Bagpipe Loan Application Form
Your organisation must be delivering, or plan to deliver, tuition in state school/s to be eligible to borrow bagpipes. Your organisation can borrow bagpipes for up to three years, giving you a window of time during which to acquire your own set of pipes for on-going loan to your players. We will provide pipes to your organisation, up to the total number agreed and as your players require them, and will recall all the loaned pipes on one date that is three years after the first instrument was dispatched to your organisation.
Full name of your organisationMain registered address, including postcode for your organisation
Organisation’s email address
What type of organisation are you?
Please tick all that apply. / Charity / Charity number:
State School
Local Authority
Parent Council
Constituted voluntary committee / Please state:
Other / Please describe:
Primary contact - Who should we contact if we have questions about your application?
Position/ job title
Address including postcode
Landline and mobile phone numbers
Legally Responsible Contact - Who in your organisation will be legally responsible for the funding? This cannot be the same person as the primary contact. The legally responsible contact must be responsible for ensuring this application is supported by the organisation applying, and that any funding agreement meets our requirements.
This contact must hold one of the following positions: School - Head teacher
Local authority - Service Manager, Director or Chief Executive
Other organisations - Chairperson or Treasurer
Position/ job title
Address including postcode
Landline and mobile phone numbers
Name of your schools tuition and pipe band programmeOne line summary
Your preferred start date when you would like the first instrument/s
How many would you like to borrow? / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3
Are you also applying for, or have you already received a cash grant from SSPDT?
Schools involved in your project (add more rows if you need them)
School name / Head teacher
Music teacher / Local authority / SIMD if known / % free school lunches, if known / Class years involved at the start e.g. P5, P6,
Tell us more about your project. Keep your description to 2 sides of A4 or less. Please ensure that you tell us about:
The background to your project. What other tuition is available in your community?
When does, or did, your programme start?
How is your programme managed and organised? Who are the key people and what is their role and experience?
How is the tuition and other aspects of the programme funded?
Who is teaching, and what is their experience and qualifications (please provide tutor CVs if possible).
How many pupils are or will be learning in your programme?
Is there a charge for lessons, and if so, how much? Please tell us how much is charged per lesson, how long each lesson lessons is, and whether pupils are taught in groups. How large are the groups?
How do you make sure that all pupils can join in regardless of circumstances?
Why do you need bagpipes?
How do you know that your estimated need for the number of bagpipes is correct?
Please enclose these documents:
- Safeguarding Policy
- Equalities Policy
- Bank statement or official bank document showing the account number, sort code, name and contact address.
If relevant
- Constitution
- Tutor Curriculum Vitaes
- Tutor report to parents and pupils - sample
- Pupil progress tracker – sample
- Latest Report and Accounts