American Data Group
Web Tax & Licensing Collections Enhancements
- Allows input text of 4000 characters
- Optional Review Date – if set shows on log on page.
- Attachments
- Classifications for grouping of notes
Area Group Maintenance
- Unlimited Area Codes may be used to assigned an Area Group
Business Group Maintenance
- Unlimited Business Group (SIC#) may be assigned to create a Business Group
Interest Rates Master
- Saves Rates by Month and Year – only used by Arizona custom version
Tax Collection Forms
- Tax & Licensing Collection Forms are user-definable and are valid for a time period. The form includes the line items, calculations, instructions, and rules for under/over payment of monies
- All monies my be reported to 2 or 0 decimal positions
- Forms include rates for Vendor Service Fees, default due days, grace days and amount
- Forms may be flagged as available for web usage (if the module has been purchased)
Tax Master
- Tax Codes may now be 2 characters
- Tax Codes have effective dates to track rate changes – which are based on form filer periods
- Associated License may have either an expiration date or be valid for a selected number of days
- G/L Distribution may be across multiple G/L accounts for Revenue, A/R, and Cash
- Department Approvals Required
STS Master Setup
- Close Through Date prevents posting into prior periods if used
- Auto-Payment Setup for EFT/Bank Draft Payments
- License Discount Rates are based on effective dates to track prior values
- License Penalty Rates are based on effective dates to track prior values
- Web Vendor Payment/Inquiry Module Setup
- Allow On-Line License Renewals
- Allow On-Line Tax Returns
- Allow On-Line EFT/Bank Draft Payments
- Allow On-Line Credit Card Payments and a Maximum Amount
- Allow On-Line Under/Overpayment
- Allow Contacts Management
- Allow License print/Re-print
License Fee Code Master
- Uses Effective Date to track prior rates
Location Master
- Uses Location-Geo file to build a common GEO database with Utility Billing, Building Permits, and Special Assessments.
- Includes Latitude and Longitude values
- Google Maps of Location Address and/or GPS coordinates
- Pop-Up Warning Note
Customer Master
- A table of basic customer in formation – irrelevant of a location
- Maintains Internet Password for the account
- Optionally saves Credit Card or Band Draft information for auto-payments
- Unlimited additional contacts
- Notes
- Pop-up Warning Note
- Customer may now have multiple Locations
- Business Name and primary contact information
- Location code from Location-Geo Table
- Filings, Payments and A/R by Customer/Location combination
- Federal and State Id's
- User Define Type Code
- Business Start and End Dates at the Location
- Audit Information
- Delinquency Information
- Miscellaneous Questions
- Tax/License Codes tracked for customer at this location
- Start and End Dates
- License Information: Start and Expiration Dates, Temporary, Print Status
- Filing Status
- Business Season
- Department Approval Maintenance
Codes Master Maintenance
- Notes Classifications
- Adjustment Posting Codes
- Special Event Codes for Revenue Tracking
- User Types for Customer/Billing Master
Business Type Codes (Old SIC Numbers)
Letter Writing System
- Maintain your own letters: Renewals, Open Account, Missing Filers, Posting Errors, Miscellaneous
- Pulls fields from master files
- Allows for different fonts, bold, underline, italics
- Place graphics, fonts, and data to a relative position (x,y coordinate)
- Customer Letters will still be required if information is to be pulled from database fields for specific reasons
Customer Inquiry
- Very different in presentation
- Drill down to detail records
Reports Menu Layout
- Same Reports and Layout
- New CSV Export of History Information based on tax code and date range
- New Revenue Report by Tax Form
Posting Menu
- Return Postings – uses system default tax form unless overridden by customer/location record
- Shows customer and location warning notes including expired licenses
- Auto-Complete information on form input
- Create a notes and attachment for the return
- Post for a specific event
- Payment types may include credit card or EFT/Bank Draft
- License Posting
- May be for Special Event
- May enter From/To Dates
- Payment types may include credit card or EFT/Bank Draft
- May be flagged as Temporary
- Edit Report to balance payments
- Error Letters – user modifiable
- Update Report may be in listing or update mode
- Add additional interest to accounts receivable values
- Cancel/Amend Returns – Batch Posting with separate update program
- Web Receipts Menu for processing/updating payments from the on-Line module
- Credit Card and EFT Processing Menu
- Create EFT file for the Bank
- Assist in balancing PayPal Credit Card transactions
- New Program to Apply A/R Credits
- New Program for Invalid Address Maintenance
American Data Group Inc.1Software Above the Rest