Original Lurianic/Ashlagian Kabbalah
Hi there,
I tried to assemble some Kabbalah websites with the original Lurianic/Ashlagian Kabbalah content. Most of them in English, some in Hebrew only and a few in other languages including French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Bulgarian.
I hope you'll find this helpful.
Much Love
- Sanhedrin in its capacity as the leadership of the nation: "It is the obligation of Sanhedrin, in its capacity as the leadership of the nation, to unify the entire Israelite nation in a single bond of unity. Just as the skin unifies all parts of the flesh and covers them as one, so, too, must the leaders endeavor with all their might to unify all parts of the nation in a single union. Then, the Jewish nation will endure, they will blossom and flower to the highest degree, and no adversary or misfortune will befall them. But if the leaders do not attend to unifying them as one, then they will cause the plague to burst forth in the community and spread to themselves as well. They will lose their influence over the people, undermine the foundation and everything will dwindle... This actually occurred at that time. The absence of unity among us caused damage, destruction and exile, and it continues to prolong the exile... The leaders will ultimately be held responsible for this due to their failure to try to unify the whole Israelite nation as one, though it is the only cure for our malady, as Chazal say." - Harav Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal, pre-war posek, Eim Habanim Semeicha 338-9
- Jerusalem Court for Issues of Bnei Noah This court has been set up to serve the needs of B'nei Noach worldwide. Judaism does not view itself as a universal religion, instead it sees itself as a national faith. This is understood within the context of the Jewish teaching that there are seventy nations or groups of people in the world. Each group of people must develop its own form of worship, unique to its own character. There is however a basic minimum common to all proper faiths, and this is the Noachide teachings. The Sanhedrin, through this court, is required to play a role in helping to clarify these most basic teachings, and each group of people in turn must set up its own religious court to expand, develop and adapt these laws to fit the needs of its community of believers.
- Search Torah topics from respected, pre-approved Torah sites. 4Torah.com was created to specifically exclude irrelevant results one could find using a standard Google search.
- "Mechon Mamre" Here you will find the Hebrew Bible (Tana"kh) and the RaMBaM's Complete Restatement of the Oral Law (Mishneh Torah): Together these give God's full guidance for both Jews and Gentiles in all times and places detailing what God expects us to do and not do. Through the study and observance of these two guides to Torah (God's instructions) we can all live richly rewarding lives and avoid painful errors. Both our online and offline Bible and Mishneh Torah texts have been carefully prepared, and they are as accurate as found in the very finest printed editions. (Additional materials are also provided, but they are not the heart of this site.)
- Chief Rabbi of Safed declares Kabbalah study by non-Jews is a positive development. "It is told about King David," the rabbi said, "that when he wanted to bring people closer to an authentic Torah life, he would teach them the 'secrets of Torah.' In general, to see people searching for spirituality is a positive and important development."
- Indeed, the perfection of the world that leads to the Messianic Era requires the spreading of the seven commandments that G-d through the Torah provided for all the nations of the world. These are the Seven Noachide Laws, as enumerated in the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 56a:
- Our generation is the first since the dispersion of the Jewish People in which the Jew is able (and therefore obligated) to reach out to the non-Jew. The purpose is to create a movement among righteous gentiles worldwide, a forsaking of false religions and an acceptance of the seven Noachide commandments.
- The Role of the Non-Jew in the Study of Kabbalah by Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
- Noachide World Centre: Torah for Everyone - From Jerusalem
- Judaism and the World: A video introduction to Judaism for Non-Jews. A rabbi speaks to a non-Jewish group about Judaism's message to all humankind -- the Seven Noachide Laws.
- Kabbalah for the Noachide Nations
- Online classes on Seven Bnei Noah Laws now accessible for everyone
- “Ask Noah International” for all mankind and the 7 Universal Commandments
- The Noachide Society of Great Britain
The Noachide Society of Great Britain was founded in May 2005, to serve the needs of a growing number of Noachide in the UK who want to meet, get involved and study with an Orthodox Rabbi.
- True Kabbalah-Gateway to Understanding Accept and encourage participation by everybody with universal message.
- "Gal Einai" under the leadership of HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh with a goal to open the world's eyes to Divine consciousness, spreading it to every household, classroom, and community on earth. HaRav Ginsburgh's teachings on the Wisdom of Kabbalah touches every area of our lives, from the mundane to the sublime.
