Srinidhi Balasubramanian

PhD Student, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering,

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

4144 Newmark Civil Engineering Lab, 205. N. Matthews Avenue, Champaign, IL, USA-61820

| +1-217-898-9211| |

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL
Ph.D, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Expected Graduation: May 2015
“Development and Assessment of an Improved Emission Inventory for Ammonia from Agricultural Fertilization” / 2010-Present
(GPA: 3.8/4)
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India
Masters in Technology, Environmental Science and Engineering
“Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Schools” / 2008-2010
(GPA: 10/10)
Sardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai University, India
Bachelors of Engineering, Civil Engineering
“Slope Stability of Road-Cut Hill Slopes near Bhatan Tunnel on Mumbai-Pune Expressway using Numerical Analysis” / 2004-2008
1. Faculty for the Future Fellowship, 2013-2014, Schlumberger Foundation. ($50,000)
2. Ravindar K. and Kavita Kinra Fellowship, 2010- 2012, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), University of Illinois (U of I). ($20,800)
3. Ratan Tata Scholarship, Excellence in Engineering, 2006-2008, Mumbai University.
1. Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2013, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
2. Lake Michigan States Section Travel Scholarship, 2013, Air & Waste Management Association ($200)
3. Racheff Student Travel Award, 2012, CEE, U of I ($500)
4. Shri Rajit Bhagwati Memorial Medal, Outstanding Master’s Student, 2010, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)
5. Kulpati’s Gold Medal, 2008, Sardar Patel College of Engineering (SPCE)
6. Shri R.M. Joshi Prize, Highest Grades in Civil Engineering, 2006-2008, SPCE
1. Student Instructor, (CEE 445 Air Quality Modeling), Civil and Environmental Engineering, UI, Oct 2013
  • Developed course content and taught modules on regulatory air quality model AERMOD and atmospheric deposition of air pollutants for two weeks.
  • Designed a month-long hands-on project on AERMOD with focus on developing inputs, post-processing data and technical report writing skills and organized lab sessions.
2. Coordinator (Environmental Engineering), Girls Adventures in Mathematics, Engineering and Sciences (GAMES), Women in Engineering, UI, Mar - July 2013 & 2012
  • Designed curriculum, course content, final project and worksheets with faculty mentors to expose high-school girls to concepts in Environmental Engineering.
  • Demonstrated concepts in air quality and visualization tools through demonstrations, hands-on software training and field visits.
  • Coordinated and supervised four teaching instructors and two student assistants
3. Graduate Mentor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, U of I, Jan 2013 - Present
  • Trained one graduate and one undergraduate student to use tools for developing databases for spatial data and subsequent analysis and mapping
4. Student Tutor, Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering, U of I, Sept –May 2012
  • Tutoring undergraduate women in introductory Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Calculus and Applied Mechanics
5. Mentor to Undergraduate Women Engineering Students, Society of Women Engineers, U of I Chapter, 2011-Present
  • Conducted monthly meetings with mentees to discuss career opportunities, professional certifications, time management practices, research goals and coursework.
6. Instructor, GAMES (Structural Engineering), Women in Engineering, U of I, Apr-Jul 2011
  • Developed a new module on ‘Structures and Sustainability’ with focus on introducing basics of Green Buildings and Life Cycle Analysis tools to 24 high school girls.
7.Teaching Assistant, Center for Environmental Science and Engineering, IITB, 2008-2010
  • Developed modules and quizzes for undergraduate Environmental Science course.
  • Coordinated 5 teaching assistants in supervising and grading quizzes for 375 students.
  • Organized weekly office hours for helping students with course content.
8. Student Mentor, American School of Bombay, 2009-2010
  • Developed and demonstrated laboratory exercises in noise pollution, water quality and indoor air quality for 12th grade students in subject of Environmental Studies.
  • Supervised a student for an advanced science essay on ‘Indoor Air Pollution in Schools’.

