Insert Company Logo / Transmission Operator or Balancing Authority Data Request and Specifications for Data Provision / Version 1.0
APPLICABILITY: Balancing Authorities, Generation Owners, Generation Operators, Load
Serving Entities, Transmission Operators, Transmission Owners, Interchange Authorities, Distribution Providers
This data request applies specifically to the below listed Registered Entities that are classified in the Responsible Party column of Attachment 1 according to the following legend:
AF = Applicable to Adjacent Facilities
SF = Applicable to Shared Facilities
DT = Applicable to Dynamic Transfer Entities
NE = Applicable to Neighboring Entities
Registered Entity / Responsible PartyEntity X / AF, SF, DT, NE
Entity Y / AF, SF
Entity Z / NE
I. Purpose
Pursuant to NERC Reliability Standard TOP-003-3, the Transmission Operator (TOP) or Balancing Authority (BA) requests data from your entity as detailed in Attachment 1. Specifically, TOP-003-3 R5 requires that each Balancing Authority, Generation Owner, Generation Operator, Load Serving Entity, Transmission Operator, Transmission Owner, Interchange Authority and Distribution Provider provide its TOP or BA with the operating data that it requires to perform operational reliability assessments and to coordinate reliable operations within the TOP or BA Area.
II. Introduction
The data requested includes, but is not limited to, real-time facility data, schedule type data, facility outage information, and electrical equipment modeling data. This data is necessary for the TOP or BA to carry-out its functions, as defined by the NERC Reliability Standards, including:
• Real-Time Monitoring
• System Alarms and Visualizations
• Advanced Applications and other Network Analysis Tools
• Future, Next Day and near Real-Time Engineering Study Analysis
• Post Analysis, Event Analysis, Trends, Forecasts, etc.
III. Exchange of Information and Data
Contact Information
Each entity which is required to provide data directly to insert company name should appoint a single contact person who is responsible for working with the TOP or BA in order to provide the requested data in the specified format. Please notify insert company name of your entity’s contact name, email address and phone number at insert email.
Data Format
Below are some of the most common formats for transfer of data of various types. If a format not listed here is desired, please work with the TOP/ BA to agree on a data delivery method.
Inter Control Center Protocol Data (ICCP)
• Real time Analog and Status point data as detailed in Attachment 1.
• The data provider must include data quality along with the data. This data quality shall follow the ICCP Data Quality Standards as described in the IEC ICCP User’s Guide (870-6-505). If real-time ICCP data transfer is unavailable for any reason, the responsible entity will provide critical real-time system data via phone to the TOP or BA’s real-time desk.
Electric Industry Data Exchange (EIDE)
• Schedule type data as identified in Attachment 1 to be delivered electronically on a daily basis as designated in Attachment 1, by EIDE protocol over https.
• If your entity is unable to perform EIDE over https, then the EIDE formatted files can be delivered to a Company name Secure File Transport Protocol (SFTP) site.
Company name’s EMS technical staff will work with each entity’s technical staff on either ICCP or EIDE implementation.
Peak RC Coordinated Outage System (COS)
• This central outage system has a web front end for easy data entry. Submissions can be automated via a Web Services API by working directly with the system vendor.
• Planned Facility Outage information should include transmission equipment and generators. The details of the required planned outage submittals are in the COS User’s Manual supplied by Peak RC.
• If COS is unavailable, the responsible entity shall send planned outage information to the RC email address
Topology Update Process for the West-wide System Model (WSM)
• The WSM topology updates will be provided through the RC Model Update Process.
Model updates details are in Attachment 1 below and are required no less than 30 days prior to the actual change in the network (additions, deletions or changes in energized equipment).
Other data formats and submittal processes include the use of email, upload to Peak’s secure website, and phone calls to insert company name Operators.
Insert company name’s engineering and operations staff will work with each entity to answer questions, requests for clarification or to address issues related to the technical nature of the data. Please notify insert email with your questions about the TOP or BA data request.
Please send email to with any questions of a legal nature.
Effective date: January 1, 2017 Page 3 of 30
Insert Company NameInsert Company Logo / Transmission Operator or Balancing Authority Data Request and Specifications for Data Provision / Version 1.0
Attachment 1:
The table below contains the specific data insert company name requires from each Responsible Party. Individual TOPs and GOPs are required to ensure their data is being provided either directly or through their associated BA.
1. Real-Time Network Measurement Data
Req # / Responsible Party*See Note 1 / Data Request Effective Date / Data Source
Type / Data Item / Suggested Data Transfer Method / Data Update Frequency /
1.1 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Real-time status points for all
BES equipment and other non-BES equipment that impact the BES (see note 1). / ICCP / By exception
1.2 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Real-time MW measurements or ampere if MW not available for all BES equipment and other non-BES equipment that impacts the BES (see note 1). / ICCP / 10 sec
1.3 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Real-time MVAR measurements for all BES equipment and other non- BES equipment that impact the BES (see note 1). / ICCP / 10 sec
1.4 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Voltage measurements for all busses associated with BES equipment and other busses associated non-BES equipment that impact the BES (see note 1). / ICCP / 10 sec
1.5 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Designated WECC Transfer Path data and stability related interface data:
• TTC (including dynamic limits) actual MW
• scheduled MW as applicable
• actual MW / ICCP / 10 sec
1.6 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / LTC tap position measurements for LTCs with high side voltage > 100kV. / ICCP / 10 sec
1.7 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Phase shifter phase tap position. / ICCP / 10 sec
1.8 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / MW/MVAR measurements for measured loads. These loads may be equivalent representations of your distribution system. / ICCP / 10 sec
1.9 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / RAS Arming Status for all schemes that have an impact to the BES. An armed RAS implies that it is 1) in service and 2) ready to perform an action (trip a unit for example) if a specific condition occurs on the power system. / ICCP / 10 sec
1.10 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / RAS in-service status for all schemes that have an impact to the BES.
