Olathe North Girls Swimming and Diving
Team Expectations 2015
Welcome to the team! It is a privilege to be a part of the Olathe North Girls Swimming and Diving team. As a member, you always represent yourself, your family, your team, Olathe North High School, and the Olathe School District.
Along with abiding by all District and State rules, the team expectations below are to be followed by every member of the swimming and diving team. These rules are not exclusive and the coaching staff reserves the right to expand, add to, or adjust these expectations at any time.
Team Conduct
· Treat all with respect. This includes coaches, staff, teammates, officials, spectators, competitors, equipment and facilities. No humiliation of others in public or in private. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Do not use others’ property without asking. Do not use derogatory terms in reference to any member of the team or coaching staff.
· You will not cause public embarrassment to yourself, teammates, coaching staff, and/or the institution. Do NOT attract inappropriate or unwanted attention to yourself or your team.
· The Pool and Locker room are your sanctuary. No negative talk about teammates, coaches, staff members will be tolerated on deck or in the locker room.
· Honesty. We expect all team members to be 100% honest with all. Any communication or action that is not forthright will be considered a violation of this rule.
· As a part of the ONHS Girls Swimming and Diving team, academics are your top priority.
· Learning to balance athletics and academics successfully is part of being a student athlete.
· Weekly grade checks signed by each teacher are due to Coach Maez (swimmers) or Coach Roberts (divers) before practice every Friday. The consequence for late or missing grade checks will be extra training.
· Anyone who falls below a 2.50 GPA and/or is failing any class will be considered academically ineligible. An athlete will have one week to bring her grade up to the 2.5 level, or she will be placed on Academic Probation. Swimmers and Divers who are on Academic probation or precipitously close to academic ineligibility will be required to adhere to an Academic Agreement.
o Academic Agreements will be drawn up on an individual basis, and will require parent approval. Most will require suspension from practices and/or meets and mandatory study hall.
· It is the athlete’s responsibility to build and maintain positive rapport with all teachers, staff and administrators. This includes:
o being respectful of teachers and staff before, during and after class
o following all guidelines set by each faculty member, in addition to all school and district policies
o communicating face to face and via email with teachers (please cc: Coach Maez on all email contacts to teachers) prior to an absence or early dismissal
o collecting any make-up work BEFORE absences for competition
· Leave class at the specified release time on meet days and NO EARLIER.
*Reminder- your GPA affects the TEAM GPA. Carry your weight for your teammates in the classroom.
· Attendance at ALL practices, competitions, and other designated team functions is expected of every team member.
· Absences are excused only by the coaching staff and are on a case-by-case basis.
· All anticipated absences from practice must be reported to Coach Maez via email at least 1 week in advance. The subject line should read: ABSENT FROM PRACTICE.
o A reminder text message should also be sent the day of the absence.
· Work schedule conflicts will not be approved as unexcused absences.
· Any athlete involved in multiple school activities must discuss her situation with both coaches or facilitators. Each athlete must communicate with Coach Maez in advance regarding conflicts. However, missing practice or meets for other activities will typically be unexcused.
· Unexcused absences will result in a reduction of events during the next competition, or possible suspension from the next competition.
· In general, one missed practice (excused or unexcused) means you will be taken out of one event at the next meet.
· Punctuality-Be on time for everything. This includes, but is not limited to, practice, meets, and team functions. Punctuality is a trait that is admired, desired and required. The consequence for unexcused tardiness will be extra training.
o If you are not 5 minutes early, you are late.
o Locker room limit after practice is 15 minutes.
§ Parents: out of respect for the coaches’ time, please be on time picking up your athlete after practices.
· Communication—If any Olathe North staff person requires you to respond to some form of communication (e.g. phone call, text message, email, etc.), you are expected to do so. If you attempt to contact any staff person by phone and want a return call, leave a message. Communicate if you will miss or be late to practice for any reason!
o Any emergency involving a team member must be communicated as soon as possible with Coach Maez.
· Listening is required. If a coach is speaking, you are not. Do not interrupt, look away, go underwater, etc. The same goes for if a teammate is speaking. Respect all coaching staff and teammates by listening.
· Team Apparel (warm ups, team bags, etc.) is the property of Olathe North High School. Replacement of any lost or damaged apparel will be the responsibility of the student athlete to which it was checked out. All apparel must be washed and/or cleaned before checking it back in at the end of the season.
