Citizenship/Community Project
Due: September 10th
Because we have been talking about Citizenship and Communities, and because the students have declared an interest for the following, the Social Studies Project due on the 10this outlined below. Students should dress up/come in costume as what they would like to be when they grow up.They will have to complete Oral Notes (attached) about the job/career they choose and how it relates to a responsible community and good citizenship.Parents feel free to assist your child with the project idea-but please let them do the work (notes, presentation, and creativity)
20 / 15 / 10 / 5Notes / Notes are completed with Capitalization, Punctuation, Good spelling, and neat handwriting / Notes are completed with most of the Capitalization, Punctuation, Pretty good spelling and neat handwriting / Notes are completed with somewhat of the Capitalization, Punctuation, some misspelled words, and somewhat neat handwriting / Notes are not fully completed. Missing lots of Capitalization, Punctuation, and misspelled words, and unreadable handwriting
Content / Content shows the student understands purpose of project / Content shows the student mostly understands the purpose of project / Content shows the student somewhat understands the purpose of the project / Content shows the student does not understand the purpose of the project
(Costume) / The project notes and presentations shows great creativity / The project notes and presentations shows good creativity / The project notes and presentation shows some creativity / The project notes and presentation shows no creativity
Presentation / The student uses great tone and is prepared / The student uses good tone and is prepared / The student uses ok tone and is somewhat prepared / The student can not be heard and seems to not be prepared
Behavior / The student is respectful and complementary during other presentations / The student is respectful and complementary during most of the other presentations / The student is somewhat respectful and complementary during other presentations / The students is disrespectful and not complementary during other presentations
Presentation Final Grade______
Oral Notes Final Grade______
Remember that the job/career can be as creative as the student chooses, however the student must be able to justify why their job/career is an important part of a community and show good citizenship.
Please also remember our schools policies and dress code when designing your costume.