Valley Charter School
Board of Directors
Regular Board Meeting @ Valley Charter Elementary School Room #6
Thursday, November 17, 2016,7:00 PM
Board Members Present: Tess Ramin, Michelle Bennett, Bill Roberts, Dan Chang, Michael Jeon, Carol Lynn Smith, Natalie Kiwi, Eleonore Rojas, Angie Saldivar, Brandi Hemmer
Board Members Absent: Chris Thinnes
Public and Staff Present: Robert Burke, Anne Aronchick, Mary Allen, and Jessica Bennett
- Call to Order 7:12
- Public Comment
- New Parent Rep Introductions – Introduced the current Board members and then introduced the new parent reps. (Angie Saldivar and Brandi Hemmer)
- Staff Board Participation/Introductions – Introduced teachers at the elementary school, Mary Allen, Ann Aronchick and Jessica Bennett.
- Action Item: Approval of Board Meeting Minutes from October
The board approved the Meeting Minutes - Motion: Bill Roberts
- Second: Natalie Kiwi
- The vote is unanimous
Motion passes
- Finance Committee:
a)Board Review and Approval of FY15-16 Audit
The board reviewed the FY 15/16 audit. There were no adjustments to the Unaudited Actual Financial Report that required reconciliation to the audited financial statements and there were no financial statement findings, state award findings, or questioned costs for the year ended June 30, 2016.
- Motion: Eleonore Rojas
- Second: Dan Chang
- The vote is unanimous
Motion passes
b)Board Approval of FY16-17 1st Interim Financial Reports
The board reviewed the 1st interim financial dashboards (including income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow) and the October check register.
- Motion: Dan Chang
- Second: Michelle Bennett
- The vote is unanimous
Motion passes
- Strategic Planning Activity for VCS Leadership:
a)Looking Again at Design Elements #1 and #2 – Robert spoke about the 5 design elements for our school. The board along with teachers got into two groups and spoke in an open conversation about the leadership aspects of valuing process over product. Design element #1. Wil go over design element #2 at next meeting.
- Committee Reports:
a)Site – The group is working on researching several options for locations.
b)Finance – Next meeting will be November 30th at 7pm
- CCSA Accountability Spreadsheet – Will move to the next BOD meeting, no principals present.
- i3 Grant– Robert Burke shared that VCS did not receive the i3 Grant this year.
Meeting adjourned: 9:01 pm
Remaining Board Meetings for 2016 /17
2016 Board meeting schedule:
Note: no board meeting in December
2017Board meeting schedule:
Tuesday, January 19th
Thursday, February 16th
Thursday, March 23rd
Thursday, April 27th
Thursday, May 18th
Thursday, June 8th