Derby Police Commission

Derby, Connecticut 06418


Commission Traffic Authority

Theodore J. Estwan Jr., Chairman Theodore J. Estwan Jr.

Leo DiSorbo Leo DiSorbo

Joseph Bomba Joseph Bomba

Terri Kuskowski, Secretary

A meeting of the Derby Board of Police Commissioners was held on 11 JUN 12 at the Derby Police Department, 125 Water Street, Derby.

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 P.M. by Commissioner Estwan.

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

Present were Commissioners Estwan, DiSorbo, and Bomba. Also present was Chief Narowski.

3. Public Portion

No one from the public was in attendance.

4. Deletion, correction, adoption of agenda

Commissioner Estwan requested that discussion of a stop sign on E. Bassett Lane be added to Item 10: Traffic Authority Business. Commissioner DiSorbo motioned to approve the change and Commissioner Bomba seconded. Commissioner Bombo then motioned to accept the agenda and Commissioner DiSorbo seconded. The motion carried without further discussion.

5. Acceptance of Previous Meeting’s Minutes

Commissioner DiSorbo motioned to accept the 14 MAY 12 minutes, Commissioner Bomba seconded, and the motion carried.

6. Old Business

Chief Narowski advised the board that the Board of Aldermen approved the agreement between the City of Derby and Town of Woodbridge regarding Animal Control Services. Woodbridge Animal Control will be handling animal control issues in Derby moving forward and the department is working on “mothballing” the dog pound.

7. New Business - *Amended*

The chief forwarded the commissioners a letter that was sent to the property owner and the business owners of RJ’s Café advising them that they are in violation of city ordinance section 70 “Chronic Nuisance Properties”. The property owner and business owners have been given until June 26th to respond to the letter.

8. Department Reports

Chief Narowski updated the commissioners on the department’s patrol activity. He also reviewed the status of the police department’s budget.

9. Communications

Local veterinarian Doctor Nanavati sent a letter to the department offering to provide kennel services should the dog pound stay open. While the department appreciates the offer, this would not solve the need for animal control services. The agreement with the Town of Woodbridge is a complete package and meets the needs of the city.

10. Traffic Authority Business

Commissioner Estwan motioned to have the department install a stop sign on E. Bassett Lane. Commissioner DiSorbo seconded and the motion carried. The department will contact Public Works as soon as possible to install the sign.

11. Executive Session

A motion to go into executive session and have Chief Narowski present was made by Commissioner Bomba, seconded by Commissioner DiSorbo, and carried unanimously. The purpose of the executive session was to discuss the following item:

·  Personnel Updates

No action was required and the meeting adjourned thereafter.

Respectfully submitted,

Terri Kuskowski

These minutes are subject to the Board’s approval at their next scheduled meeting.

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