ICPS Meeting

Tuesday 7 November 2006


In-House & Corporate Print Services (ICPS) Forum

Held on Tuesday 7 November 2006 at

Duplo International, Esher, Surrey


Jo Pitt, ChairHouse of Commons

Barry Fletcher, Deputy ChairAlliance & Leicester

Peter BarrettHampshire Printing Services

Philip SmithHampshire Printing Services

James ClarkPDSA

Graeme LigginsSATRA Technology Centre


Peter VincentBPIF Head of Technical

Derek PollardBPIF Regional Director

Apologies for absence were received from:-

Wayne Cook (HM Prison Services), Mark Barlow (Blackpool Borough Council), Jamie Woodward (Canon UK) and Nicholas Weeks (Wiltshire County Council).


  1. Welcome & Apologies

Jo Pitt opened the meeting, welcomed everyone and gave the apologies received.

2. Previous Minutes (27 June 2006) & Matters Arising

Barry explained that he had not been able to issue his case study relating to the implementation of MFD’s because he needed permission to do so. This had now been obtained and he fully intended to provide this.

Derek explained that due to work pressures Mark Barlow had not been able to produce a draft criteria against which Business Excellence Awards for implants could be judged. Jo asked if anyone would be prepared to take this on and Philip Smith agreed to do so. Once the criteria had been agreed, sponsors for the award would be sought.

Derek reported that he had responded to Kevin Neenan’s difficulty in obtaining legal advice by offering BPIF’s in-house solicitors.

3. Government & Industry Report – 11 October 2006

This had previously been emailed.

Jo referred to the agenda item relating to the use of recycled paper, which evoked some discussion. Derek referred to the recorded action i.e. BPIF to develop an information booklet outlining the arguments for and against recycled paper.

4. Membership of ICPS

Derek gave an update on the number of current members (32) and which sectors they represented e.g. County Councils, Universities etc. He explained that the financial status showed a positive variance, with £4,500 committed to the development of the toolkit.

5. Presentation on the ICPS Toolkit

Peter Vincent introduced himself and explained that in his consultancy roles he has worked with many inplant units. He reminded everyone of the objective of the proposal, namely to produce a ‘best practice’ booklet to assist in-house operations to run their operation more competitively.

He then gave a powerpoint presentation, which illustrated the many detailed pages that had been developed so far and this prompted further discussion, input and suggestions. It was suggested that the final version could be produced both electronically and/or in hard copy format. Peter announced that Duplo had offered to print the hard copy version. Peter explained that the forms could be put on the ICPS website with hyper-links developed to other appropriate pages. He also stated that he would be prepared to provide ‘hot line’ telephone support for 12 months to all group members.

Peter defined the next stages viz:

To email a copy to all members attending today’s meeting.

Members to read the copy and provide views/feedback to Peter within the next 2 weeks.

Finalise design by end of November.

Philip suggested that the Forward section should quantify the benefits of having an inplant. All members present were extremely impressed with the work so far. Jo emphasized the need to provide feedback to Peter within the next 2 weeks as requested.

6. Open Forum

James explained that he had replied to Kyle Jardine’s (BPIF Information Services Manager) request for information to the Salary and Manpower Surveys with ‘not relevant to in-house’. Kyle had responded and said that if provided with the information he would be able to provide the definitions James sought. After much discussion members agreed that categories specific to non-profit organisations would be particularly useful. The Chairman issued the request for all members of the ICPS SIG to provide details of roles (job titles and descriptions) to Kyle Jardine (via email - ), so that he can fully explore the possibility of targeting salary data specifically to ICPS units.

James asked whether members could recommend job tracking software which worked well on PCs. Philip said that he could recommend Optimus. Peter Vincent reminded members that the Technology Warehouse provided extensive details of software relevant to our industry.

Philip reported that he was in the process of implementing a new 5 colour press and was finally developing a closer working relationship with the IT Department.

Barry reported that he was developing a Forms Warehouse on their intranet site. So far it has been extremely successful (second biggest hit-site in the organisation) and when it has reached the stage where all forms were electronic it will provide the means for setting standards.

Jo reported that she is embarking on the MFD route.

7. Any Other Business

It was agreed that the next meeting, which may be in the form of a technical conference, should take place at NorthPrint and would be held on Tuesday 24 April 2007. It was suggested that the agenda could include:

Meeting/conference, involving at least two guest speakers.

Official launch of the ICPS Toolkit.

Business Excellence Award for Inplants.

Ending with an evening meal.

Derek was requested to find out whether space would be available at NorthPrint and if so, to commence with making arrangements for the above event. Where possible, sponsorship would be sought.

It was agreed that the ICPS web page will be developed to provide links to other appropriate web pages and a Q&A area with an email alerting system. Derek was also asked to send an email to all members asking them to nominate two topics on which they would be prepared to advise/support/share with others.

Derek informed members that Richard Vines (Consultant) had produced another discussion paper entitled ‘Strategic directions for Australia’s quick print sector’. It can be obtained via the internet address:

8. Date and Place of Next Meeting

Subject to confirmation: Tuesday 24 April 2007 at NorthPrint, Harrogate.

Jo thanked Peter for his presentation, Duplo for hosting the meeting and everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 12.50pm.