Promoting Enriching Experiences & Relationships (PEER)

mentoring program

Program Overview

PEER (Promoting Enriching Experiences and Relationships) is Penn’s premiere Asian Pacific American (APA) mentoring group. The program, which has been at Penn since 2003, is sponsored by PAACH, the Pan-Asian American Community House. PEER not only pairs incoming APA freshmen with an upperclassman mentor, but also serves to develop leadership amongst freshmen. The program goes beyond a mere mentor/mentee relationship and encourages interaction in a group setting through events for the whole program. Leadership is stressed through regular development events and freshmen community service projects that culminate teamwork and give mentees an opportunity to act as leaders. Through PEER, freshmen will not only develop their leadership skills but also increase their knowledge of APA issues affecting college students as well as the entire APA community.

Mentor Role

PEER is currently accepting applications for mentors for the 2014-2015 schoolyear. We would like to have an ethnically, regionally, and ideologically diverse group of Asian Pacific American students involved in PEER. We are seeking mentors who are involved on campus and have participated in leadership roles. Mentors are expected not only to meet with their mentees at least 3 times a month, but also to attend PEER social and leadership events. Overall, mentors attend about 2-3 PEER events every month. It is also highly encouraged that mentors have a general knowledge of and are able to critically discuss APA issues.

Types of Events

Social: Bowling, Downtown Dining, Basketball, Movies, etc…

Leadership/External: Networking Reception, Public Speaking, Time Management, APA Issue Exploration, Project Advising

Application Deadline: Wednesday, April16thatnoon

Please email your application to .



2014 – 2015 PEER Mentor Application

Promoting Enriching Experiences & Relationship (PEER) Mentoring Program

Application is due by Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at noon.


Date of Birth: ______Sex:Male Female

Generation (1st = immigrant; 1.5 = moved to US at early age; 2nd = born in US, etc.): ______

Ethnic Background: ______

School: ______Current Year (please circle one): Fresh SophJunior

Major or Intended Major:______

Local Address:



Phone #: ______

Permanent Address:



Phone #: ______


Extracurricular Activities (including positions held):

Time Commitments for the 2014-2015 school year (including estimated hours / week dedicated to each commitment):

Please answer the following questions in no more than 200 words per question.

1. As there is a multitude of mentoring programs on campus, why do you want to be a PEER mentor?

2. Please describe your past leadership experiences.

3. As a mentor, what would you do with your mentee to help them adapt to college and to facilitate leadership development?

4. What are some of the challenges facing the Asian American community at Penn?

5. What is PEER’s role in the APA community at Penn?

6. What APA issues specifically do you want to explore as a member of PEER?

7. Please attach a recent picture of yourself.

Interviews will be held from 4/21/14 to 4/27/14. Please list all your available times below:

Monday, April 21st______

Tuesday, April 22nd______

Wednesday, April 23rd______

Thursday, April 24th______

Friday, April25th______

Saturday, April 26th ______

Sunday, April 27th ______

I understand that this program would require a commitment from April ‘14-May ’15. This includes a spring mentor orientationduring the Spring 2014 semesteras well as attendance at all leadership and social events throughout the year. All mentors are expected to maintain constant communication with their mentees as well as PEER Board.

My signature below confirms this understanding.



Application is due by Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at noon.

Please email your application to .