Weekly News
Week of: September 12, 2016
This Week’s News
Greetings All,
I’ve spent the better part of my Sunday making plans for the upcoming days and weeks in Room 108. September is an exciting and somewhat daunting time for teachers and students alike. It’s a time for getting to know one another, but also for assessing for determining the best possible approach for both group and individual learning. It was great to see so many of you come out last Thursday to learn more about curriculum specifics in Room 108. If you were unable to attend, I will be sending home a folder of information at the beginning of the week. Please review the materials and share your questions or comments with me.
Last week, we continued to learn first and last names. We reviewed 3 ways to read a book: read the pictures, read the words, and retell the story. We practiced what a “Read to Self” time looks and sounds like. Our goals were: to get started right away, to read the whole time, and to stay in one spot. Our reading times were mainly about 10 minutes in length. This will increase as the year progresses. One of the best ways for students to improve their reading is to read self-selected books consistently. I will almost always allow time in the school day for students to participate in a “Read to Self.” It is doubly helpful when students have a “Read to Self” time at home each day as well. While students read, I become a reading coach working side by side students. A 108 quote goes like this: If you don’t read, you won’t get better.
In addition to our group story, Dory Fantasamagory, we read aloud a series of books focusing on the Responsive Classroom CARES stances: caring, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control. We discussed what each of these stances looks and sounds like and found examples in the stories. We especially liked the story Hey Little Ant where the reader is asked to consider the world from the perspective of the ant.
Each afternoon we continued to work with Nora, our Health teacher. The students learned about caring for their skeletal system and are nearly finished creating their own colorful model. I will have the students sort their work from the first two weeks and get it sent home to you by the end of the week. We will be working with Lisa in Music on Wednesday.
On Friday morning, we met our Big Buddies who came up to Room 108. The students had a conversation with their buddies and then had a chance to draw one another.
Have a fun filled week,
Linda Wilterdink ()
First and Second Grade/Barton Open Elementary
Notes and Reminders
· Conference season is nearly upon us. I’ve attached a copy of my current schedule and will be sending home a sign-up for families who need to schedule.
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