1.Whyarewe doing this screening test?What is itsupposed toaccomplish?
- Togive the teacher information to developaclass profile.
- Tohelpwith programming.
- Tohelpthe teacher knowwhen tobringastudentforward toIST for programmingsuggestions andpossiblereferraltoSST fordiscussion arounda referral topsychologyin light of high or lowcognitive functioningorotherwise remarkable cognitive profiles.
- Tomake theprocess ofidentificationfor giftednessmorecomprehensive and equitable,this would reflect best practices andalign with the processes of other GTAboards.
2.Isastudent requiredtotake the test if their parents do notwantthem to be assessed?
- No, parents who do not want theirchildscreened can indicate this.
3.This screening testwill give information for apossiblegifted exceptionality.
Will this screening test be usedfor other exceptionalities?
- TheCanadian Cognitive Abilities Test,7thversion (CCAT-7)will provide informationabouttherange of cognitive abilities. Itmaysuggest learningprofiles associated with other exceptionalities.TheCCAT-7isa screener and ascreener only. It shouldnotbemistaken asatestforexceptionality. It will be useful in flaggingstudentsforfurther discussionatan In-schoolSupportTeamandwith parentsand staffat aSchoolSupportTeam.
4.What doestheCCAT-7include to ensure that the test isbarrier-freeto ensure students ofallabilities areable to takethetest?
- For students with anIEP, accommodations outlined intheIEP canbefollowed
- The CCAT-7can be administered individually.
- Incases in which studentshave difficultyreading, theCCAT-7canbe administeredand responded to orallyor with theuse ofassistive technologyand modificationof time.
- It canbeadministeredin shortened blocksforstudents with attentional difficulties.
- The test includesa large print version which can be administeredfor low vision students.
- Glossaries or translation ofinstructions can be providedfor studentswho need help with vocabulary, and time limits adjustedaccordingly.
- The test can be administered individuallyor in smaller groupsfor studentswho have attentional/behavioural difficulties in large groups or with group administration.
- If there is aphysical disabilityor impairment thatprevents the studentfrom completingthe answer document,a scribe can workwith the student.
- Instructions can be repeated andthis is encouragedforallstudents.
- Extendedtime can be given for anELL student on the Verbal batteryifnecessary toreduce the effect ofa slowpace of work.
5.What trainingwill teachers receive to understand theCCAT-7scores?
- Teachersadministeringthe test will be provided with informationmaterials and willreceive trainingthrough avideopresentationon allthattheycando to support students before, duringand after thetest administration.They will also receive support in terms ofunderstandingthescoresfromthe testingwhich will help themto betterprogramfor students.
6.What steps have been taken to ensure that the test is moneywell spent?
The followingwere carried out:
- A reviewofother teststhatare usedfor giftedscreeningelsewhere.The CCAT was foundtobefrequentlyusedfor this purpose;
- Consultation with otherboardsthat have usedthis testforany difficulties/challengesandexperiencesthat theyhave hadwith thisteacher administeredgroup test;
- A surveyacross the provinceofthe giftedprocess, and ofthe screening measuresthatwere used at theirboards;
- A reviewofliteraturearound gifted identification.
7.Howcan the CCAT-7and Gifted Rating Scale-SchoolAge (GRS-S) determine whether or notastudent is identified as gifted?
- The CCAT-7provides information aboutstudents’ cognitive abilities.The (teacher-rated) GRS-Sprovides information aboutimportant non-cognitive aspectsof functioning,like motivationandcreativity. The CCAT-7and GRS-S cannot determinethisalone. Best practice suggests theneedformultiple sources of informationin thedetermination ofa gifted identification.
- However, the CCAT-7doesprovidesome general informationaboutstudents' cognitive abilities. TheTeacher ratedGRS-Sprovides informationaboutimportantnoncognitive aspects of functioning, like motivationand creativity, which are importantinthedetermination ofthe giftedprofile. Inorder to determinewhether thestudentmeets thecriteriafor a gifted exceptionality, however, an individualintellectual assessment bythepsychologist is animportant component.
8.Howwilla studentwithdyslexiaora visual impairmenttakethetest?Will it be read to them?
- Yes, the CCATcanbeadministeredorallyor individuallyfor studentswith dyslexia; for studentswithvisual impairments, thelarge print version of thetest can be administered.
9.What happens if thestudentcannotreadeffectivelyin Grade 3?
- The CCAT-7can be read to astudentifnecessaryortheuse assistive technology.
10.Some school boardstest students as earlyas inGrade1.Whydoesthe TDSB wait until Grade 3forthe testing?Whynot earlier?
- The testingis done inGrade3 because ofdevelopmental considerations: abstract reasoningskills develop asstudentsmature and,asmuch as possible; wewant thetesting tobe predictive of futurepotential.Given developmental considerations,byGrade 3students have generallymatured sufficientlyto measureabstractskills morereliablythanin the younger years. Testingat Grade3 is therefore more likelyto yield results thatarepredictive of future potential and canbe consideredmore reliable. Itmight also be noted thatsome boardsdonottestuntil Grade4.
11.What isthe process for identifying studentswith anexceptionalityof giftedness outsideof Grade3?
