The Essential 100+ Kidai and Kigo for Multimedia
Final Version, June 11, 2001
The following kidai in the「入門歳時記」will be among the first 100 or so to have full entries translated. I have placed an asterisk after those among the first 50 or so to be translated.
Please note that these are in the order in which they will appear on our Web page, not the order in which they appear in the book. However, to speed locating them, I have included the page number where they are each found in the 「入門歳時記」. (Note that the translations given here are quickly done, and do not necessarily agree exactly with the "official" translations in other files. Note that these texts SHOULD NOT replace texts in the main online version.)
Please be sure to read the description of each phenomenon in the「入門歳時記」before trying to find art or sound clips to go with it. In a number of cases, I've indicated a kigo (rather than the kidai) as a possible good pix or clip.
I'd love to see a copy of this file back with URLs for pix and sound clips.
Thanks for your efforts! Bill Higginson
時候【じこう】The Season
立春【りっしゅん】 first day of spring, 31*
春めく【はるめく】 signs of spring, 48
日永【ひなが】 the long day, 85*
天文【てんもん】The Heavens
朧【おぼろ】 hazy, 95* (a pix for 朧月【おぼろずき】would be best)
春風【はるかぜ】 spring wind, 112
霞【かすみ】 mist, 76*
陽炎【かげろう】 heat shimmer, 76 (be sure not to use images of gossamer [spider silk], but of rippled light caused by heat rising from a surface such as a road or car hood)
地理【ちり】The Earth
春田【はるた】 spring paddies, 52*
春泥【しゅんでい】 spring mud, 64
残雪【ざんせつ】remaining snow, 34*
雪しろ【ゆきしろ】 snowmelt runoff, 34
生活【せいかつ】Daily Life
野焼く【のやく】(to) burn field(s), 37
種蒔【だねまき】seed-planting, 120*
潮干【しおひ】 low-tide beach, 102* (use pix of 潮干狩【しおひがり】 beach-combing / shell-gathering, if available, and label as such)
風船【ふうせん】 balloon, 114
雛【ひな】 doll, 45* (pix of 雛段/雛壇【ひなだん】doll-stand, or of 雛遊【ひなあそび】girls playing in front of doll stand, would be nice)
涅槃【ねはん】 Nirvana picture, 56 (涅槃会【ねはんえ】 Nirvana picture, would be nice)
遍路【へんろ】 pilgrim, 116*
西行忌【さいぎょうき】 Saigy・s Anniversary, 55
猫の恋【ねこのこい】 cats in love, 36* (how about a sound clip!)
蛙【かわず】 frog, 125* (ditto)
雲雀【ひばり】 skylark, 61
鳥雲に入る【とりくもにいる】 birds entering clouds, 57
蝶【ちょう】 butterfly, 112* (please be sure that any pix for this is the typical "cabbage white" butterfly of spring, not a swallowtail [which is a summer butterfly] or other variety)
梅【うめ】 plum blossoms, 41
花【はな】 (cherry) blossoms, 97*
柳【やなぎ】 willow, 96*
菜の花【なのはな】 mustard flowers (often called "rape flowers" in English), 110
時候【じこう】The Season
短夜【みじかよ】short night(s), 154*
暑し【あつし】hot, 201
涼し【すずし】cool, 219*
天文【てんもん】The Heavens
雲の峰【くものみね】cloud peaks, 206*
梅雨【つゆ】rainy season, 161*
虹【にじ】 rainbow, 208
雷【かみなり】thunder, 207
地理【ちり】The Earth
青田【あおた】green (rice) paddy/paddies, 206
泉【いずみ】 wellspring, 217*
滝【たき】 waterfall, 217*
生活【せいかつ】Daily Life
浴衣【ゆかた】summer kimono, 220*
虫干【むしぼし】airing out, 253
田植【たうえ】rice planting, 171
鵜飼【うかい】cormorant fishing, 180*
花火【はなび】fireworks, 226
丹後【たんご】Boy's Day, 136*
祭【まつり】festival, 140* (pix of a small, rural village shrine festival, to contrast with next)
(kigo under above) 祇園祭【ぎおんまつり】 Gion Festival, 141
時鳥【ほととぎす】little cuckoo, 192* (pix and sound)
鮎【あゆ】sweetfish, 180* (close-up with metric/English-system ruler, if poss.)
