CHRISTMAS EVE. Isaiah 9:2-7
So we are nearly there, the cake & puddings have been made, Carol Service done, Christmas Fayre done & present for the Pastor bought !!!
As I ride around I see trimmings and lights everywhere this is obviously a very Christian country.
Liverpool is split much like Belfast with Catholic & Protestant areas and I remember driving through Scotty Road down into Everton and in almost every window was the Catholic mother and child.
I said this to the Catholic priest that he must have a big congregation, I got on well with him and he said show me a mother and child in a window I will show you someone who doesn't come to mass.
Materialism has taken over but there is good news there is one more powerful than materialism.
In this carrier bag I have the meaning of Christmas 2017. He watches children to see they behave, he is all seeing, he gets into all sorts of adventures. He is omnipresent he is everywhere.
Yes, here he is folks Elf on a shelf.
A friend of mine, an Anglican, took elf to visit his mother in hospital, another day he is in the drinks cabinet.
Quite frankly the world has gone mad.
Our reading is from the prophet Isaiah, probably the prophet who looked forward the most to the coming of a messiah.
He may have written this as an oracle for the accession of Hezekiah, one of Judah's greatest monarchs.
But this prophecy was not completely fulfilled in his lifetime.
Using it to look forward to the birth of Jesus is sound theology.
Like many Old Testament prophesies it has both present and future significance which is why you cannot ignore the Old Testament.
In our reading verse 2 talks about people living in darkness who have seen a great light has dawned.
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus we need to pray that the eyes of people will be opened.
Verse 6 then prophesies the birth of the Lord Jesus, unto us a child is born and then names by which He will be known:
Wonderful counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting Father and the prince of peace.
At times if you are anything like me you reach the end of your tether, you don't know what to do and so we turn to Jesus.
He is there for us at any time, we can turn to Him in prayer and He gives us reassurance and direction.
As you read those words, mighty God, we cannot get our heads around how mighty He is we are but specks in the universe compared to Him.
Everlasting Father, for some this is a difficult concept, for others it's a lovely one as we have a picture of a father caring for His children looking at His children with eyes of love.
For those of us who struggle with this idea look at Jesus and the life He led for He says when you have seen me you have seen the Father.
Lastly the Prince of Peace and how we need a Prince of Peace wherever you look around the world there is violence and killing.
But Jesus came into the world with a message of peace & love, a message like no other.
I have said a few times lately we are in a very dangerous place the world has probably never been so unstable for a long time.
Yet Jesus reigns and is in control. That is good news this Christmas time.
Jesus is born in a stable among very ordinary people and knows what it's like to have fears and doubts.
He was born into a country occupied by the Romans and fled for His life to Egypt and so His childhood was far from simple, so He can relate to us.
The first visitors were the poorest of the poor and the second are wise men or Kings this tells us that Jesus is for all people.
I don't know what your plans are for tonight but why not take a moment for reflection on the true meaning of Christmas.
The baby that's born in a manger to give hope, joy and peace to a hurting world.
It's not about Fr Christmas or elf on a shelf it's all about Jesus He is the reason for the season.
Let's go out with joy and share that good news with those around us.
Carol and I wish you a very Happy Christmas and a blessed New Year.