RuislipGardensPrimary School
Telephone No: 01895 632895
Year 1 Curriculum Statement for the Summer Term 2018
The following information is to give you an outline of some of the work your child will be covering during this term. We hope you will actively encourage your child in the work being undertaken so that learning can be both pleasurable and rewarding.
Please note that Sex and Relationship lessons will be taught in the second half of the SummerTerm during the week of 4th June 2018. Any parents requiring more details about the content and materials in the lessons should speak to their child’s class teacher.
The Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) policy and practice was agreed by Governors’ in October 2011 following extensive input, guidance and support from a parent’s working party, Parent Forum and the local authority. SRE is an important part of our curriculum, and the lessons that we teach are from a commercially based scheme of work which is taught in many other primary schools. Parents who feel unhappy about their child participating in SRE may exercise their right to withdraw their child from these lessons by putting their wishes in writing to Mr Titeux by 25th May.
The skills and concepts on which we will be concentrating are:-
/ Our aim is to expose the children to quality texts to engage them and develop their love of reading and writing.Texts : Claude in the City by Alex T Smith
The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson
The Story Tree by Hugh Lipton
Grammar: The weekly grammar lessons will focus on punctuation including ‘?’ and ‘!’, adjectives and verbs and common plural and verb suffixes.
Handwriting: The children will have weekly handwriting lessons following the Nelson handwriting scheme. This term we will continue to focus on correctly forming lower case letters and the correct positioning of the ascenders and descenders and also capital letters.
We will focus on joining the following letters: un, ig, ed, an, ng, ch, th, ill, sl, ck, st
Phonics: The children will continue to be in differentiated groups according to their sound knowledge and will learn new sound patterns each week from Phases 3-6. These new sound patterns will be reinforced in English lessons.
Spellings: The following spelling rules will be revisited this term; words ending with ff, ll, ss, zz, syllables, words containing -tch, adding s , es, er, est, ed and ing, words ending –y, words with ph, adding the prefix –un, compound words and Year 1 common exception words.
/ ArithmeticCount in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers, bridging 10 and using known facts
Find change from 10p and 20p by counting up
Understand the link between multiplication and grouping
Double numbers to 12 and find related halves
Count on and back in ones and 10s to 100
Identify patterns in numbers on a 100 square
Understand place value in 2-digit numbers
Order and compare 2-digit numbers and say a number between.
Know number properties, including odd and even
Add any pair of 1-digit numbers using learned number facts
Add 1-digit to 2-digit numbers
Subtract 1-digit from 2-digit numbers including 2-digit multiples of 10 by counting back
Solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division
Halves and quarters of amounts and shapes
Recognise and know the value of coins
Properties of 2D and 3D shapes
Tell the time to the half and quarter hour
Use language relating to date, including days, weeks, months and years
Compare weights and capacities, measure lengths and heights
Explain reasons and methods orally
Using ‘TimesTable rock stars’ to practise multiplying by 2, 5 and 10.
/ Seasonal change- SummerPlants
/ What are algorithms?2Simple Programs / Beebot
Basic animation using 2animate
/ Queen Elizabeth 1 and Queen Elizabeth 11Geography:
/ Ruislip and the local areaArt:
/ What is sculpture? Based on the Stravinsky Fountain in Paris.D.T:
/ Cooking and NutritionFruit Salad
Moving pictures
/ Old Testament StoriesP.S.H.E.:
/ Myself and othersFamily
Friendship and choices / SRE
Body parts
/ Summer anthemNational anthem
/ AthleticsDance : Summer picnic
Multi skills games : throwing and catching
P.E. Days:
/ 1I and 1E: Wednesday (Gymnastics) and Thursday.Please make sure that all items of your child’s clothing are clearly labelled. This includes school uniform and P.E. kit and Forest School kit. (Unlabelled clothing causes considerable problems when getting dressed after P.E.)
P.E. Uniform: White T Shirt Forest School KitWellies
Black shorts Tracksuit bottoms
Black tracksuit bottoms (plain)Waterproof coat
Black plimsolls and white socksSocks
May we remind you that children should not wear earrings or any other jewellery on P.E. days.
P.E. kit should remain in school from Monday to Friday and be taken home for washing at the weekend.
We would like all the children to read at least five times per week at home. Children who have read 5 times a week will be awarded with a special sticker. Reading regularly has a huge impact on children's educational development. Thank you for your support with this.
- English and Maths homework will be given out on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.
- Topic homework will also be set occasionally.
- We will continue to send home handwriting practice each week.
Educational Visits
Ruislip High Street / Tuesday 26th June 2018 / Free