1. Graduate Research Assistant, CEE, U of I, Advisor(s): Prof. Mark Rood and Dr. Sotiria Koloutsou-Vakakis, 2010- present
  • Development and assessment of an improved emission inventory for gaseous ammonia release from agricultural fertilization
  • Provided preliminary results in developing two successful proposals funded by National Science Foundation and University Research Board.
2. Graduate Research Student, Center for Environmental Science and Engineering, IITB, Advisor: Prof. Rashmi S. Patil, 2008-10
  • Conducted field measurements and modeled ventilation to characterize indoor air quality in diverse school microenvironments in Mumbai.
  • Voluntarily conducted environmental awareness workshops in schools.

Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Balasubramanian, S., Koloutsou-Vakakis, S., McFarland, M. and Rood, M.J. ‘Reconsidering spatial and temporal resolution of emissions of ammonia from Chemical Fertilizer Usage in the Midwest United States’. In Preparation for Atmospheric Environment
Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings
1. Balasubramanian, S. and Patil, R.S. (2010). Monitoring of Particulate Matter Concentrations in Naturally Ventilated Schools in Mumbai. Conference of Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association, Darjeeling, India, I-O-5, 612-615.
3. Balasubramanian, S. and Patil, R.S. (2010). Assessment of Indoor Air Quality in Schools in Mumbai, India. Proceedings of the A&WMA International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xi’an, China, 594.
Technical Presentations
1. Balasubramanian, S., Koloutsou-Vakakis, S., and Rood, M.J. ‘Identifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Fertilization’. 106th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Air & Waste Management Association, Chicago, June 2013.
2. Balasubramanian, S., Koloutsou-Vakakis, S., Lehmann, C. and Rood, M.J. (2012). An Improved High-Spatial Resolution Inventory for Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Fertilization, 2012 Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, South Portland, Maine
3. Balasubramanian, S., Koloutsou-Vakakis, S., and Rood, M.J. ‘A High-Spatial Resolution Emission Inventory for Gaseous Ammonia Release from Fertilization Application’. Advanced Graduate Student Seminar, CEE, U of I, April 2012.
4. Balasubramanian, S. ‘Impact of El-Nino on Indian Monsoon’, Technical Paper Presentation, Nirmiti, National Civil Engineering Symposium, SPCE, March 2007.
Invited Lectures
1. Balasubramanian, S. ‘The A-Z of Tutoring’, Women in Mathematics, Science and Engineering, Florida Avenue Residence Hall, UIUC, September 2013.
2. Balasubramanian, S. ‘An Uncertain Link in the Nitrogen Cycle – Modeling Ammonia Emission from Fertilizer Application’, Center for Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, June 2013.
3. Balasubramanian, S. ‘Safe Drinking Water in Slums in Mega-Cities: A case study of Mumbai’, T-CASE Special Session, UIUC, September 2010.
1. Internal Publicity Coordinator, Society of Women Engineers, U of I, 2013- Present
2. Chairperson, Environmental Engineering Graduate Advisory Committee, U of I, 2011-12.
3. President, Asha for Education, Registered Student Organization, U of I, 2011-12
4. Secretary, Environmental Science and Engineering Association, IITB, 2009-10.
5. General Secretary and Head of Training and Placement Office, General Student Council, SPCE, 2006-07.
1. American Geophysical Union, 2013-present
2. Air & Waste Management Association, 2008- present
2. Society of Women Engineers, 2011 – present
1. Participant, The Committee for the Professional Development of Women Luncheon and Meeting, 106th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Air & Waste Management Association, Chicago, June 2013.
2. Participant, Weather Research and Forecasting Model Tutorial, Boulder, Colorado, January 2013.
3. CEE Ph.D. Student Professional Development Program, Completed Year 2/3, U of I, 2011-13.
4. Collaborator, ‘Reach out Water Solutions’, Acara Challenge, IITB, Jan –May 2009.
5. Participant, National Conference cum Training Program on Carbon Credit Opportunities for Indian Industry and Real Estate Sector, February 2007.