Hebrew Site:
Spanish Site:
French Site:
Russian Site
- ‘’Innermedia’’ - The '' Gal Einai'' Web store: ‘’innermedia’’ is the official English web store for all of HaRav Yitzchak Ginsburgh's published works on Kabbalah.
- HaRav Ginsburgh's daily blog: Updated daily by the Rav himself.
- Lurianic Kabbalah by CHABAD Organisation
- In English
- Kabbalah Toons (Animations) for Children
- In Russian
- In Spanish
- In Portuguese
- Authentic Kabbalah (In the Tradition of Chabad): all-new FREE series, “Guided Tour into the Infinite” is custom-made for you! Classes are based on the mystical discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe – taught as you’ve never heard them before!
- Shifra Hendrie is a personal and spiritual coach who has been studying, teaching and living the principles of authentic Kabbalah for over 20 years. In addition to one-on-one coaching and mentoring, Shifra offers group coaching, Kabbalah classes by phone, and a variety of innovative and transformational workshops based on the principles of Kabbalah and Chassidus.
- Moshiach.com was established in February 1999 by Mendy Elishevitz as an independent organization to research and further the awareness of Moshiach. Moshiach.com was inspired by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Shne’erson who taught that by studying about Moshiach we hasten the era of inner harmony and international peace, an end to poverty and sickness, and unbounded knowledge.
- The Meaningful Life Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to personal, societal and global transformation through presenting the universal wisdom of the Torah as a blueprint for life. The Center is built on the belief that life is precious and that every individual has a unique and indispensable contribution to make, which affects everyone and everything, now and forever.
- Kabbalah by Rabbi Raphael Afilalo
- Authentic Kabbalah by Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
Sephardic Studies for Jews - Benei Noah Studies for Righteous Gentiles
Anti-Missionary/Anti-Cult Materials
- "AZAMRA" is dedicated to global outreach to Jews and Gentiles through Internet, quality publications and educational programs promoting the study and practice of Torah, Kabbalah, healthy lifestyle, environmental responsibility and the pursuit of peace. Founded in 1986 by Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, Azamra Institute is registered as non-profit organization in Israel, Britain, Canada and U.S.A. the
- "AZAMRA" in Portuguese
- Articles of interest to the Noahide community by breslev.co.il
- The "Yedid Nefesh" institute was founded by Rabbi Yechiel Avraham Bar Lev in 1987. Its aim is to publish and distribute books and articles on the subject of the "revealed" Torah and the "concealed" Torah (i.e. Kabbalah). The institute only intends publishing and printing books written by Rabbi Bar Lev himself.
- The Zohar: Pritzker Edition
The first translation ever made from a critical Aramaic text of the Zohar, which has been established by Professor Daniel Matt based on a wide range of original manuscripts. The work will eventually span twelve volumes. The extensive commentary, appearing at the bottom of each page, clarifies the kabbalistic symbolism and terminology, and cites sources and parallels from biblical, rabbinic, and kabbalistic texts.
- The Zohar: Soncino Edition
Complete English rendering of The Zohar. In addition to being the primary reference text for kabbalistic studies, this magnificent work is arranged in the form of a commentary on the Bible.
The complete text of Soncino Zohar on CD-ROM:The Soncino Zohar includes the Hebrew and English text of the Zohar, English subject index and the Hebrew and English text of the Tanach.
- ''Unity Zohar'' Project
UnityZohar.com was created as a free tool for the entire human race.
- Lurianic/Ashlagian Kabbalah in Bulgarian
- The Blog by Feiga Ashlag, the Widow of the Late Rav Baruch Ashlag
In Russian
In Hebrew
- Learnkabbalah.com was created by Jay Michaelson, who is both a teacher and a student of Kabbalah, currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It is an informative site giving a reader a general view on the History of Kabbalah and very good for beginners.
Many of the books on the market misinterpret Judaism - some innocently, some deliberately. This is especially true of books on Jewish mysticism. Therefore, one has to exercise extra care when choosing reading material on this subject.
- Modern Books of Kabbalah: Contemporary Works. The following is a bibliography of basic works in English on Jewish mysticism, including Kabbalah, Chassidism and Jewish meditation. It includes only works thatconsidered to be reliable and authoritative (although even many of these books have some shortcomings). There are more acceptable works than are listed here; these are the ones that found to be most useful.
- Kabbalah Books in English and other languages by Nehora.com-Jewish On-Line Bookstore.
- "Nehora Press" was started by Mark z"l and Yedidah Cohen in 2003 when they first published their translations of Rabbi Yehudah Lev Ashlag’s Introductions to the Kabbalah.