· Social Media and Internet Presence (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)- You are representing Olathe North Swimming and Diving at all times—that includes with your internet activity. Any inappropriate material (which could include but is not limited to references to alcoholic beverages, drugs, inappropriate dress, sexual behavior, language, cyberbullying, harassment, etc.) needs to be removed! Think before you post pictures or references: “Would I want my mom to see this? Would I want my Coach to see this? Would I want a future employer to see this? Would I want this to be in the Newspapers?” If the coaching staff learns of inappropriate material posted by a team member, parents will be contacted, and the content will be required to be removed within 24 hours.
*As a member of the Olathe North Girls Swimming and Diving team, you are always a representative of the program, your team, and the school*
· Attendance at meets is mandatory for all team members unless prior authorization has been given by Coach Maez.
· Olathe North apparel is expected to be worn at all competitions.
· The use of cell phones is prohibited on deck during competition.
· All athletes are expected to stay and support their team until the conclusion of each meet unless prior authorization has been given.
· At away meets, we walk into the pool facility together.
· Athletes are expected to sit with the team and cheer on their teammates during competition.
· Only Olathe North team members may sit in the team area during meets.
· Train as each day is an opportunity to get better.
· Attendance at every afternoon and Saturday morning practice is expected.
o Varsity swimmers will be required to attend ALL morning practices as well. Attendance at morning practice is optional for JV swimmers.
· All athletes are responsible for keeping the pool area and locker rooms clean. We are guests at all facilities we use.
· Club swimming is encouraged during the high school season. Club swimmers are expected to attend at least 2 days of high school practices per week, all meets and all team functions. Each athlete is responsible for any information missed. Club swimmers will have an individualized training plan that must be determined by Coach Maez, the athlete, the club coach and the parents.
Injuries/ Sickness
· Injured athletes are required to be present at all meetings, competitions, and team functions. It is their responsibility to stay informed
· If sick/injured, it is the responsibility of the athlete to work closely with the athletic trainer and/or their doctor to optimize the healing process.
· All injures must be reported as soon as possible to Coach Maez and the athletic trainer.
· Absence due to illness will only be excused with a parent contact AND athlete contact to Coach Maez. If you will be missing practice for an extended time (more than 1 day), please bring a doctor’s note.
Major Infractions
The following are major infractions and one violation will result in immediate parent notification and dismissal from the team for the current season:
· Academic Misconduct—this includes plagiarism or cheating of any kind
· Alcohol consumption or Illegal/illicit drug use—all athletes are expected to follow the Olathe School District Substance abuse policy. Students participating in athletics and/or KSHSAA activities will not use or possess tobacco, alcohol or illicit/illegal drugs or substances.
· Arrest (for any offense)
Consequences (e.g. “Strikes)
If a team policy violation occurs, the consequences are as follows:
1st offense (Strike One)- warning
2nd offense (Strike Two)- parent contact and suspension from the next competition
3rd offense (Strike Three)- parent contact, indefinite suspension, and possible dismissal from the team
(keep this copy)
I, __________________________, acknowledge that I have read the above Swimming and Diving Team Policy and Rules and I understand that I may ask questions and seek clarification from my coaches about these Policies. I understand that agreement and compliance with the Policy is required for my participation with the Olathe North Swimming and Diving Team. I understand the importance of abiding by all set policies and failure to do so will result in disciplinary actions, up to and including suspension and/or dismissal from the team.
Signature____________________________________________ Date_____________________
Printed name________________________________________________________
I, __________________________, parent/guardian of the above athlete have read the above Swimming and Diving Team Policy and Rules and I understand that I may ask questions and seek clarification from the coaches about these Policies. I understand that agreement and compliance with the Policy is required for my student athlete’s participation with the Olathe North Swimming and Diving Team. I understand the importance of helping my student abide by all set policies to the best of my ability. I also understand that the staff has the best interest of my student athlete in mind, and will communicate with me to the best of their ability about any issues that may arise. I will leave all matters of sport to the professional discretion of the coaches, and agree to a partnership with Olathe North coaches and staff that fosters the most positive experience possible for all.
Parent Signature_______________________________________ Date_____________________
Printed name________________________________________________________
Olathe North Girl’s Swimming and Diving Team Expectations 2015