蛍【ほたる】firefly, 173* (2 pix, one up close, and a bunch flying, lighting)
蝉【せみ】cicada, 245 (if poss., sound to go with kigo 蝉時雨【せみしぐれ】cicada shower)
牡丹【ぼたん】tree peony, 134* (2 pix, one of single blossom, one of whole blooming plant)
卯の花【うのはな】deutzia flowers, 148 (2 pix, one of blossom cluster, one of whole blooming plant)
燕子花【かきつばた】blue flag, 154* (make sure it's the right species: _Iris laevigata_)
萍【うきくさ】duckweed, 177 (pix, if any, of the _Spirodela polyrhiza_)
時候【じこう】The Season
秋の暮【あきのくれ】 autumn dusk / autumn evening(s), 324*
夜長【よなが】 long night, 288
爽やか【さわやか】 fresh / refreshing / invigorating, 320*
秋深し【あきふかし】 autumn (is) deep, 359
天文【てんもん】The Heavens
秋の声【あきのこえ】 voices of autumn, 324* (if poss, combine a picture of autumn heavens at night with sound clip of insect chorus; must be several different kinds of insect sounds)
鰯雲【いわしぐも】 mackerel clouds / cirro-cumulus, 310
月【つき】 moon, 300*
天の川【あまのがわ】 Milky Way, 273
稲妻【いなづま】 lightning, 278 (in any pix, make sure landscape is of August or later; do not get sound for this--thunder is listed in summer)
露【つゆ】 dew, 295* (dewy landscape, perhaps dew on sunlit bush clover (hagi) or spider web, is appropriate)
地理【ちり】The Earth
花野【はなの】 flowery field(s), 291*
生活【せいかつ】Daily Life
燈火親し【とうかしたし】 lamplight (is) intimate/familiar, 288 (best image would be a person or persons reading by lamplight)
案山子【かかし】 scarecrow, 331
稲刈【いねかり】 rice reaping, 355*
重陽【ちょうよう】 Chrysanthemum Festival, 345 (the 9th day of the 9th lunar month)
七夕【たなばた】 Festival of the Weaver Maid and Herdsman, 272* (I'd prefer photos from an area where this is still celebrated on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month [i.e., sometime in August], rather than on 7 July; it would be great to have a picture of the stars meeting, and another of the festivities)
盂蘭盆【うらぼん】 Obon Festival / Lantern Festival / Festival of the Dead, 273*
鹿【しか】 deer, 363 (it would be good to get a sound clip here, as well as a pix; the main thrust of this image in classical poetry is the autumnal cries of the deer)
渡鳥【わたりどり】 migratory bird(s); bird(s) of passage, 333* (a goodly wedge in the sky, preferably with sound)
雁【かり】 goose / geese, 306
蜻蛉【とんぼ】 dragonfly, 304*
赤蜻蛉【あかとんぼ】 red dragonfly, 304 (best one for pix)
紅葉【もみじ】 red leaves / autumn colors, 359* (typically maple)
芭蕉【ばしょう】 banana plant, 284 (aka "plaintain" in English [though there are many different plants so called], <i>Musa paradisiaca</i>; preferably close-up with some leaves whole, some torn)
朝顔【あさがお】 morning-glory, 281*
稲【いね】 rice-plant(s), 329 (close-up)
秋の田【あきのた】 autumn rice paddies, 329 (panorama)
萩【はぎ】 bush clover, 295
芒【すすき】 pampas grass, 292*
In the New Year section, I have added one kidai that is not in the 「入門歳時記」, for 初富士. This is because it seems to me an essential kidai, one that should by all means be included, as it is in Yamamoto's "500 Essential Season Words" and every other saijiki and kiyose in my collection. I realize that this introduces a non NS kidai at an early stage, but we will have to deal with this problem anyway, sooner or later. Perhaps we can now begin thinking about ways to distinguish between "created entries" and "translated entries". This will not become a big issue for some time, but eventually, I believe, we will want to add more kidai, as there are others in the "500" that are not represented in the NS, but probably should be on the web site.
Anyway, that's for future consideration. But the omission of 初富士 in NS just threw me, for a bit, so it brings up the subject.
時候【じこう】The Season
小春【こはる】 "little spring" = "Indian summer", 381
短日【たんじつ】 short day, 387*
節分【せつぶん】 winter's end holiday (Bean-Throwing Night), 472*
天文【てんもん】The Heavens
時雨【しぐれ】 (winter) shower, 385*
霜【しも】 frost, 435
雪【ゆき】 snow, 455*
地理【ちり】The Earth
枯野【かれの】 withered field, 406*
氷【こおり】 ice, 460
氷柱【つらら】 icicle, 460
生活【せいかつ】Daily Life
布団【ふとん】 futon, 424
狩【かり】 hunting, 408
焚火【たきび】 (open) fire / bonfire, 419
年忘れ【としわすれ】 year-end party, 447*
年の市【としのいち】 year-end market/fair, 444
芭蕉忌【ばしょうき】 Bashōs (Death) Anniversary, 377* (pix of Gich&umarc;ji ceremony?--if one is available)
鷹【たか】 hawk, 381*
河豚【ふぐ】 puffer fish / blow fish, 410
山茶花【さざんか】 sasanqua, 373
落葉【おちば】 fallen leaves, 384*
枯尾花【かれおばな】 withered pampas grass, 395*
時候【じこう】The Season
元日【がんじつ】 New Year's Day, 478*
天文【てんもん】The Heavens
初空【はつぞら】 first sky, 479
地理【ちり】The Earth
初富士【はつふじ】 first Fuji* (this does not seem to be in『入門歳時記』, but I will construct an entry for it, since even the briefest other lists of kidai/kigo that I have all include it and it is the one entry for 新年:地理 in the "500 Essential Season Words" of Yamamoto)
生活【せいかつ】Daily Life
雑煮祝う【ぞうにいわう】 to celebrate with z渡i, 486* (use pix of 雑煮)
雑煮【ぞうに】 zōni, 486* (a New Year's dish: vegetable broth with rice cakes
門松【かどまつ】 (New Year's) pine decoration, 487*
獅子舞【ししまい】 lion dance, 495* (pix with sound!)
初詣【はつもうで】 first temple visit of New Year, 482*
初雀【はつすずめ】 first sparrow, 478
歯朶【しだ】 fern, 489