- ''Thirtysevenbooks'' is a publisher of quality Kabbalah literature. It publishes books on Jewish learning and spiritual growth.
- "Soncino Press" is a Jewish publishing company based in the United Kingdom that has published a variety of books of Jewish interest, most notably English translations and commentaries to the Talmud and Hebrew Bible. The Soncino Hebrew Bible, Talmud and Zohar translations and commentaries, now half a century old, were a standard of Jewish publishing for many years, and were widely used in both Orthodox and Conservative synagogues.
- The Kabbalistic Library of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola is being published
- "Judaica Press" was founded in 1963 by Jack Goldman in response to the growing demand for books of scholarship in the English-speaking Jewish world.
- SeforimCentre.com carries a selection of 4000 Sifrei Kodesh in Hebrew, English, Spanish, Russian, French, Yiddish and Portuguese. Many of them are hard-to-find books.
- Kabbalah Source - The on line store: Kabbalah treasure: books, art and etc. by ''Birkhat Shalom'' Community, mainly in Hebrew.
- The Centre for the dissemination of The Wisdom of Kabbalah ''Tefilat Ishay'' By Rav Yuval Hacohen Asherov- a student of Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger. Most content in Hebrew
- The following article was not written by a Bnei Baruch teacher or student, nor in any affiliation with materials from any of Bnei Baruch websites but contains biographical information about Baal HaSulam (Yehuda Ashlag).
- ''Sha'ar Hashamaim'' - Yeshivat Mekubalim under guidance of Rav Shlomo Zalman Averbach
- ASHLAG Centre in Israel World Project: Distribution of the Zohar by Rav Simcha Halevi Ashlag.
- ‘’Mudaut’’- The Israeli Centre for studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah based on the Lurianic/Ashlagian doctrine under the guidance of Rav Mordechai Sheinberger. The Centre is open for all including secular people and women. Most of the lessons are free to download without any financial or any other commitments. All content in Hebrew.
- ''Mudaut'' ON FACEBOOK:
- The Wisdom of Kabbalah with Moshe Sharon- a student of Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger. Recorded lessons, articles, Kabbalistic music and much more. All content in Hebrew
- ''Or Ha-Ganuz'' Ashlagian Israeli Commune. Kabbalah commune near MountMeron under the guidance of Rav Mordechai Sheinberger based on Ashlagian social vision.
- Watch ''Or Ha-Ganuz'' on live streaming Internet TV
- ''Or Ha-Ganuz'' in Tzfat Kabbalah Centre
- Wikipedia
- ''Prototyping the Future'' Article on the web
- The '' A-Z Kabbalah Institute'' was co-founded by Rabbi Avraham Brandwein
- Curriculum Vitae of Rabbi Avraham Brandwein
- The "Aleph Society" exists to support the work of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
- Rav Kook Torah Informative site about Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook and his teaching
- ''ASCENT'': your Tsfat Experience Tsfat in the North of Israel is considered one of the four "Holy Cites."
- Kabbalah in Tzfat International Centre for Tzfat Kabbalah: official website
- The ancient cemetery of Tzfat. The ancient cemetery of the Holy City of Tzfat was founded centuries ago.
- Tours in Safed with A Kabbalistic Bent
- Universe Kabbalah Art. Art Kabbalah on the Border between Kabbalah and Physics by Alex Yemtsov.
- ''Birkat Shalom'' – Rav Abraham Gotlib Rav Gotlib, one of RABASH students. Hebrew site: live Kabbalah lessons and more. or/and
- Community ''Ha-Sulam'' Hebrew site under guidance of Rav Adam Sinai-one of the RABASH students.
- ''Eden Gates''- Kabbalah Learning Centre under the guidance of Rabbi Mordechai Sheinberger for all including secular people and women. Tools and Knowledge from the Wisdom of Kabbalah for better life. All content in Hebrew. ON FACEBOOK
- ''Hauma'' an Israeli Spiritual Movement under the guidance of Rav Mordechai Sheinberger aims to bring together Jewish people and become a model for all nations. Hebrew site or/and ON FACEBOOK
- Kabbalah Source: original Kabbalah texts by Ba'al Sulam and RABASH, audio recorded lessons and much more: all content in Hebrew
- Community of Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (known as Ramchal): books, music, prayers and much more. All content in Hebrew
- ''Aloha Orr'' guest rooms for ''Or Haganuz''. The name of the village is derived from the language of the Kabbalah.