North Penn High School

Lansdale, PA

2016-2017 Aquatics and Physical Education Grading Policy

Physical Education graduation requirement: two semesters of aquatics and four semesters of

Physical Education (11th grade – Lifetime Fitness; 12th grade – Senior Physical Education)

Refer to the Program of Academic Studies for details. The email addresses for each faculty member are available on the NPSD website –


In the 2016-2017 academic year, the grading scale that will be used in all courses will include a “plus” designation for grades of C or higher. The grade of D will be the equivalent of 65% - 69%.

Grading Scale for Marking Periods Final Course Grades

A+97 – 100%A+ - D course averages parallel the marking period grades.

A90 – 96%E 50 – 64% (Remediation permitted)

B+87 – 89%FBelow 50% (Remediation not permitted)

B80 – 86%

C+77 – 79%

C70 – 76%

D65 – 69%

FBelow 65%

All numeric averages will be rounded to the nearest whole number.

IAn incomplete may not be used as a final grade.

I** (Incomplete in Aquatics)

**I – Aquatics Incomplete identifies those students who are working to complete the Basic Red Cross Swimming Test. This is not a failing grade. It will not negatively affect honor roll status, GPA and class rank. When the student successfully completes the Basic Red Cross Swimming Test, the I in Aquatics will be changed to a letter grade earned. The Basic Red Cross Test is considered the final exam. If the final exam is not successfully completed the student will have options. The first will be to move into our “I18” swim class. During this class the student will have the ability to take the Red Cross Test at any time. When they have successfully passed the Red Cross Test their schedule will be changed and transcript updated. The second option is receive a “0” on the final exam and not take the “I18” course. This will be less 16% points of your final grade.

Semester grades are final grades and earn 0.15 credit per semester or 0.3 credit for 2 semesters per year.

They are determined as follows:

First semester: average of marking periods one and two

Second semester: average of marking periods three and four

Participation Guidelines

Participation is defined as participating actively and cooperating with the instructor. Active participation is based on meeting the stated objectives of the daily lesson derived from the Pennsylvania State Standards for Physical Education.The teacher determines the participation status of the students.

Non-participation: If a student reports to class and is not actively engaged in class, then the student has not participated in class. Examples of non-participation include but are not limited to refusal to participate because of new tattoos or body piercings, processed hair, or note from parent or work/business. If a student does not actively participate in class he/ she will earn no points for that class. Students must participate in half of the marking period classes. In aquatics, the student is expected to be dressed in a bathing suit while being physically active in the water to earn participation points for that lesson.

When a student does not participate in class due to failure to dress and/or student refuses to participate, the following could include, but is not limited to:

♦The teacher contacts the parent and submits a behavior report to the home office assistant principal.

♦The home office assistant principal assigns two detentions.

♦After the 4th instance of non-participation, the home office assistant principal will assign a Saturday school for each class missed.

♦Physical Education: On the first instance of non-participation, students will remain in class area. On the second instance of non-participation, students will be sent to the Home Office

♦Aquatics: For each instance a student refuses to participate without a reason acceptable to the teacher, the student will be sent to the Home Office.

Students may make up classes for the following reasons:

♦Excused absence (Excused absence from school, field trip, SGA meeting, visit to health suite or other absence pre-approved by the teacher.)

♦Health issues (Aquatics)

♦Non-participation in class as described above

➢Students will be permitted one (1) excused absence per marking period without penalty. Additional excused absences must be made up to obtain credit. If a student missed a specific skill test and or assessment, it is his/ her responsibility to communicate with his/ her individual teacher to arrange the make-up opportunity for that specific assessment.

Students may not make up classes for the following reasons:

♦Class cutting (Refer to Student-Parent Handbook. When a student cuts class or is absent from school unexcused, he/she does not receive participation credit nor may he/she make up skills or written tests.)

♦Unexcused absence from school

♦Refusal to participate and/or cooperate

♦Failure to dress (Student reports to class and does not have appropriate attire. Refer to next page for guidelines.)

