Year 6 Sci 4 Forces and Motion Going and Slowing
Year Group:6 / Class Name / Number: / Class size: / Pupil Age: / Date:Subject / Theme of Lesson:
Science/ To investigate why things begin to move and why they stop moving. / NC References:
Sc1 1, 2d, h. Sc4 2a, b,c,e.
Links with previous session:
Can you identify a push and pull. Can some objects be pushed and pulled? / Link to next session:
To know that forces act in specific directions and that arrows can show the direction.
Prior achievement:
All the class was able to note the difference between a push and a pull and sort objects accordingly. All ready to move on.
Links to PSHE, Citizenship or Global Citizenship:
4b – to listen to other people, and or working co-operatively.
5f- developing relationships through work. / Links to ECM:
Achieve economic well-being – obtaining, evaluating and communicating data.
Enjoy and achieve – developing curiosity about the world.
Variety of Balls,
skipping rope,
toy cars,
Stop watches / Vocabulary:
Movement, pull, push, force, roll, resistance.
ICT Opportunities:
Digital camera, white-board. / Possible homework:
What type of things do you have at home which may help us understand why things roll?
Target QTS Standards:
Q25 d / Focus for personal reflection:
Manage individuals and groups.
Learning Objective(s):
To know different forces. / Success criteria:
I can name different forces by thinking about everyday objects and events.
How the learning will be assessed:
TA to observe and note chn that contribute to the input with answers to forces.
5 mins / Overview of whole class work ( eg Mental/oral, lesson Introduction)
Class brainstorm and create a concept map for Forces.
Discuss the words we use for forces, gather vocabulary together and then sort scientific and non-scientific uses of the word force.
Watch the Espresso video on Friction;
Learning Objectives for group/individual work (if different):
To know that different types of forces are used to start and stop things and change speed/direction. / Success criteria:
I can discuss carry out an experiment.
I can note my findings.
I can explain different forces and when and where they occur.
How the learning will be assessed:
Observations by TA and Teacher. Chns findings and general discussion.
5 mins on each expt. / Group activities (including differentiation):
Chn to be split into 4 mixed ability groups and rotate on the following activities. Activities one and two to be carried out in the playground and monitored by the TA, who will also take pictures of the chn working.Activities three and four to be carried out in the classroom and monitored by the teacher.
1. football stopping and starting, changing direction – Chn to answer the following questions; What force are you using? Why does the ball slow down? Why does it roll differently on the playground compared to the grass? Why do goalies wear gloves?
2. tug of war with skipping ropes (TA to support and question) – What force are you using?
3. cars on ramp- friction (teacher focus) –A variety of surfaces for the cars to roll on ;foam board, a beach towel, masking tape, a yardstick, several large, thick books. Create a "ramp" by placing a stack of books (about 1 foot high) under one end of the foam board. (You may want to place a brick or heavy object at the other end to keep the board from sliding.) Students will be looking at how a surface can affect car speed and record the time for the cars to move down the ramp on the different surfaces.
4. dropping balls- gravity (Teacher to support and question) – Chn to drop a variety of balls of different size and note which drop the quickest? Why? Does the size of the ball matter?
5 mins / Plenary activities:
As a class discuss the forces used, come up with definitions for speed, friction, push, pull
On Espresso play forces definition game.
Class to discuss each experiment and what they discovered.
How and what did we learn? Review main learning objectives
That the force between two moving surfaces in contact is called friction.
When an object falls, air resistance acts in the opposite direction to the weight.
That friction is a force that resists or prevents motion.