Equality & Diversity Bulletin
April 2013
Internal update
- Strategic Equality Plan - Annual Report
Cardiff University published its first Annual Monitoring Report of the Strategic Equality Plan in March 2013. The published report is available on the Governance & Compliance Equality web pages and includes monitoring data for staff and students in appendix 1&2.
The University is legally required to produce an annual monitoring report as part of the Specific Duties (for Wales) under the Equality Act 2010 by 31 March each year, with the first report looking at the period of 31st March 2011-31st March 2012.
- Equal Pay Action Plan
An Equal Pay Action Plan has been developed and agreed by the University (paper 12/547) as part of achieving its equality objectives under the Strategic Equality Plan (Objective 5: To review and address equality in staff pay and related structures).
The Action Plan includes an action relating to the ongoing work of the University with the Trades Unions to review arrangements and produce guidance on Weekend Working (Overtime/Out of Hours Payments).
- Student Monitoring Data
The Equality & Diversity Committee has agreed (paper 12/540) that additional student monitoring data on sexual orientation and religion/belief will be collected from the new academic year (2013-14). Students will be asked optional questions at enrolment to enable collection of this new data from students who are happy to supply it.
In looking at monitoring data we will seek to ensure that the University provides an inclusive and supportive environment thatdoes not discriminate on the grounds of protected characteristics. Further information about how we use monitoring data to inform our equality objectives is available in the University’s Strategic Equality Plan:
- LGBT+ Equality
The University has developed a student information web page aimed at LGBT+ students that brings together information about advice and support and services for LGBT+ students into one place:
- Global Diversity Network Update
The Global Diversity Staff Network is the new name for the newly re-launched BME Staff Network. The Global Diversity Staff Network is a forum for staff from different cultures, nationalities and ethnicities to network and share personal experiences within this mutually supportive environment. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8 May 2013, from 1 to 3pm, Room -1.78 Glamorgan Building. The Network is organising an evening that the network is organising an evening meet-up to celebrate 'World Day for Cultural Diversity' on Tuesday 21 May 2013. There is also an evening networking event planned for Wednesday 12 June starting from 5.30pm in Glamorgan Building Committee Room 2. For further details about the network meetings and events please email . The Network now also has a blog on Connections, at
- Disability Information
The Disability Staff Network has recently been working in collaboration with Governance and Compliance, Human Resources and Occupational Healthto produce a flow chart to support the process of staff disclosing a disability. The Network’s next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 22 May 2013, 12.15-2.15pm, Room 0.02 John Percival (Humanities) Building. The Vice Chancellor will be attending this meeting and refreshments will be available. Transport will also be available for those that require it to be able to attend.
- Working Carers and Lone Parents Staff Network Update
The Network last met on 4th February 2013 and elected Helen Hare as the Chair of the group. Main point of discussion was raising awareness of the group and increasing membership. The next meeting is scheduled for 7th May 2013, 1.00-2.30pm, Committee Room 2 Glamorgan Building. A workshop open to members of the Network that focuses on managing stress and exploring relaxation techniques is scheduled for 13th May 2013, 2.30-4.30pm, OPTOM Seminar rooms 1.07 & 1.08.
External update
- Equality Human Rights Commission:
The Equality Human Rights Commission has published new guidance to help employers and employees deal with the expression of religion or belief at work:
The EHRC has analysed the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill 2012/13 in light of the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998. This analysis concludes that the Bill, which will apply in England and Wales, would be in accordance with provisions within the legislation and would further the rights of individuals to equality before the law, in so far as it will:
- enable same sex couples to marry in civil ceremonies;
- ensure those religious organisations that wish to do so can opt in to conduct marriage ceremonies for same sex couples;
- provide protection under equality law for ministers of religion who do not wish to marry same sex couples;
- enable civil partners to convert their partnership to a marriage; and
- enable married individuals wishing to change their legal gender to do so without having to end their marriage.
Further detail is set out in the EHRC’s web pages: Download the Commissions second readingbriefing (Word)
2.Equality Challenge Unit (ECU):
ECU is developing national charter marks to kick-start initiatives tackling race and gender inequality in employment in higher education.
The charter marks are being developed to help the sector address the continuing underrepresentation of black and minority ethnic staff and the similar underrepresentation of women at senior levels.
They are intended to instigate long term systemic and cultural changes to tackle discrimination. Further information is available on the ECU website:
The Equality Challenge Unit have developed a number of factsheets for academics designed to help raise awareness among academic staff of their responsibilities in this area and promote the development of equality and diversity knowledge as a key competence for teaching and learning. The factsheets include information on: The legal framework, Inclusive practice, pastoral care and promoting good relations and are available on the ECU website:
3. Other External Update(s)
The Government Equalities Office
The Government Equalities Office webpage has been moved as part of the Department for Culture, Media and Sport onto a central government website
Race Discrimination Update
The government has announced that caste discrimination will now be included as an aspect of race discrimination. Further information is available on the link below: