For this unit, you will be placed into groups of 3-4 students. Your group’s task will be to organize a presentation for your classmates on a memory topic.
Topic Options:
Short-term and Long-term Memory
Types of Forgetting
The Physiology of Memory
Traumatic Brain Injury
Encoding/Storage/Retrieval of Memory
Improving Memory [Techniques/Strategies]
Eyewitness Testimony/Memory Construction [Loftus]
Alzheimer’s disease
Hermann Ebbinghaus and Memory
Requirements: [All written portions must be word-processed.]
· 7-10 minute presentation using Power Point, Prezi, or Google Presentation
· Information Handout for all classmates; may include note-taking portions
· Demonstration or video clip
· Documentation of group member assignments (who’s doing/did what)
· Bibliography (APA or MLA format) – minimum of two reliable sources [not online encyclopedias!]
Due Date:
MONDAY, JAN. 7th * Your group will have TWO blocks of class for work time!
* Meet in the Ohio State Lab (Social Studies hallway)
Grading Rubric:
See back side; Total Points=64
Before the Presentation:
Give the teacher a copy of the . . .
1. Rubric
2. Handout
3. Documentation of your group’s roles
4Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Working Towards Expectations / 1
Does Not Meet Expectations
5X / - 7-10 minute presentation
-Contains accurate content that is well supported
-Completed with enthusiasm
-Shows “above and beyond” preparation
-Exceptional demonstration or video clip
-Documentation of student roles matches information given / -7-10 minute presentation
-Contains accurate content
-Shows preparation
-Demonstration or video clip applies to topic
-Documentation of student roles matches information given / -Presentation is too long/short
-Contains some inaccurate content
-Needs more rehearsal
-Somewhat organized
-Demonstration or video clip lacks true connection to topic
-Documentation of student roles somewhat matches information given / -Presentation seems to be unplanned
-Contains inaccurate content
-Presentation is not rehearsed
-Lacks organization
-No demonstration or video clip
-Documentation of student roles does not match information given
2X / -Well-organized and informational
-Creative and enjoyable to view / -Organized and informational
-Shows creativity / -Could be better organized; some inaccurate information
-Attempted creativity / -Lacks organization and accurate information
-No attempt at creativity
5X / Student is an active participant in the presentation
-Participates more than once
-Shares insightful comments and information
-Easy to hear and follow
-Information is presented as opposed to read to the audience / Student is an active participant in the presentation
-Participates at least once
-Shares logical, informed statements
-Easy to hear and follow
-Most of the information is presented as opposed to read to the audience / Student is not an active participant in the presentation
-Participates once, but does not share noteworthy information
-difficult to hear and follow
-The information is read to the audience / Student does not participate
3X / Student uses work time effectively to prepare for presentation
-No redirection needed
-Turned all materials in on time / Student uses work time effectively to prepare for presentation
-Little redirection needed
Focused and on task for the time period
-Turned all materials in on time / Needs reminders throughout the preparation time to be on task.
-The progress of the group was slowed by your actions
-Did not turn in all work on time / Does not use preparation time effectively at all.
-Detrimental to group progress
1X / -APA/MLA format is used
-Reliable sources listed / -APA/MLA format is used
-Reliable sources listed / -APA/MLA format is mostly used
-Relatively reliable sources listed / -APA/MLA format is not used
-Questionable sources listed
_____/64 total points