TheatreattheOldFire Station
Please send applicationsto thTheatre Applicationin thesubject line
AAbout you and the company
Name of OrganisationContact Name
Contact Address
Including postcode
Telephone Number
Website Address
Type of Organisation
If Applicable
How long has this organisation/group been operating?
Companyhistory–current andpast
What shows has the company performed previously? / Where / WhenWhatshows has theleadapplicantmanagedpreviously? / Where / When
BAbout the show
What is it called?
Tell us more about the show here (less than 200 words)
I/we would like to hire YES / NO
I/we would like to negotiate a box split YES / NO
I/we would like a different arrangement (please specify)…
Iamapplying/submittinga proposaltoput onthefollowingtypeofshow (tick all that apply):
Theatre / Music / Dance / Family/Children / Comedy / OtherProfessional Group
Amateur/Student Group
School group
Ifyouwish toincludeanypast programmesorother supportingmaterialplease attach to an email or send a link.
Is theperformancealreadyfullydeveloped? YES / NO
If not, howlong doyouanticipate this processtaking?
CAbout yourpeople
How many people are in the show? (Number of cast and crew):
Age range of cast and crew (including number of those under 16):
Howmanydifferentacts/groupsdoyoupropose tobeinvolvedin the show?
Howmanypeopleworkingbackstage ontheshow?
childminders (ifapplicable)
other support workingontheshow
If other, please specify
Areyou proposingoneperformance, twoin onedayorarunofperformances?
No.ofPerformances / PreferredDates/PeriodOneperformance
Two performances onsameday
Run of performances (how many)
Do you require additional time outside of the performance days? If so, please specify:
What are your preferred get in and get out times for the performance?
Preferred TimesFirst Day / Get-In Time
Get-Out Time
Subsequent Days / Get-In Time
Get-Out Time
Final Day / Get-In Time
Get-Out Time
Expectedduration of theperformance:
Preferred performance start time:
Is therean interval? If so, what will be the expected duration and at what time will it happen?
Expected performance end time:
Preferred seating layout in the Theatre:
Seating Layout Options / Capacity / Performance Area / Please tickEnd Stage / 91 / 10m x 5m
Thrust Stage / 124 / 5m x 5m
No Seating / 200 / 6m x 3m
In the Round / 133 / 4m x 4m
Traverse Short / 93 / 5m x 10m
Traverse Long / 113 / 10m x 4m
If the performance is suitable in another venue please select from below:
Alternate Venues / Please tickStudio
Loft Room
Crisis Skylight Café
All our Alternate Venues have a total room capacity of 60.
Preferred seating layout inAlternate Venues. Please describe how you would like to layout the space:
(you do not have to be precise at this stage but please give us an idea of what you intend to use)
Numberandtypeof instruments you will bring in
Prop details
Set details
Extra technical equipment
Do you require the use of any of the following?
Technical Equipment Hire / Cost per Day / Yes / NoProjector / £ 25.00 plus VAT
Radio Microphones / £ 37.50 plus VAT
Smoke Machine / £ 12.50 plus VAT
Hazer / £ 12.50 plus VAT
Howmuch wouldyouliketochargefortickets?
Doyou haveimages/publicityfortheperformance?YES / NO
Expected target audienceforyourperformance:
If you have a press/marketing person working with you, are you able to give a brief outline of your intended marketing plan?
Howdidyou hear about Arts at the Old Fire Station?
Why wouldyouliketoputonashowat the Old Fire Station?
For Office Use Only / Notes/ Application Outcome Decided
/ Applicant Informed of outcome