Thank you for choosing the Beachwood City Schools’ Before & After School Childcare Program, which is for children – in grades K through 5 – of Beachwood residents. The Before and After School Childcare Program is now in its 19th year under the direction of the Beachwood Board of Education.
We look forward to knowing and working with you to provide a successful and quality experience for your child. We employ well-trained and enthusiastic people who enjoy and understand young children.
We recognize that children in the Childcare Program have a very long school day and that before and after care activities must be enjoyable, as well as educational. With that consideration, the Board of Education employs specialists in the areas of music, art, cooking, science, dance and fitness to enrich the daily program. We are very pleased with the positive comments we have received about our caring staff and creative programming.
In this handbook, we have identified many ways in which we can work together to provide the best program for your child. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with information and our policies.
The 2017-2018 school year begins Wednesday, August 16, 2017. This is also the first day of the Childcare Program, which is held at Bryden Elementary School, Monday through Friday:
Before School:7:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
After School:3:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Please read and complete the forms included with this packet and return them to the Beachwood Board of Education, 24601 Fairmount Boulevard, NO LATER THAN MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 2017.
If you have any questions, please contactLois Higgins,Program Coordinator at 216-763-2565 or Marlene Dunger, Secretary at 216-464-2600.
We look forward to working with you and your child to make this a very successful year.
Sherry Miller, Principal
Bryden Elementary School
Eligible Children
For children of Beachwood residents in grades K-5
Child Care Hours
Before School:7:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
After School:3:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
First Day: Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Last Day: Thursday, May 31, 2018
Program Location
Bryden Elementary School
25501 Bryden Road, Beachwood
Phone Numbers
Childcare Direct Line:(216) 763-2565
Board of Education:(216) 464-2600
Parents/authorized adults dropping off children are responsible for bringing the child to the classroom, and signing in with staff. Parents are not to drop off child at school entrance!
Parents/authorized adults picking up children are to check in with the staff and sign children out before children leave the childcare site.
Late Fee
If you will be late in picking up your child, a $5 late charge for up to the first 5 minutes is expected, and an additional $5 for each 5-minute increment.
Accidents and Emergencies
In the event of an accident, the program coordinator will determine the seriousness of the injury, deciding if immediate medical attention is needed. If immediate medical care is needed, the parent will be notified by telephone and 911 will be called to transport the child to the nearest emergency facility. The parent will be instructed to meet the staff member there. A staff member will remain with the parent and child as long as necessary. A written report of the accident and actions taken will be promptly filed.
Fire Drills, Weather Alerts and Emergency Evacuation
A plan is posted in each classroom, which explains the action to be taken in the event of fire or weather alert. Staff is trained to execute this plan. Periodic fire and weather drills are held. Staff is also trained to evacuate the building if the need should arise.
School Closings
Occasionally, winter weather may require a snow day or rare circumstances may necessitate an emergency closing. Please consult your local television and radio stations and the school district website for school closing bulletins. There will be no refund for any days that school is closed or switching of days due to school closures.
Holiday & School Closing Schedule
September4Labor Day
21Rosh Hashanah
November7Staff Inservice Day
22- 24Thanksgiving Break
December25- 29Winter Break
January1-5Winter Break
12Staff Inservice Day
15Martin Luther King Day
February 19Presidents’ Day
March26-30Spring Break
May29Memorial Day
Release of Child to Other Adults
The Childcare Program Coordinator and staff can only release your child to those adults for whom we have written authorization. If you wish to have friends or relatives pick up your child on a particular day, you will need to provide a written release to that effect and to inform us that day.
Emergency Care Authorization
We recognize that a working parent cannot always arrange to be available during Childcare hours. In the event of your son’s or daughter’s illness or injury, the Childcare staff will always try to reach you first. We ask for two emergency contacts to which you would entrust your child’s care and support if you cannot be reached. Friends may move or change phone numbers, so alert the program director of the changes of names, addresses, and phone numbers of the emergency care representatives.
Administration of Medications
Medications can only be given when the necessary parent and physician forms have been completed. This is applies to over-the-counter medications, as well as prescription medication. No medication may be sent to the Childcare Program with a child! Any changes from the initial medication request such as: changing medication, administration time or dosage change require a new parent and physician request and form before the change can be initiated.
The Beachwood Board of Education has a policy regarding the administration of prescription or non-prescription drugs by authorized school personnel to students. This includes school hours and before and after school programs administered by Beachwood City Schools.
This policy requires the following:
- A written request is to be signed by the parent/guardian so that the drug may be administered to the student. See attached Parent/Guardian form.
- A written request is to be signed by the attending physician with the appropriate information. See attached Physician request form.
- The drug will be delivered to school by the parent, guardian, or other person having care or charge of student, in the container in which itwas dispensed by the attending physician or licensed pharmacist.
- Non-prescription drugs are to be in the original container clearly labeled with the student name and dispensing information.
- Parent and physician requests for dispensing medication are valid only for the school year in which they are submitted.
Annual registration fee: $25.00
Annual Fees:
Before School Care:TotalDeposit
7-8:45 a.m.5 Days $1,910.00 100.00
4 Days 1,605.00 100.00
3 Days 1,205.00 50.00
2 Days 805.00 25.00
1 Day 400.00 25.00
After School Care:TotalDeposit
3:15-6 p.m.5 Days $2,400.00 $100.00
4 Days 2,150.00 100.00
3 Days 1,630.00 100.00
2 Days 1,090.00 50.00
1 Day 545.00 25.00
A fee of $15 per occurrence for Before and After School Care will be assessed in the case of an emergency/unexpected circumstance.
Payment Plan Information:
- A NON-REFUNDABLE registration fee of $25 is due by Monday, August 7, 2017.
- A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit (as outlined on Fees Worksheet & Contract) is due upon registration.Each month’s payment is due by the first of the month. Bills will not be sent.
- There is a $5/day late charge after the first of each month, which will be strictly enforced.
- Your child will not be accepted in the program on the 5th of the month if payment has not been made.
- Payments may be made at the Board of Education office, checks can be sent by mail, and payment may be made online with MasterCard or VISA. No telephone registrations will be accepted.
- There will be no changing of days per your contract.
Childcare Program
Beachwood Board of Education
24601 Fairmount Boulevard
Beachwood, OH 44122
Beachwood City Schools will provide a safe environment for your child, both physically and socially. We employ a well-trained and enthusiastic people who enjoy and understand children.
Recognizing that children are still developing self-control and socially acceptable behavior, a major goal of the school and program staff is to help youngsters learn how to manage their behavior in and out of school. Adults who work with the children will model courteous and respectful behavior and encourage children to be respectful. Children will learn to follow the rules of group membership, respecting one another’s possessions and individual space. In addition, they will learn to share materials and equipment, to wait for turns, and to listen to one another. All children are expected to follow these rules. Consideration towards one another will be encouraged.
- All participants will show proper respect to each other, to staff, and to their surrounding elements.
- Acts of verbal and/or physical violence (i.e. hitting, fighting, throwing, damaging equipment/building, swearing, and talking back) will not be tolerated. Consistent disobedience will be grounds for suspension and possible removal from the program. In all cases of vandalism or property damage, the parent will be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement as necessary.
- Parents/authorized adults picking up children are to check in with staff and sign children out before children leave the childcare site.
- Children must abide by any other rules deemed necessary by the Childcare Program Coordinator for the safety and well being of the Childcare Program as a whole.
- The Beachwood Board of Education reserves the right to remove any child from our program who consistently displays deviant behavior from the aforementioned guidelines established by the Beachwood City Schools. Removal from the Childcare Program based upon these guidelines will result in the loss of fees paid.