Ellie’s Plan
ONE Plan for Education Health and Social Care
This is me
My Name is Eleanor
I like to be known as Ellie
Ellie Mae / Cleasby
0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan
Date of this Plan: 27/02/2013
Primary Need / Secondary NeedSLD / SLCN
- My Family History
- My Family’s One-Page Profile
- My One-Page Profile
- How to Support Me
- My Support Plan
- Review Sheet (Outcomes and Provision)
My Family History
Ellie was born on the 9th of March 2002at NorthTeesHospital by emergency caesarean section. Ellie had a low birth weight of 4lb 2oz and was diagnosed within 3 days with Down Syndrome and a serious problem with her heart. Ellie had correctional heart surgery at 6 months of age. During this time Mr & Mrs Cleasby were supported by the cardiac nurse who ensured that they didn’t have to deal with practical details during this time of crisis. Ellie had further surgery at the age of 4 to remove her tonsils and adenoids and to have some dental work. Her sister was born on 9th August 2003.
Both Mr & Mrs Cleasby have worked with people with learning difficulties and they have a good understanding of how they can ensure that Ellie has an ordinary life with aspirations for the future. They will always make sure Ellie is given the opportunity to fulfil her potential.
Ellie has always had difficulty sleeping and suffers from chronic hip and leg pain for which she is under review and for which she takes medication. Ellie also has stomach issues which are being investigated as they may be brought on by intolerances; she takes medication to help with this. Lack of sleep for the family has been addressed by the use of a direct payment one night per week and additional support from grandparents as and when they need it.
Ellie attended the Early Support Nursery from the age of 18months after attending the Snowdrops mother and baby group at NorthTeesHospital. She started Mainstream Nursery at the age of 3. Ellie attended YarmPrimary School which is a mainstream school until year 4. This enabled her to make local friends but also underlined that the school was unable to maintain her needs. Ellie moved to AshTreesSpecialSchool where she is now in her last year. Ellie will go to secondary school in September 2013 and the family are working with the school to develop a person centred timetable which will best support her future needs.
MyFamily’sOne-Page Profile
. Ellie’s family are: Mike (Dad), Rebecca (Mum), and younger sister, Olivia
What is Important to Us
- To spend time together doing the things we all enjoy. We like to go out on day trips and holidays, go swimming, bowling and visit new places. We enjoy eating out and trying new foods.
- To spend time together at home and have a part in each others interests and hobbies. To ensure that we provide an environment where our children are nurtured and encouraged to follow their dreams and reach their full potential.
- That Ellie’s disability does not become what people see about her, we feel that she must be seen as a person in her own right first and foremost, she needs to be provided with the means to live her life as independently as possible within a safe and nurturing environment.
- It is also important to point out that our daughters have great relationship but we would never want Ellie’s sister to have to be responsible for her, they have their own lives to lead and need to be able to make their own choices.
How to Support Us as a Family
- To enable us to be a family and make our own decisions about our children and our lives. For people to understand that we need to have a normal family life as well as meeting the needs of Ellie’s disability.
- To provide Ellie with a Personal Assistant to support her on trips and activities, this will enable her to be independent and allow us to spend time with Olivia too.
- Not refer to Ellie as a Down’s child as we believe she is a child first and foremost, Down Syndrome is just something about her.
- Ensure Ellie has support one night a week to let us have some sleep!
- Keep us fully informed at all times so that we can make good choices and decisions with Ellie.
- Don’t keep things from us or expect us to carry out unrealistic activities for Ellie, we all have a life to lead as well as tasks that need to be done.
- Providing Ellie with medical care, speech therapy, social support and appropriate education.
- Helping us to access the services which are out there to help us without us having to go looking all the time, if we don’t know of a service that exists tell us about it, we will then decide if it is what we need.
This replaces part 2 and part 5 of a Statement of Special Educational Needs
My One Page Profile
What People Like and Admire About Me
- I am kind, helpful, and have a good sense of humour,
- People like my smile and think I am funny
- I work hard and always try my best,
- I am caring, and a great swimmer and dancer.
What is Important to Me
- To live with my Mum, Dad and my younger sister Olivia
- Seeing my grandparents every week.
- Mince and dumplings with vegetables and ice cream for dessert at least once a week.
- Playing with my dolls, and playing schools and make-believe games with my friends and my sister.
- I like to see my best friend Emma on a weekend.
- Meeting up with my boyfriend Elliott and Uncle Peter and all my cousins, especially Natasha.
- To wear my glasses all the time.
- Going swimming every week, or whenever I can with my family and also with the Northern Region Special Olympics Team.
- Gymnastics each week with Gym Jo
- I like watching Tracy Beaker on television
- Singing and dancing every day, sometimes with my friend Emma and sometimes on my own, I like putting shows on for my family too.
- Listening to music on my Ipad when I choose too, especially my ‘Wake up Shake up’ songs.
- I like my breakfast time with my Daddy.
- Reading and choosing books to read, reading with Mummy
- Going on holiday with my family in the summer and going to stay with Uncle Peter and my cousins in Ipswich.
