Auto Collision Repair is a two-year program designed for individuals who have the desire to work in the automobile industry. Students will experience structural analysis and repair, painting and finishing, plastic repair, and some light mechanical repair. Students will learn theory as well as hands-on training. Safe work habits will be learned and environmental issues addressed. Students will meet entry-level job standards, as well as prepare for the possibility of further education and training at a technical college.
- Auto Collision and related careers
- Terminology used in the industry
- Basic auto body construction
- Math (ratios, volume, metric, measurements, conversions)
- Occupational safety
- Tool safety and maintenance
- Government regulating agencies (OSHA, EPA)
- Diagnosing and analyzing damage
- Welding (MIG, oxyacetylene)
- Surface preparation and fillers
- Panel repair
- Plastic types and applications
- Fiberglass
- Safe painting practices and techniques
- Surface applications
- Paint mixing and application
- Identification of nuts and bolts (U.S. and metric)
- Decaling, striping, detailing and interior repairs
- Glass removal and replacement
- Application of auto hardware, moldings, and safety devices
- Introduction to professional organizations
- Pre-employment preparation
Students will be expected to become members and be involved in Skills U.S.A.
This program is A.S.E. (Automotive Service Excellence) certified.
is an educational program designed to prepare students for the highly skilled, high-wage technology careers of today and tomorrow. Tech Prep combines secondary and post secondary education programs through a formal agreement, which provides students with a sequence of progressive courses that can lead an associate degree.
After completing high school and the respective technical program, Tech Prep students can continue their education at MineralAreaCollege to acquire an associate degree, then enter full-time employment in the field or pursue a baccalaureate degree at a four-year college.
36 hours of college coursework can be complete while in high school toward and Associate of Applied Science in Automotive Collision Technology
- Shop Mgt. & Estimating………...3
- Metal Welding & Cutting……….3
- Non-Structural Damage Analysis.3
- Non-Structural Damage Repair…3
- Refinish – Undercoats…………...3
- Structural Damage Analysis..…...3
- Structural Damage Repair I……..3
- Structural Damage Repair II…….3
- Refinishing and Painting I………3
- Refinishing and Painting II……...3
- Plastics and Adhesives…………..3
- Preparation for Employment…….3
- Occupational Leadership Dev. I...3
- Occupational Leadership Dev. II.3
An additional 30-36 hrs. of academic credit can be obtained at MineralAreaCollege for the completion of the degree.
For additional information about the Auto Collision Repair program please contact:
Karen Leible, Counselor
Perryville Area Career and TechnologyCenter
326 College
Perryville, MO 63775
(573) 547-7500 Ext. 257
For additional information about the Tech Prep Program and the Associate of Applied Science degree in Auto Collision Technology please contact:
Ken Carter, Director of Tech Prep
P.O. Box 1000
Park Hills, MO 63601
(573) 518-2155