Example GREB Combined Letter of Information and Consent Form
[Faculty Researcher, Interviews, No Risk, Compensation]
Study Title: The Pedagogical Value of Kelly Clarkson Music
Name of Researcher: John Freeman, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
I am asking second-year master’s students in Education to take part in a research study examining the influence of Kelly Clarkson’s music on their lives. If you agree to take part, I will interview you for one hour at a public location of your choosing. The interview will be audio-recorded and later transcribed. There are no known risks for taking part in this study. While there are no direct benefits to you as a participant, study results will help inform how Kelly Clarkson’s music could be used in master’s classes in Education.
There is no obligation for you to say yes to take part in this study. You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to. You can stop participating at any time without penalty. You may withdraw from the study up until December 31, 20XX by contacting me at .
I will keep your data securely for at least five years. Your confidentiality will be protected to the extent possible by replacing your name with a pseudonym for all data and in all publications. The code list linking real names with pseudonyms will be stored separately and securely from the data. Other than me, only a transcriber who has signed a Confidentiality Agreement will have access to any of the data.
I hope to publish the results of this study in academic journals and present them at conferences. I will include quotes from some of the interviews when presenting my findings. However, I will never include any real names with quotes, and I will do my best to make sure quotes do not include information that could indirectly identify participants. During the interview, please let me know if you say anything you do not want me to quote.
For taking part in this research, you will receive a $10 iTunes gift card.
If you have any ethics concerns please contact the General Research Ethics Board (GREB) at1-844-535-2988 (Toll free in North America) or .
If you have any questions about the research, please contact me at or 613-533-6000 ext. 77298.
This Letter of Information provides you with the details to help you make an informed choice. All your questions should be answered to your satisfaction before you decide whether or not to participate in this research study.
Keep one copy of the Letter of Information for your records and return one copy to the researcher, Dr. John Freeman.
By signing below, I am verifying that: I have read the Letter of Information and all of my questions have been answered.
Name of Participant: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Example GREB Combined Letter of Information and Consent Form
[Student Researcher, Interviews, No Risk, Compensation]
Study Title: Kelly Clarkson Music and Physical Activity
Name of Student Researcher: Clay Aiken, SKHS, Queen’s University
Name of Supervisor: John Freeman, SKHS, Queen’s University
I am Clay Aiken, a master’s student in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies (SKHS), working under the supervision of Dr. John Freeman. I am asking graduate students to take part in a research study examining the influence of Kelly Clarkson’s music on their physical activity. If you agree to take part, I will interview you for one hour at a public location of your choosing. The interview will be audio-recorded and later transcribed. There are no known risks for taking part in this study. While there are no direct benefits to you as a participant, study results will help inform how Kelly Clarkson’s music could be used to help improve graduate students’ physical activity.
There is no obligation for you to say yes to take part in this study. You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to. You can stop participating at any time without penalty. You may withdraw from the study up until December 31, 20XX by contacting me at .
I will keep your data securely for at least five years. Your confidentiality will be protected to the extent possible by replacing your name with a pseudonym for all data and in all publications. The code list linking real names with pseudonyms will be stored separately and securely from the data. Other than me, only a transcriber who has signed a Confidentiality Agreement will have access to any of the data.
I hope to publish the results of this study in my master’s thesis and academic journals and present them at conferences. I will include quotes from some of the interviews when presenting my findings. However, I will never include any real names with quotes, and I will do my best to make sure quotes do not include information that could indirectly identify participants. During the interview, please let me know if you say anything you do not want me to quote.
For taking part in this research, you will receive a $10 iTunes gift card.
If you have any ethics concerns please contact the General Research Ethics Board (GREB) at 1-844-535-2988 (Toll free in North America) or .
If you have any questions about the research, please contact me, Clay Aiken, at or my supervisor, Dr. John Freeman, at or 613-533-6000 ext. 77298.
This Letter of Information provides you with the details to help you make an informed choice. All your questions should be answered to your satisfaction before you decide whether or not to participate in this research study.
