Meeting Held: July 8, 2013

Directors & Staff (P= Present, A= Absent, L=Late, E=Early departure)

Forrest Benson / L / Mike Deck / P / Tom Meldrum / A / Gene Zambarda / P
Jim Burke / P / Jim Golding / P / Jennifer Kursten / A
Pete Calinski / P / Kathy Halter / P / Mark Walsh / P / Other

Resident’s Forum:

·  Seven residents attended the meeting

·  Three expressed concern about the deterioration of the condition of homes and landscaping. So much so that it makes neighbors hesitant to upgrade their property.

·  Pool water condition, training of lifeguards, use of high chairs

·  Four want RO to help with flooding in the Pinehurst and Oakcliff court area. The storm sewer is not functioning and it affects 14 homes. The cause may be on a property not affected by the flooding. Eleven of the 14 paid to have the storm sewer cleaned. They will provide us with a plan to proceed.

·  Protest the Notice of Violation for a 120 foot fence for a Wiffle ball field.

o  Can be installed and removed in ½ hour

o  It defines a home run

o  The Bramhill multiuse facility is not convenient for this.

o  There are 15 other fences in RO

o  It will come down in a week and then be restored two weeks later.

·  Bike Path, will support and wants to talk to our lawyer

·  Has a drainage problem because bordering state property changed the routing of its runoff?

·  Doesn’t have room for his totes.

The Meeting Was Called to Order by Mark at: 7:55 PM

·  June Minutes approved

President, Mark Walsh:

·  Letter from Anderson regarding drainage in the Oakmont Court area. See attachment. Mark will arrange meeting with Anderson/Weinstein. (AI#1 Mark)

Vice President, Gene Zambarda:

·  Review of the Protest by 81 Pinehurst. A vote was taken, five members voted to deny the protest. Two abstained.

·  Gene is preparing a set of instructions for how to fill out an Exterior Modification Application. It will be on the website with a downloadable version of the EMA.

·  Audit report, review at a future meeting when Tom H. is present.

Secretary, Pete Calinski:

·  On June 25, someone/something tried to hack into our website as an administrator 92 times. They failed.

·  Pete didn’t get to his action item to define how online Payments could work

·  Pete responded to an “Emergency” call from a buyer’s lawyer who was at the closing and wanted a statement that our Declaration was not changing. He did provide an email but Kathy advised that they wouldn’t. If the buyer wanted it, why didn’t they ask for it in advance? The law firm was Redding & ????

·  There is a beaver in the pond along Glen Oak and it may be causing the high water level. Mike Deck said to call the DEC and they will trap it. (AI#2 Pete)

·  Constant Contacts wants $332.76 for another year. All approved payment (AI#3 Pete)

·  Having multiple email accounts is causing confusion. There is a way for copies of emails sent to the RO account to be forwarded to another account. Those that want this to happen should email Pete with the address to forward to. Note, to keep RO verses personal emails separate, members could use the forwarded copy as a flag to tell them that an email is in the RO inbox. If they plan to reply or forward it, they should go to the RO email account. That way the reply or forward will show as “From” their RO account.

·  Jim G. sprays for his mosquitoes.

Treasurer, Jim Golding:

·  About $16k under budget. Mostly Capitol items.

·  The newsletter

o  Had a blank page (Note, later information from the editor indicated that the page contained scheduling information and could be attached to the fridge.)

o  Had a typo date. Repaired in the Online edition

o  The location for the meeting was still listed as the Ransom Oaks meeting room. No one informed the editor that meetings were back at Greenwood.

Facilities, Kathy Halter:

·  Thirty three registered letters were sent to residents that have not paid their assessment

·  After 15 days they will be turned over to the lawyer

·  The annual community party will be July 24 at 6:15 PM starting with a bike parade from the Ransom Oaks pool to the Eveningwood pool.

·  The Greenwood Security system has been installed

·  The pools have not experienced any problems

The meeting closed at 9:15 PM

Next meeting August 12

Action Items
Action items will remain on the list as long as they are Open
If they become Closed or OBE they will remain one more month so the minutes reflect that
Then they will be eliminated from future month’s minutes
OBE=Overtaken By Events
Number / Assignee / Description / Status
5 / Jim B / Find leader for a Welcoming Committee / Open
August 2011
4 / Forrest / Articles for the Amherst Bee / Open
May 2012
2 / Forrest / Create policy for free verses charging for add/notices/charities / Open
July 2012
2 / Gene / Formal Process for enforcing C&R / Open
August 2012
2 / Tom H. & Pete / Adjust lights at Ransom Oaks Security System / Open
November 2012
1 / Jim G. / Fly over RO and get some pictures for the website / Open
3A / Gene / Contact Town about uneven sidewalks / Open
March 2013
2 / Forrest / Notify Amherst Bee about any event they might feature / Open
May 2013
1 / Pete / Make Payments via Website / Closed
3 / Tom M / Estimate for Landscaping around RO Pool / Open
June 2013
2 / Gene / Written procedure for Newsletter payments / Open
3 / Pete / Better description of Online Payment implementation / Open
July 2013
1 / Mark / Arrange meeting with Town for Oakmont Court area / Open
2 / Pete / Call DEC about beaver in Glen Oak pond / Open
3 / Pete / Pay Constant Contacts / Closed