- At thistime, studentswillbe discussed atthe In-SchoolTeam(IST) whichwill determineif it is appropriatetomoveforward with the completion of aGRS-Sby the teacher. Upon completionandscoringof theGRS-S,thestudentmaybe referred to theSchoolSupportTeam(SST).The SST will consider the scoringof the GRS-Sand discuss possiblereferral to psychologyifthere is aGRS-ST- score of 60or more onanyofthe scale’s sixdomains.
12.If a student in Grade3 does not meet the criteriafor giftedaccording to the Canadian Cognitive AbilitiesTest or Gifted Rating Scale(SchoolAge),what is the appealprocess for parents?
- As with anystudent that is consideredfor thegifted exceptionality, the student shouldbediscussed ataSchoolSupportTeammeeting(SST).
13.Given that the test isbroken into threesections ofthirtyminutes each,what is the most appropriatetime frame fora school tocomplete thetesting process for all studentsin Grade 3?
- Schools will varyin terms of theirworkspace,numberofstudentsneeding screening, andother classroom and student considerations.Thetestingwill
14.What isareasonableor typical number ofdays that a school should hold the testingfor casessuch as studentabsenteeism?
- Testingshouldnot beputonholdpasttheend of thesecondweek ofOctober, which meansaperiod ofaweekpasttheplanned weekfor the testingofthe other students.
15.What happenswhenstudents arrive later in theyear or shortlyoutside of the testing timelines?
- The studentmaybediscussedat theISTto determine ifitis appropriate to move forward with the completion of a GRS-S.Upon completionandscoringofthe GRS-S, the studentmaybe referredtothe School SupportTeam(SST).The SSTwill consider the scoringof the GRS-S and discuss possible referral to psychologyifthere isaGRS-ST-score of 60or moreonanyof thescale’s six domains.
16.Can theCCAT-7be administered to ELLstudents?
- The CCAT-7can be administered to English LanguageLearners (ELLs).The purpose of usingtestingaccommodations with English Language Learners is to reducetheimpact thattheirlimited experience with English hason the measurement of theirreasoningabilities.TheCCAT-7is thenewest version of the testand was designedtobeaccessibletoEnglish Language Learners.
17.Isthe Canadian CognitiveAbilitiesTest available ina French version for students taking instruction in FrenchImmersion Classes?If not,will there be a disadvantage tothem given that the majorityof their instruction in grade3 is in French? French, even for FI students,maybe too difficult.
- The test is not available in French.Inthe case of manyFrench Immersion students,English language of communication will occur in various forms throughout the schoolat recess,duringlunchandin anumber of discussion pointsthroughoutthedayat school and home. However, the CCAT-7 version (2016)has been designedtobemuch moreELLfriendly.Noneof the itemson the Quantitative Batteryuse language, soboth the Quantitative andNonverbal batteries canbeadministered to ELL students.This enhancement wouldalso be supportive of FI learners.
18.What isthe scoring process/cut-off pointfor the Canadian CognitiveAbilities test?
- SeeAppendix.
19.What isthe scoring process/cutoffpoint for theGRS-S?
- Students scoringat orabove the 84thpercentile on theGRS-Smaybe referred onforfurther assessment (See Appendix.)
20.What happens if achild hasa psychological reportoutliningaGAI at or above the 98thpercentile, prior tothe Grade3universal screening test,and then does notmeet the criteriaon theCCAT-7for consideration ofa GRS-S? Does the test screen them outofapsychologicalassessment?
- Two factorsneed to beconsidered to answer this question:
(1)Whichtest results take precedenceor trumptheother?
The individual test ofintellectualfunctioning(WISC-V) takesprecedence over the CCAT-7screener.The CCAT-7would notscreenoutor excludea child whose individual assessment was conductedwithin theTDSBage/grade parameters and meetsTDSBcriterionfor Giftedness identification
(2)What was the child’s age and/or gradewhen individuallyassessed?
ThenewTDSB guideline indicates thatthe childmustbeofchronological age for and attendingGrade 3for results of an individual test of intellectualfunctioningtobe consideredfor an Identification of Giftedness. If thechild was assessed prior tothisperiod,a reassessment couldbeconsideredeven though the child didnot meetcriterion basedon theCCAT-7.A discussionat the School SupportTeamwould be useful inunderstandingthediscrepancybetween CCAT- 7andWISC-V results.
Step 1ObtainsignedConsentFormfortheCCAT-7Step 2AdministerCCAT-7
Points / Percentile1 / 80-83
2 / 84-88
3 / 89-92
4 / 93-95
5 / 96-97
6 / 98
7 / 99
8 / 99
Step 3ProceedtoISTandrecordtheCCAT-7PointsTotalontheIndividualLearningProfile(ILP)forstudentswithapointtotalof5orgreater.
Step 4ProceedtoSSTand,inadditiontotheCCATPointsTotalalreadyrecordedontheILP,recordtheGRS-Sscoreforallsixdomains.AreferralforindividualpsychologicaltestingwillbemadeforallstudentsearningaGRS-ST-scoreof602ormoreonanyofthesix
domainsandaCCAT PointTotalof6.
Discussstudentswhohaveapointtotalofatleast 6pointsbutwithaGRS-Sbelow60todetermineifthesestudentsshouldgoforwardtoareferralforindividualpsychologicaltesting.
Studentsachievingapointtotalof 5(percentilerankof96or97)andaGRS-Sofatleast60maybeconsideredforareferralforindividualpsychologicaltesting.
Step 5Uponcompletionoftheindividualpsychologicaltesting,returntoSST.