Keep one copy of the Letter of Information for your records and return one copy to the researcher, Clay Aiken.
By signing below, I am verifying that: I have read the Letter of Information and all of my questions have been answered.
Name of Participant: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Example GREB Combined Letter of Information and Consent Form
[Faculty Researcher, Interviews, Some Risk, No Compensation]
Study Title: The Pedagogical Value of Kelly Clarkson Music
Name of Researcher: John Freeman, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
I am asking second-year master’s students in Education to take part in a research study examining the influence of Kelly Clarkson’s music on their lives. If you agree to take part, I will interview you for one hour at a public location of your choosing. The interview will be audio-recorded and later transcribed. Some of the questions may cause you anxiety. If you are experiencing distress after the interview, please contact Telephone Aid Line Kingston (TALK) at 613-544-1771. While there are no direct benefits to you as a participant, study results will help inform how Kelly Clarkson’s music could be used in master’s classes in Education.
There is no obligation for you to say yes to take part in this study. You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to. You can stop participating at any time without penalty. You may withdraw from the study up until December 31, 20XX by contacting me at .
I will keep your data securely for at least five years. Your confidentiality will be protected to the extent possible by replacing your name with a pseudonym for all data and in all publications. The code list linking real names with pseudonyms will be stored separately and securely from the data. Other than me, only a transcriber who has signed a Confidentiality Agreement will have access to any of the data.
I hope to publish the results of this study in academic journals and present them at conferences. I will include quotes from some of the interviews when presenting my findings. However, I will never include any real names with quotes, and I will do my best to make sure quotes do not include information that could indirectly identify participants. During the interview, please let me know if you say anything you do not want me to quote.
If you have any ethics concerns please contact the General Research Ethics Board (GREB) at 1-844-535-2988 (Toll free in North America) or .
If you have any questions about the research, please contact me at or 613-533-6000 ext. 77298.
This Letter of Information provides you with the details to help you make an informed choice. All your questions should be answered to your satisfaction before you decide whether or not to participate in this research study.
Keep one copy of the Letter of Information for your records and return one copy to the researcher, Dr. John Freeman.
By signing below, I am verifying that: I have read the Letter of Information and all of my questions have been answered.
Name of Participant: ______
Signature: ______
Date: ______
Example GREB Letter of Information and Consent by Survey Link
[Faculty Researcher, Surveys, Some Risk, Entry into Draw]
Study Title: The Pedagogical Value of Kelly Clarkson Music
Name of Researcher: John Freeman, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
I am asking second-year master’s students in Education to take part in a research study examining the influence of Kelly Clarkson’s music on their lives. If you agree to take part, you will complete an on-line survey that is expected to take 15-20 minutes. Some of the questions may cause you anxiety. If you are experiencing distress after the interview, please contact Telephone Aid Line Kingston (TALK) at 613-544-1771. While there are no direct benefits to you as a participant, study results will help inform how Kelly Clarkson’s music could be used in master’s classes in Education.
There is no obligation for you to say yes to take part in this study. You don’t have to answer any questions you don’t want to. You can stop participating at any time without penalty. As survey responses are anonymous, you can withdraw by closing your browser while doing the survey. You cannot withdraw after completing the survey. I will keep your data securely for at least five years.I hope to publish the results of this study in academic journals and present them at conferences.
For taking part in this study, you are eligible to win one of four $20 gift cards from iTunes. Information you provide for the draw will be separate from your survey responses. You will be directed to a separate link for the draw from the survey.
If you have any ethics concerns please contact the General Research Ethics Board (GREB) at 1-844-535-2988 (Toll free in North America) or .
If you have any questions about the research, please contact me at or 613-533-6000 ext. 77298.
This Letter of Information provides you with the details to help you make an informed choice. All your questions should be answered to your satisfaction before you decide whether or not to participate in this research study.
Keep one copy of the Letter of Information for your records.
By clicking this button, I am verifying that: I have read the Letter of Information and all of my questions have been answered. I consent to participate in this study.
ExamplesGREB Combined Letters of Information/Consent Formsv.2017APR21
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