- Bowling in the holidays with Mummy and Olivia, sometimes my friends Elliott, Erin, Rachel, and Luke come too.
- Going to the cinema to see funny films with Mummy and Olivia in my school holidays, sometimes I like my friend Emma to come too.
This replaces part 3 and part 6 of aStatement of Special Educational Needs
How to Support Me
(to achieve and succeed)
- I love good food but need support to eat the right amount
- I need support crossing roads as I am not always aware of the dangers and I sometimes get over excited and forget to be careful.
- I like talking to people and would not know if a stranger was safe to talk to.
- I need to wear my glasses all of the time during the day.
- Having a routine in my life, and knowing what is expected of me, and what is going to happen next. I need help to understand when things are going to change or be different.
Education and Learning (for life and work)
- I like to do as many things for myself as I can, but I do need help from grown ups to help me read, tell the time, do daily living skills and use money.
- I find writing hard. It helps me if you remind me what the letters look like if I get stuck. If I need to write a lot, I find it easier to copy an adult’s writing or have an adult spell the words out to me.
- I sometimes find it hard to understand what is expected from me. This means that I need you to tell me what I need to do, using signs and pictures so that I can understand. If my routine changes, I like to have a social story, so that I can read it a number of times. I need to have my own copy of rules and what you want me to do, so that I can read them over again.
- At school I find some subjects, like literacy and numeracy,hard and I struggle to keep on task. I can manage in small groups for more practical activities.I need one-to-one supportto help me.
- I need lots of support in my classroom but I like to do as much as I can for myself.
- I need help with my speech. I need to know you have understood what I am saying. Mummy and the Speech Therapist have helped to improve my speech.
Around My Health
- Please remember that my hips and legs often hurt (I have tablets for this)
- I need to wear my Piedro boots at all times and I don’t like to walk too far or I get pain in my hips
- I wear special boots to help me walk, I need help to tie my laces.
- You need to know that I have a heart murmur and sometimes I have a ‘harlequin episode’ where half of my body goes red and hot. If this happens I need to sit down and it will disappear usually after around 15 minutes.
- You need to know that I sometimes get stomach pain, and the GP is looking into this. My Mum helps me at Doctors appointments
- I need to wear my glasses at all times during the day
- The Community Nurse is helping me understand changes to my body.
- I have a dental condition where I will only ever get 8 adult teeth; I might find chewing some foods difficult because of this.
Friendships, Relationships and Being Part of My Community
- I love my mummy and daddy but I also like to do some activities without them. I like to spend at least 1 day in the holidays with my direct payment worker having fun.
- I like making new friends but I need help from mummy to take me to all of my activities.
- Emma is my best friends and I like to see her at weekends. I love being outside and playing in the garden especially on the trampoline.
- I need some help to travel around my local community, I like to go shopping and I like to go to the park, swimming pool, library and I always have someone to help me to do this, sometimes it is my family and sometimes my friends.
- I need help crossing the road as sometimes I forget to look both ways.
How I communicate and make decisions
- I find talking difficult – I use makaton signing to help people to understand me. The home/school book is good to help me to explain what I have been doing
- I use pictures, symbols, and ‘Communications in Print’ on the computer to help me communicate
- I like to use my iPad.
- I find it easier to make decisions when I am shown a picture or a photograph as it helps me understand what I am choosing.
- I use social stories to help me to make choices and decisions but I need to be given time to understand these.
- I sometimes use my key-ring wheel of signs and symbols to help me make quicker decisions
- I need to be given time to talk to people
- I like talking even though it is hard. You need to tell me if you don’t understand what I am saying and I will try again using words, signs and gestures.
- I like people to repeat what I have said so that I know that they have understood me.
- I use lists and a visual timetable to help me to understand what is happening and when. I sometimes worry about what is happening next if my day is different to usual. I like to talk this through with my family or school to make sure I understand.
- If I don’t understand what you are saying to me I will say “I don’t know” this usually means that you need to explain things to me again.
My Life Aspirations
- I want to live by myself or with friends: I would like to have my own house or flat in Yarm.
- I want to have a job and go to college to do cooking, childcare and drama.
- I want to do as much as I can for myself and have lots of fun.
- I want to keep swimming, dancing, and listening to music.
- I want to go out with my friends and family to different places and have lots of different experiences, doing new things.
- I want to carry on with my Special Olympic swimming events.
- I want to spend time with my friends and family doing the things we all enjoy like day trips and holidays.
- I want to go out with my friends without having to take my Mummy and Daddy.
- I would like to eat out at different types of places and try different foods.
- I want to be able to do things for my self and be as independent as possiblebut to have support available to me if I need it.
- I like to be busy and have lots of things to do.
What My Family Want for Me in the Future
- For Ellie to attend secondary school and follow a person centred timetable that maximises her independence, education and development.
- Make sure that Ellie has good medical and dental care, and that she continues to have services such as speech and language therapy
- Ellie will need support to handle money, to shop and cook her meals and pay her bills, and also to travel around her local community and go on trips and holidays.
