Saint Anselm Church

12670 Dunks Ferry Road

Philadelphia, PA 19154

Parish Center School

Phone 215-637-3525 215-632-1133

Fax 215-637-4915 215-632-3264

Parish Website:

School Website:



Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon


8:30 AM (Monday thru Friday)

8:00 AM (Saturday)

Second Sunday of Easter

12 April 2015


Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Reverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.………………..ext. #11…………

Reverend David M. Friel.……………………Parochial Vicar……..ext. #14…………

Deacon Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate…...ext. #12…………

Deacon Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate…..ext. #17…………...deacon.warner@

Mrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………

Mrs. Diane Leonetti..………………………..Director of Music……ext. #29…………...dleonetti@

Mr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education…ext. #15…………..dmueller@

Mrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager..…ext. #13…………... tgrillo@

Mrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary…….ext. #16…………

Mrs. Joanne Jackson………………………..Receptionist………….ext. #10.…………..jjackson@

Mrs. Ronnie Harkins ……………………….Receptionist……...... ext. #10….……….rharkins@


Baptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the parents by offering instruction on the meaning, importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality Center following the Noon Mass.


Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish priest to make arrangements for a wedding.


Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM


Rosary 8:00 AM Daily

6:30 PM Monday

Divine Mercy 3:00 PM Monday (Chapel)

Eucharistic Exposition 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Monday - Chapel

Benediction 6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)

Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Monday

Charismatic Prayer Mtg. 7:00 PM Tuesday

Miraculous Medal Novena 8:00 AM Mass Saturday


Dear Parishioners

Parish Assembly

On Thursday evening, April 16th, there will be another Parish Assembly in Our Lady of Victory Hall (Gym) to which all are invited. Doors will open at 6:30 PM for homemade desserts, coffee/tea, socializing, and conversation. The Assembly will run from 7:00 to 9:00 PM.

If you have not already signed up by filling in a card to attend the Assembly, please sign up now by calling the Parish Center. Doing so will help us be prepared.

Participants will be asked to ratify our new Mission Statement and to brainstorm ideas about how we can achieve our goals during the next five years. Our Goals are:

1) to establish an Evangelization Committee

2) to outline a development plan for Saint Anselm School.


As people who have known and experienced the presence and power of Jesus Christ in our lives, we are called to tell others this good news. At Easter, we are called to tell others of how the merciful love of Christ has graced us with new life enabling us to live life as God envisions.

If you have ideas about how to reach out to non-practicing Catholics, or if you know people who truly live, practice, and are good Catholics, or if you are interested in spiritual programs, ministry, and pastoral activity, then please indicate that you will work on Goal #1.


The 2015 – 2016 budget that was presented two weeks ago is concrete evidence that focus must be given to Development and our call to be fiscally responsible for Saint Anselm Parish.

If you have ideas on how to sustain and increase enrollment in the school, or if you have ideas about how to raise funds for Saint Anselm School, or if you are already involved in fundraising, or if you are a proud alumnus of Saint Anselm School, then please check that you will work on Goal #2.

Proposed New Mission Statement for Saint Anselm Church

The Roman Catholic community of St. Anselm Parish

in Far Northeast Philadelphia

is committed to living the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

In imitation of Christ,

we provide opportunities for

spiritual growth,

quality Catholic teaching for people of all ages,


assistance to the poor, the sick, and the burdened.

Challenged to live the gospel message of Jesus Christ,

we strive to

reach out to the non-practicing Catholic,

involve our youth in parish activities, and

motivate all to contribute time, talent,

and to be fiscally responsible.



The final phase of the R.C.I.A. process is called Mystagogy. All of us are called to use the Easter season (50 days) as a period of Mystagogy.

Mystagogy is a word which calls us to reflect on the mystery of how the risen Jesus has been at work in our lives. The questions to ask yourself daily during the Easter Season are, “How has Jesus been at work in my life?” “How did Jesus grace my life during Lent with forgiveness, healing, recovery, Easter, and new life?”

May your mystagogy grace you with a heightened awareness that Jesus is indeed risen, alive and at work in your life. It is no wonder that Christians, aware of the faith, love and goodness that Jesus has brought to life in them, proclaim ALLELUIA over and over again throughout these 50 days.

Race for Education

Saint Anselm School “Race for Education” is underway. In last week’s bulletin, there was a green flier asking you to participate. If you did not receive one, the forms are on the tables with the bulletins. The goal is a minimum of $35,000.