ICCP is the desired communication method, if available. Phone call notifying that RAS is out of service (or returned to service) is required if ICCP not available. / ICCP or phone call to the RC upon change to RAS in- service status. / 10 sec
1.11 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / RAS associated analog arming values (e.g. Amp, MW, MVAR). (See note 2 for example) / ICCP / 10 sec
1.12 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Transmission / Status of Non-RAS devices that perform automatic post-contingency actions based on certain parameters such as under voltage or overloaded facilities. This may include, but is not limited to, certain generator run-back schemes or under voltage facility tripping schemes.
This is not a request for under-voltage or under- frequency load shedding information. / ICCP preferred. If none available, phone call to RC upon status change. / 10 sec
1.13 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Operations
Data / Dynamic equipment ratings including all facilities with ratings that vary with real- time system or ambient conditions (temp driven Facility Ratings, Topology driven Facility Ratings). / ICCP (if available) / 10 sec
2. Real-Time Balancing Authority Data
Req # / Responsible Party*See Note 1 / Data Request Effective Date / Data Source
Type / Data Item / Suggested Data Transfer Method / Data Update Frequency /
2.1 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / Instantaneous BA Area Load
(See note 5 for definition of BA Area
Load) / ICCP / 10 sec
2.2 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Net Actual Interchange (as used in ACE calculation) / ICCP / 10 sec
2.3 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Net Scheduled interchange (as used in ACE calculation) / ICCP / 10 sec
2.4 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Instantaneous ACE that is used
to satisfy CPS and DCS requirements. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.5 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BAAL high and low limits – one minute average values. This applies only to those entities that are participating in the Reliability Based Control (RBC) field trial. / ICCP / 1 min
2.6 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / System frequency at multiple locations within the BA as requested by the RC. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.7 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Scheduled frequency / ICCP / 10 sec
2.8 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Area Operating Reserve (as defined by NERC)
• Required
• Actual available / ICCP / 10 sec
2.9 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Area Operating Reserve - Spinning (as defined by NERC)
• Required
• Actual available / ICCP / 10 sec
2.9.1 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / TBD / BA / BA Area Contingency Reserve (as
defined in the NERC glossary and
WECC regional standards)
• Required
• Actual available
This item will replace 2.9 on the effective date. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.10 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA Area Actual Generation Total / ICCP / 10 sec
2.11 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / Actual most severe single contingency (MSSC) of your balancing authority. This value should not be a static Pmax of the largest generator, rather the actual MW output. This is NOT a request for the RSG MSSC. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.12 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Generator / Real-time status points (UCON status point designating unit is or is not connected to the network) for units 10MW or greater, or those units with automatic voltage control or black start capability. / ICCP / By exception
2.13 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Generator / All generators – real-time net MW output. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.14 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Generator / All generators – real-time net MVAR output. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.15 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Dynamic Transfer / Dynamic Schedule real-time dynamic signal used in ACE calculation for each dynamic schedule. This is not the anticipated energy on the tag, rather a real-time calculation of MWs associated with the dynamic schedule. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.16 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Dynamic Transfer / Pseudo Tie real-time dynamic signal. This is a real-time calculation of MWs associated with each pseudo tie used in ACE calculation.
Note: This is not an alternate method for inclusion in congestion management procedures pursuant to INT-004-3. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.17 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Operations Data / Balancing Authority total wind MW output. This is a single value – summation of all wind generation currently online. This value should represent wind generation at the bulk electric system level. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.18 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / Operations Data / Balancing Authority total solar MW output. This is a single value – summation of all solar generation currently online. This value should represent solar generation at the bulk electric system level, not roof top solar for example. / ICCP / 10 sec
2.19 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / Change in status of generating unit
Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR), Power System Stabilizers (PSS) or alternative voltage controlling device. / Phone call to RC Desk / Each occurrence lasting for 30 minutes or longer
2.20 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / ATEC component of ACE / ICCP / 10 sec
2.21 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / BA frequency bias if a dynamic bias is used / ICCP / 10 sec
2.22 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / Meter Error component of ACE / ICCP / 10 sec
3. Forecast Data
Req # / Responsible Party*See Note 1 / Data Request Effective Date / Data Source Type / Data Item / Suggested Data Transfer Method / Data Update Frequency /
3.1 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / Hourly BA Net Area Interchange forecast through the end of the next business day. / EIDE/ Secure FTP / Daily submission by 10AM Pacific Prevailing Time.
3.2 / ☐AF ☐SF
☐DT ☐NE / 4/1/2017 / BA / Hourly Operating Reserve forecast of BA Area through the end of the next business day. / EIDE/ Secure FTP / Daily submission by 10AM Pacific Prevailing Time.