Make up Classes

Make up classes are held Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after school by arrangement with the class teacher. Make-up sessions begin promptly at 2:16. No one will be admitted after that time. All make-up classes will take place on the NPHS campus under the supervision of a Health/PE faculty member. Make up classes will also be held during 9th period on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A student may not make up multiple classes per visit. A student may make-up three (3) classes per marking period for which there is an excused absence, instance of non-participation, and/or menstruation (aquatics only). A class cut, including leaving the pool or gym area before dismissed, cannot be made up.

Medical Excuses

A student who is present for class but unable to swim or to participate in physical education classes due to a medical condition must submit a written medical excuse from a physician to the school nurse, not his/her teacher or home office. Students who are excused from class due to a medical condition with written notification from the physician are not required to make up the class but must report to class dressed in the NP physical education attire. The medical excuse must have a start and finish date and any other limitations to be followed when the class activity is resumed. If a student receives an M for one of the marking periods within the semester the other marking period grade will reflect the final semester grade. (For example: A “M” grade for marking period one and a “B” grade for marking period two will result in a first semester grade of a “B”. A grade of “C” for marking period three and a “M” grade for marking period four will result in a second semester grade of a “C”.)

Gym Locker Room Procedures

The gymnasium locker rooms will be locked four (4) minutes after the second bell and reopened at the conclusion of instructional time for security purposes. A student who arrives late to class without a pass after the gym locker room doors are locked must report directly to their HOOF. A student without a pass will not be permitted to make up that class. A student who arrives with a pass after the gym locker room doors are locked must report directly to their physical education teacher. A student with a late pass will be permitted to make up the missed class.

Electronic Devices

All students are required to lock up cell phones, ear buds, headphones and all other electronic devices. No electronic devices are permitted during class. Cell phone usage will follow school policy.

Uniforms - Proper Class Attire

All students are required to change into the appropriate attire for Aquatics & PE.

Physical Education

Boys and Girls Physical Education Attire

The North Penn physical education uniform consists of:

1. Pull on athletic shorts or sweat pants.

2. School appropriate short sleeve T-shirts.

3. Athletic footwear is required (laced and tied sneakers and socks; no boat shoes, UGGs, Toms, etc.)

4. No dangling jewelry is permitted.

5. Students must change completely from school attire into physical education attire for each class.

Borrowing PE Uniforms - No PE uniforms are available to borrow from the high school.


Students are responsible for providing his/ her own suit, towel, soap, shampoo, contact lens case, and solution. Towels are not available to be borrowed.

If a student does not remember to bring a swim suit and refuses to borrow one, he/she will be sent to the appropriate Home Office and receive 3 detentions and not receive credit for the class nor be able to make-up the class.

Boys Aquatics

Swimsuit with liner (built-in supporter), drawstring and suit length above the knee.

Boxer shorts, running shorts, basketball shorts are not acceptable.

Girls Aquatics

One piece swimsuit

All aquatics students who do not participate in swimming are required to follow the PE uniform requirement. This policy applies to all students on a medical excuse and girls who are menstruating. Students are encouraged to wear their middle school issued physical education uniform. Students that are not participating in swimming due to menstrual period, medical excuse or any other excused absence will be expected to remain physically active during the class period. If a student has a medical condition that prevents him/her from activity he/ she will be expected to sit and observe class quietly.

Borrowing a Swimsuit

In an emergency, students may borrow a swimsuit from their teacher under the following guidelines but is not limited to:

♦Students may borrow a swimsuit three times per marking period without additional consequences.

♦On the fourth instance of borrowing, the student will be assigned 2 detentions by the home office assistant principal and the teacher will notify the parent/guardian.

♦On the fifth instance of borrowing, the student will be assigned 3 detentions by the home office assistant principal and the teacher will notify the parent/guardian.

♦Students will not be permitted to borrow six or more times. The instance will be considered failure to dress, and thus, the student will not be permitted to make-up the class.