Race for Education is a Walk-A-Thon to raise funds for essential educational needs for Saint Anselm School. The Race for Education will take place on Friday, April 24th.

Saint Anselm School

Saint Anselm Parish remains committed to having a school that offers quality Catholic Education from Pre K (4 year old), Kindergarten thru 8th Grade.

If you know of a family with a Pre K 4 year old, or a child eligible for Kindergarten or 1st grade, please tell them about our school. Registrations are now being accepted. Please call 215-632-1133.

Carnival Chances

Carnival Chances are available in the back of the Church. Please pick up your chances as well as any neighbor you may know. The chances will be arranged in alphabetical street order, then numerical order.

Snow Removal Collection – Thank you

I am most grateful to all who contributed to the special collection to help defray the cost of snow removal this past winter which amounted to $13,000. The snow removal collection totaled $5,088.

Happy Easter,

Father Dunleavy


K – 8th GRADE

The George & Mary Kremer Foundation is offering student grants to students entering Kindergarten through 8th grade in September, 2015. Applications are available at the Parish Center. To qualify, your income must not exceed $44,123 per year for a household of four or less with an additional $7,511 for each additional family member over the number of four residing in your household. Applications must be received at the Parish Center no later than Monday, May 18, 2015. If you have any questions, please call 215-637-3525, ext. #16.

Steubenville Trip

June 19 – 21, 2015

All high school age youth (current 8th graders through graduating seniors) are invited to join us for our 8th annual summer youth conference at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. We were able to reserve 25 spots for our parish.

Please register at the Parish Center by April 21st with a $50.00 deposit (checks payable to “Saint Anselm Youth”). The cost of the trip is $187.00.

Blessed Margaret of Castello

Feast Day Mass & Celebration

All are invited to join us on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 2:00 PM at the Chapel of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, 1663 Bristol Pike, Bensalem. Refreshments to follow. For directions or further information, please call 215-245-8039.


Catholic Charities Appeal - Open Your Heart. Open a Door.

The greatest thing you will ever make… is a difference.

The Catholic Charities Appeal, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia's single most important fundraising initiative, enhances the Archdiocese's ability to serve its parishes and people of all faiths throughout Greater Philadelphia.

Listed here are the many agencies, programs, and services that seek to enable individuals to function as truly human persons. There are many others but these are listed here because there are people from Saint Anselm who have been helped by these programs and agencies. While the generosity of people in the past built the buildings, your generosity is needed to provide the heat, electricity, and staff. . . so that the many people who have special needs may continue to be helped.

Family Service Centers Schools of Special Education

Located throughout the Archdiocese Our Lady of Confidence Day School

Saint Anselm is served by the Northeast Philadelphia Family Center located at 7360 Jackson Street, the former convent at

Saint Bernard Church.

Children Services

Foster Family & Adoption Service

Services for People with Special Needs

Divine Providence Village (Women) Cardinal Krol Center (Men)

St. Edmond’s Home

St. Lucy School for the Visually Impaired

Archbishop Ryan Academy for the Deaf

Youth & Young Adult Ministry

Respect Life Office

Family Life Office

Please make checks payable to: Catholic Charities Appeal and mail to Catholic Charities

Appeal – Archdiocese of Philadelphia – 222 North 17th Street – Philadelphia, PA 19103-1299


Mass Schedule

Sunday, April 12

8:00 AM Deceased Members of

Saint Anselm Memorial Society

10:00 AM Larry Harkins, Sr.

