
Conference Scholarship, International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, Canada 2006
Travel Grant, College of Forest Resources’ Dean’s Office, University of Washington, 2006 ($300). Presented Paper at Active Living Conference, Coronado, California
Travel Grant, Urban Ecology IGERT Program, University of Washington, 2006 ($300). Presented Paper at Active Living Conference, Coronado, California
Travel Grant, GSFEI Airfare/Transportation, University of Washington, 2006 ($300). Presented Paper at Active Living Conference, Coronado, California
Conference Scholarship, Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society, Atlanta, Georgia 2005 ($500)
Travel Grant, Urban Ecology IGERT Program, University of Washington 2005 ($300). Presented Paper at merging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society, Atlanta, Georgia
Oregon State University
Principles and Practices of Rural and Resource Planning 2014 - Present
Geosciences 4/552
Cartography 2014
Geosciences 360 (E-Campus)
Advance GIS Applications in the Geosciences 2014 - Present
Geosciences 465 (E-Campus)
Environmental Site Planning 2013 - Present
Geosciences 4/551
Managing Natural Resources for the future 2013 - Present
Natural Resources 201 (E-Campus)
Land Use in the American West 2011 - Present
Geosciences 423/523
Geography of Resource Use 2013
Geosciences 420/520
Water Governance and Conflict Management 2010 - Present
Water Resources Program Practicum 509 (E-Campus)
Natural Resources and Community Values 2010 - 2012
Anthropology 581 (E-Campus)
Decision Making in Natural Resources 2009 - Present
Natural Resources 455
Resource Evaluation Methods 2009
Geosciences 453/553
Peoples and Cultures of the World—China 2008 - 2011
Anthropology 318 (E-Campus)
University of Washington
Introduction to Urban Ecology 2006
Program on the Environment 220
Advanced Urban Ecology Seminar 2005
College of Forest Resources 580
Publications (* Indicates peer-refereed)
*2016 Tilt, J.H. and Cerveny, L.K. “Politics of landscape transformation in exurban King County, Washington.” In Taylor, L.E. and Hurley, P.T. (Eds) A Political Ecology of Sprawl: Understanding Rural to Exurban Landscape Transitions. (Springer)
*2013 Driscoll, A., Ries, P.D., Tilt, J.H., Ganio, L.M. Needs and barriers to expanding urban forestry programs: An assessment of community leaders and program managers in the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.
*2013 Tilt, J.H. and Cerveny, L. “Master-Planned in Exurbia: Examining the Drivers and Impacts of Master-Planned Communities at the Urban Fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 114, 102-112.
*2010 Tilt, J.H. “Urban Nature and Human Physical Health” in Douglas, I., Good, D., Houck, M., and Wang, R. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Urban Ecology, Ch. 32.
*2010 Kearney, A.R., Tilt, J.H., and Bradley, G. “The Effects of Forest Regeneration on Preferences for Forest Treatments among Foresters, Environmentalists, and the General Public.” Journal of Forestry, Vol. 108 (5), 215-229.
*2010 Tilt, J.H. “Walking Trips to Parks: Exploring Demographic, Environmental Factors and Preferences for Adults with Children in the Household.” Preventive Medicine, Vol. 50 (Suppl.1), S69-S73.
*2007 Tilt, J.H., Unfried, T.M., Roca, B. “Using Objective and Subjective Measures of Neighborhood Greenness and Accessible Destinations for Understanding Walking Trips and BMI in Seattle, Washington.” American Journal of Health Promotion Vol. 21 (4), 371-379.
*2007 Tilt, J.H., Kearney, A.R and Bradley, G. “Understanding Rural Character: Cognitive and Visual Perceptions.” Landscape and Urban Planning Vol. 81, 14-26.
2005 Tilt, J.H. “Understanding Rural Character at the Urban/Rural Interface.” Conference Proceedings, Emerging Issues Along Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
2005 Loeber, B., Tilt, J.H., Beevers, M. “Sugarloaf Mountain Forest: Forest Stewardship Plan.” Department of Natural Resources and Parks, King County. Seattle, Washington.
2003 Loeber, B., Tilt, J.H. “Programmatic Plan for Management of King County-owned Working Forest Properties.” Department of Natural Resources and Parks, King County. Seattle, Washington.
Currently In Review
Tilt, J.H. and Cerveny, L. Out my backdoor: Outdoor recreation preferences and behaviors along the suburban-to-rural continuum. Landscape and Urban Planning.
Research Paper Presentations and Invited Lectures (*Indicates invited)
Tilt, J.H. “Perceptions of place and rural places in the wake of land use change.” Place Identity Seminar, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, As, Norway, October 2014.
Tilt, J.H., Cerveny, L. “‘Just following the process:’ Exurban development in the wake of growth management.” AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, April 2014.
Tilt, J.H., Cerveny, L. “Participatory mapping of outdoor recreation hotspots in King County, Washington.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque, NM, March 2014.
*Tilt, J.H. “Land Use Planning and Public Spaces.” Oregon Urban and Community Forestry Conference, Portland, OR, June 2013.
*Tilt, J.H. “Amenity migration and outdoor recreation at the wildland-urban Interface.” Out of the Woods Seminar, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Oregon, May 2013.
Tilt, J.H. “‘This street has a lot of variety’: Understanding the relationship between Neighborhood Design, Canopy Coverage and Physical Activity.” AAG Annual Meeting, LA, CA, April 2013.
Robbins, A. and Tilt, J.H. “The chase for open Space: What amenities are households in search of?” AAG Annual Meeting, LA, CA, April 2013.
Tilt, J.H., Cerveny, L. “Patterns of exurban development in the Puget Sound: Case study of the Snoqualmie Valley.” AAG Annual Meeting. Seattle, Wa, April 2011.
Tilt, J.H. “Exploring the effects of demographic factors and preferences on family walking trips” Active Living Research Annual Conference, San Diego, California February 2009.
Tilt, J.H. “Visual preference surveys as a guide to land use planning and natural resources management: Rural Character. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Vancouver, Canada, June, 2006.
Tilt, J.H. “An introduction to GIS, GPS and its possible uses in physical activity assessment” Nutrition and Exercise Sciences Graduate Seminar, Oregon State University, May 2006.
Tilt, J.H. “Neighborhood greenness, walkable destinations and health.” Graduate Student Symposium College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, February 2006.
Tilt, J.H. “Neighborhood greenness, walkable destinations and health.” Active Living Research Annual Conference, Coronado, California, February 2006.
Tilt, J.H. “Understanding rural character at the urban/rural interface.” Emerging Issues along the Urban-Rural Interfaces: Linking Science and Society, Atlanta, Georgia, March, 2005.
Tilt, J.H. “Understanding rural character at the urban/rural interface.” Graduate Student Symposium College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, February 2005.
Graduate Student Advising
Christine Johnson, M.S. Forestry (current): committee member
Candice Weems, M.S. Geography, 2012; Ph.D. (current): committee member
Michelle Mileham, Ph.D. Environmental Sciences (current): committee member
Abbey Driscoll, M.S. Forestry, 2014: committee member
Heaven Manning, M.S. Environmental Sciences, 2014: major professor
Tucker Selko, M.S. Water Resources, 2013: committee member
Professional and Service Activities
Journal Peer Review: Environment and Behavior, Landscape and Urban Planning, Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters, Journal of Planning, Education and Research, Society and Natural Resources, Preventive Medicine, Journal of Forestry, Human Ecology Research
Professional Memberships and Affiliations
American Association of Geographers
American Planning Association
Environment Design Research Association
Society of American Foresters
Xi Sigma Pi, National Honors Forestry Society
References available upon request