IAI Midwest Chapter Conference Call Notes
January 19, 2018 3:00 PM
Attendance – Stefanie Hoover, Tim Lapinski,Scott Pickett, Dana Sadowsky, Jay Ganal, Aaron Hancart, Wayne Hoover
Old Business
Reviewed and approved notes from previous call – Scott Pickettmotioned for approval, Aaron Hancart seconded, no one opposed.
New Business:
- Discussed Proposed April Chapter Meeting dates, locations and topics
- Scott suggested we hold the Chapter Meeting in conjunction with the Elite Training Day Meeting in Chicago (4/11/18 – 4/12/18)
- Stephanie asked Wayne if the Chapter Meeting could be held at the Marriott (same location as the ETD)
- Wayne indicated there may be a charge involved
- Suggested that we circle back with Claire’s for meeting space. Wayne will forward contact info over to Tim.
- Discussed targeting the afternoon of 4/10 (Tuesday) for a 1-5pm meeting since most people attending ETD will be coming in the day before.
- Wayne suggested that we could invite attendees to an evening reception at the conclusion of the Advisory Board meeting.
- Dana mentioned that the South Chapter had used Event-Brite for registration at their most recent meeting and it seemed to work well. Suggested we use it for the upcoming meeting.
- Topics/presenters
- IAI Website Navigation (MW Board Member)
- Active Shooter Response (John Diedrich)
- Total Retail Loss (John Brocrar) – Tim to reach out for more details
- W-Z Topic – Who will present?
- Ideas for subcommittees
- Career Development – Changing Roles in Loss Prevention (Tim and Aaron)
- David Williams (Wayne will ask Dave)
- Recruiting New Members
- Tim asked if there was a mailing list of members from the previous meeting that we could use to ask attendees to help spread the word
- Aaron said he would leverage the Cook County ORC group to recruit additional Law Enforcement members.
- Mention with ETD registrations?
- Miscellaneous Topics
- Jay suggested that we reach out to attendees from the last meeting who were not yet CFI’s and get their feedback on the impact of the meeting.
- Was the meeting helpful to them?
- Have they obtained their CFI designation?
- Did anything presented in the meeting sway them either way in the process of obtaining their CFI designation?
Meeting was motioned adjourned by Jay, Aaron seconded, no one opposed, Tim Lapinski adjourned meeting.