r/b Ronnie Harkins & Family

12:00 PM People of Saint Anselm Parish

Monday, April 13

8:30 AM Lyster & Maloney Family r/b Helen Lyster

Tuesday, April 14

8:30 AM Milton Johnson, Jr. r/b His Wife & Children

Wednesday, April 15

8:30 AM Frances Fitzgerald r/b Her Family

Thursday, April 16

8:30 AM Daniel C. Nugent r/b His Wife & Sons

Friday, April 17

8:30 AM Donna Buonviso

r/b Mike, Paula, Ryan, Nicholas & Eric

Saturday, April 18

8:00 AM Patricia Ward r/b Shirley Greenlay

5:00 PM Mary Ann Savage r/b Eileen Savage

Sunday, April 19

8:00 AM Paul Causgrove r/b Nancy & Ed Wrazen

10:00 AM Maggie Short r/b Pat & John Mooney

12:00 PM People of Saint Anselm Parish

Sunday Collection – March 29, 2015

Envelopes $15,733.00

Loose $ 657.53

High School Students $ 88.00

Grade School Students $ 24.00

Total $16,502.53

Second Collection – March 29, 2015

Snow Removal $ 5,088.00

Second Collection Today

Building & Grounds

Pray For Our Deceased…

Frank Domanico, husband of Patricia Domanico

Dorothy Gentile-Giorgianni, mother of Dave Gentile

John McCleary, husband of Donna McCleary

Mary McEachern, wife of John McEachern

Jane Maciejewski, mother of Joann Whartenby

Joyce O’Mara, mother of Stanley Prybella

Pray For Our Sick…

Lorraine Apice, wife of Edward Apice

Terry Baker, nephew of Mary Elisio

Tom Barr, brother of Margie & Jerry Barr

Barbara Bersin, friend of Terry Caimi

Terry Black, friend of Barbara Farrant

John Carr, brother of Robert Carr

Joe Ciminara, friend of Pete DiGiuseppe

Margaret, Mark & Ralph Citrino

Debbie Collins, niece of Peg Brecker

Emma Costello, great-granddaughter of Peg Cohan

Lisa Costello, niece of Kathy Zaremski

Jim Costello, friend of The Hooven & Corcoran Family

Beverly Delgott, daughter of Beverly Geist

Michael DiMauro, brother of Carmella Morris

Jack Dockery, husband of Jackie Dockery

Joey Dougherty, brother of Debbie Peruso

Maryann Galone, daughter of Sabrina Black

Mark F. Gardner, fiancé of Beverly Gavin

Ralph Gariano, husband of Helene Gariano

Nicki Goodwin, friend of Bill & Lauren Love

Donna Graham, wife of Joseph Graham

Carol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker Moore

Teresa Holman, daughter of Mary & Dom Bucciarelli

Linda Ireland, friend of Mary Beahr

Leslie Kobzina, granddaughter of Eleanor Keeton

Ed Lafferty, husband of Peg Lafferty

Nicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol Lamina

E. Leinenbach, mother of Leinenbach, Sees & Moser Families

Jeanne McDonough, aunt of Ann Grippo

Marie Macready, mother of Joyce Macready

Felicia Maduzia, mother of Ronnie Harkins

Erin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita Murphy

Nora Mastyl, sister of Kathy Nice

Rick Mauro, husband of Cathy Mauro

Anna McIvor, wife of Joe McIvor

Mickey Melnyk, wife of Joe Melnyk

Bonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen Lowery

Judy O’Meara, relative of Joanne Callahan

Joe Pearce, husband of Judy Pearce

Relatives of The Tarquin Pirolli Family

Ron Raby, husband of Marge Raby

Art Rausch, husband of Judy Rausch

Bernard Rice, neighbor of The Ramirez Family

Jeanne Robinson, friend of Bill & Lauren Love

Al Romagano, husband of Mary Romagano

Amelia & Alan Sacilowski

Tom Secrest, husband of Pat Secrest

Agnes Smith, wife of Gerard Smith

Frank Stabler, nephew of Bill Stabler

Betty Beck Tierney, sister of Rita Vaxner

Elizabeth Wahl, granddaughter of Terry Kumor

Edward Woehlcke, husband of Donna Woehlcke

Richard Young, husband of Catherine Young

Helene Zisk, wife of Stan Zisk


Weekly Schedule

Sunday, April 12

Divine Mercy Sunday

9:00 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B

10:00AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4)

12:00 PM Secular Franciscans – Spirituality Center

4:00 PM Irish Dance Recital – OLV

5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

6:30 PM CYO HS Youth Night – Room A

Monday, April 13

9:00 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament

3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet

6:30 PM Rosary & Benediction – Chapel

6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:00 PM Legion of Mary – Spirituality Center

7:00 PM Cub Scouts – Parish Hall

7:30 PM Al Anon Meeting – Cares II Room

7:30 PM Theology on Tap – Gearo’s

Tuesday, April 14

9:15 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B

6:45 PM CCD Classes

…Level 2 Singing Practice 6:15 PM

7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.

7:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:30 PM Ladies’ of St. Anselm Meeting – Parish Hall

Wednesday, April 15

6:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:00 PM Parkwood Civic Association – Parish Hall

7:15 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Thursday, April 16

7:55 AM First Communion Retreat – School & CCD

12:00 PM Senior Citizens’ General Mtg. - OLV