IMSSA Meeting April 2nd
- Communications
- No update
- Academic
- Science and Business Panel – april 30th, 1-3pm
- Professional Development Panel – after IMS Scientific Day (May 12)
- Advertise on Facebook group/page – come out for the events!
- IMS Munk debate committee
- Richie met with Rudyard Griffis(?)
- Have a meeting next week
- Social
- Facebook event is up for the Friday night at the ROM
- Possibility of dinner + drinks before
- Escape room – April 23
- Post-Scientific Day wine and cheese
- Find a venue (something not too far from Chestnut – Dundas and Bay)
- Scientific Day is a good time to promote IMSSA
- Summer Flagship event
- BBQ/Beach day, 10k run, “Amazing Race” (small groups, easy to do)
- Let Richie know if you have any other ideas
- All 50 people support survey idea
- Meeting with the Dean of SGS to raise this issue
- Howard Mount is happy with the survey, but it will only show that the problem is in IMS. Howard is going to speak to the coordinators in the Faculty of Medicine, so Beatrice is going to give a presentation then
- Meeting with heads of different departments for comments on the survey over the next few weeks
- Send Beatrice an email if you have a suggestion for the presentation
- Show a spreadsheet of savings: come out of undergrad with $2000 saved, but you need to put that towards getting a place to live
- Shannah has an unofficial spreadsheet of paid amounts – demonstrates that this isn’t just a problem for international students, domestic students face it too
- Beatrice will send Richie an outline of the presentation
- Beatrice’s presentation was well-received
- Sports
- Food and drink before Jays’ game (April 13)
- Interdepartmental
- Boat cruise is scheduled for August
- Kamal (SIV)
- Info-Exchange on April 14
- IMS Magazine
- No update
- New issue came out last week
- Other
- Money for Hart House ($30/person) – happening on June 6
- Opening it up to everyone in IMS? Could be one of the summer events. Since we won’t get very many non-exec people anyway
- Social will make a Facebook event for it
- First outreach event (Scott Mission) to make breakfast – April 27
- Meet outside Scott Mission at 9am
- Katie – Bringing Darkness into Light, May 29 (Friday)
- Raise funds for mental health and mental health research
- CAMH has a website where you can make a profile and fundraise
- Stay up all night, take a selfie at sunrise
- Things to do: Movie marathons, yoga instructors, mindfulness (Brenda Toner), music
- Could get food donated for the cause
- Start around 11pm