- For Ellie to work towards living as independently as she can, to reach her potential and have the support available for her when she needs it.
- For Ellie to have a range of employment and social opportunities that make her independent and happy.
- For Ellie to be given the opportunity to make her own choices and decisions about her life while keeping her safe and well cared for.
- To see a specialist dentist to determine if there is any treatment available for Ellie’s hypodontia.
My Experiences and Achievements
- I went to Brownies and earned lots of badges
- I have won a number of medals swimming for the Special Olympics
- I am very good at sign language and can teach you
- I took part in a dance show with my dance troop and earned my first medal.
Date of First Plan
Date of Current Plan
Date for Review: / Xx/xx/xxxxMy Support Plan/ Resources
Area of my life / What do we want to achieve? My outcome / How will we do this? / How will we know if we have been successful? / Who will do what and when? / £ - Resource ImplicationsFriends, relationships and community / To take part in activities and hobbies that I enjoy, sometimes without mummy and daddy.
Leisure activities to help me stay healthy
Maintain friendships
To access public transport / We will access a direct payment to allow me to do some activities without mummy or daddy.
I will go swimming every Sunday and to gym on a Monday
I will arrange to see my friend Emma at least once on a weekend
My direct payment worker will help me to use a bus or a taxi to attend my weekly dance class / I will be happy doing my activities, we can review this every month.
I will be part of the Special Olympic swimming team and either win or get placed at some events.
My friendship will continue and I will be happy.
I will know how to ring for a taxi and how to go on the bus to Stockton. / My direct payment worker Leanne will support me at least once per week
Mummy will take me to these activities.
Ellie/ Emma
Leanne to start this next week / £50 per week
£3.50 per week
£5-50 for a taxi each way or £3.30 to use a bus.
Communication / To improve my speech clarity and signing vocabulary, helping me to be more confident / Speech therapy from a private speech therapist.
School therapist to assess and plan a workable program. / I will be able to make a good sentence, I will be able to ask where something is in Tesco, I will be able to join up a wide variety of sounds and say them clearly. I will learn 10 new signs that I need for my hobbies. / Parents do this on an ongoing basis
School to refer and follow this up / £35 per session
Health / I need help to understand growing up and to understand what I am feeling.
I also need support with sensory issues such as having my hair/ nails cut and cleaning teeth, as these make me upset.
I need special boots to help me walk.
I need an appointment with my Paediatrician every 6 months to review my general health, and with other professionals as letters are sent out in the post. / I will see my community nurse/ support worker on a regular basis who will help me with my feelings.
The community nurse will work with me so I don’t get upset when I have my nails cut or my teeth cleaned.
I need an appointment every 2 months to have my feet measured and boots checked and ordered when needed.
Mummy will make the appointments and take me when needed. Mummy will talk with my doctors to help me not be in pain. / I will understand the changes to my body.
I wont get upset anymore when I have my hair or nails cut or teeth brushed.
My ankles wont hurt and I can walk without pain
I will be in good health and can do everyday activities. / Community Nurse and mum to follow up.
Community Nurse and mum to follow up.
Mummy or Grandma take me to the appointments
Mummy will take me to the appointment / £32 per hour or £11.96 per hour
£32 per hour
Parents will buy the second pair of boots so that she has school shoes and trainers £100 approx
Education and Learning / To develop my numeracy skills, including understanding basic money skills, telling the time and basic number operations.
To improve handwriting and increase reading comprehension.
To work with the secondary school to develop a person centred timetable to maximise Ellie’s learning needs. / Within a small group on a differentiated timetable during maths lessons.
During Daily Rev+ sessions on a 1:1 basis at school and at home
I will practice writing on a daily basis.
I receive extra education through the Education Centre for Children with Down’s Syndrome.
Parents will meet with the school and highlight Ellie’s aspirations. We will support school to develop the person centred timetable. / By the end of this school year I will have reached a target of a Nation Curriculum level 1C in numeracy and literacy and a 1B in reading. I will also try to get a P8a in writing.
I will be able to tell the time to the hour and half hour and recognise all coins and notes by Easter.
I will have two reading books one for broadening my reading skills and one for comprehension which will be an easier book. / School staff and parents daily.
School staff and parents daily.
Parents will fund
Mum to contact school during March 2013. / £34.93 per hour
£34.93 per hour
£20 per month
£52.41 per hour for meeting with Deputy Head
Support to be as independent as possible, including work when appropriate. / To develop my independence skills
Road Safety
Keeping me safe / Hire a specially adapted flat within Oasis to help me develop my independence skills. (direct payment worker to support)
Make sure I am safe when I cross a road
My family and direct payment worker will work with me to teach me about the dangers of strangers. / By the summer term I willl be able to make three simple snacks/meals.
I will be able to get my own drink,
I will be able to strip and remake my bed.
I will be able to bathe myself. / I will do these activities with Leanne at the flat and with my Mum at home to practise my new skills. / £24 per month
Education Placement