2014 Rocky Mountain Invitational
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Held under the sanction of Judo Alberta
(Number 2014-04)
Supported by volunteers from Hiro’s Judo Club and the Ishi Yama Institute of Judo.
U10, U12, U14, U16, U18, U21 (Female and Male)
Senior Women and Senior Men
This is a PRE-registration tournament only.
This is a selection tournament for the 2014 Canadian Junior Nationals.
Honorary Tournament Chairman: Mr. Paul Knoll
Tournament Chairman: Mr. Garry Yamashita
Tournament Director: Mr. Randy Burden
Chief Referee:Guy Sunada, IJF International Referee
Master of Ceremonies: Mr Gary Sylven
There will be a grading for Provincial “A”, “B” and “C” referee candidates
Entry Fees:
$50.00 per judoka
Kata registration fee: $50.00 per team
(Randori-no-kata: $25 per team)
Additional kata: $10.00 per team, Additional Division $10
Entries will be accepted until March 29, 2014
Fees payable to the Rocky Mountain Invitational Judo Tournament
Clubs are asked to send lists of competitors in categories U14 and higher, by e-mail
(see the Registration Form on the Judo Alberta website
or from the registrar (e-address below).
For judoka in U10 and U 12, please use the club entry form. A club sensei needs to confirm the listed weights, and this will eliminate the need for these judoka to attend weigh-in.
Please mailwith your registration fees to:
Tournament Registrar
Mr. Richard Patching
23 Harvest Oak Green N.E.
Calgary, Alberta T3K 3Y2
No phone entries. No registrations accepted at weigh-ins. No refunds.
Eligibility:Judoka must be in the designated age and weight parameters using the year born.
Changing weight divisions will result in a $10.00 charge.
Minimum Rank: Yellow Belt (Gokyu)
New Location:
Genesis Centre #10, 7555 Falconridge Blvd NE Calgary, Alberta
Awards:First, Second and Third Place medals for Shiai
In U10 and U12 ‘Participation’ Categories, each judoka will receive a recognition award
Judokas are required to wear their judogis or an official team tracksuit to receive their awards.
Tournament Rules (IJF rules will apply, except for these specific exceptions)
I:Fighting areas will be I.J.F. designations except a 3 meter common safety area will be used.
II:Blue judogi optional for all divisions. White judogi is mandatory for first name called for a match. The second name called for a match will wear either a blue judogi or a blue sash with a white judogi. If the second competitor wears a bluesash, the first competitor will wear a white sash. Judoka must have a white judogi available.
III:Judo Canada rules will apply to the U16 and lower divisions, specifically:
- U10and U12matches will be conducted in accordance with Judo’s Canada principles in the form of randori sessions of 2 minutes duration. Mixed gender matches will be allowed in the U10 and U12 divisions. For parents, there is an explanation of this included below.
- The following table indicates techniques which are prohibited in each age group
Division / Rear Grip* / Kubinage / Drop Tech / Makikomi Waza / Sutemi Waza / Tani Otoshi / Shime waza / Kansetsu Waza
U10/U12 / N / N / N / N / N / N / N / N
U14 / Y / N / N / N / Y / N / N / N
U16 / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / N
* Rear Grip (under the arm) is permitted in U10/U12 when performing hip techniques (O-Goshi)
IVNo shime waza or kansetsu waza will be allowed at anycategory if either competitor is lower than green belt
V:True Double Knockout draw for five or more competitors, Round Robin draw for three or four competitors, Best of Three draw for two competitors.
VI:Judoka must be paid-up member of provincial, state or country association and be able to prove current membership (referees, coaches and competitors) and age (competitors only).
VII:Females must wear a plain white tee shirt under judogi.
VIII:For divisions where there is only one competitor the Tournament Chairman or Director may permit exhibition matches provided the separation of the contestants is no more than one weight division higher or lower.
IX:As per Judo Canada guidelines, where numbers warrant, weight divisions may be combined. Competitors may only be combined with other competitors who are no more than one weight category lighter or one weight category heavier. Actual weights will be considered when divisions are combined, as per Judo Canada policies. As this is a Selection Event for the Provincial Junior Team, there will be no combining of weight divisions for the U16, U18 or U21 categories
X:The tournament director reserves the right to make changeswherenecessary.
Weigh-InAthletes may not weigh in until their entry fee and waiver have been received.
Saturday April 5, 2014:
7:00 am – 8:30 am: U14 Boys and Girls (note for U10 and U12, use club entry form)
8:00 am – 9:00 am: U16 and U18 Boys and Girls
8:30 am – 10:00 am: U21 and Senior Women and Men
Tournament9:00 am Kata Competition
Schedule10:00 a.m. Individual Competition
U10and U12 Girls and Boys
then U14 Girlsand Boys
then U16 Girls and Boys,
then U18 Women and Men
then U21and Senior Women and Men
U10 Boys (Born 2005, 2006): -23 kg, -26 kg, -29 kg,-32 kg, -35 kg, -38 kg, -41 kg, -44 kg, -48kg, +48 kg
U12 Boys (Born 2003, 2004):- -25 kg, -27 kg, -30 kg,
-33 kg, -36 kg, -39 kg, -42 kg, -45 kg, -49 kg, -55kg,
+55 kg
U14 Boys(Born 2001, 2002): -34 kg, -38 kg,-42 kg,
-46 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -66 kg, +66 kg
U16 Boys (Born 1999- 2000): -38 kg, -42 kg,-46 kg,
-50 kg, -55 kg, -60 kg, -66 kg, -73 kg,+73 kg
U18 Men (Born 1997-98): -46 kg, -50 kg, -55 kg,
-60 kg, -66 kg, -73 kg, -81 kg, -90 kg, +90 kg
U21 Men (Born 1994-97): -55 kg, -60 kg, -66 kg,
-73 kg, -81 kg, -90 kg, -100 kg, +100 kg
Senior MenYellow to Blue (Born 1997 or earlier):
-55 kg, -60 kg,-66 kg, -73 kg, -81 kg, -90 kg,
-100 kg, +100 kg
Senior MenBrown and Black (Born 1996 or earlier):
-55 kg, -60 kg, -66 kg, -73 kg, -81 kg, -90 kg,
-100 kg, +100 kg
U10 Girls (Born 2005, 2006): -23 kg, -26 kg, -29 kg,
-32 kg, -35 kg, -38 kg, -41 kg, -44 kg, -48kg, +48 kg
U12 Girls (Born 2003, 2004): -25 kg, -27 kg,-30 kg,
-33 kg, -36 kg, -39 kg, -42 kg, -45 kg, -49 kg, -55kg,
+55 kg
U14 Girls( Born 2001, 2002): -32 kg, -36 kg, -40 kg,
-44 kg, -48 kg, -52 kg, -57 kg, -63 kg, +63 kg
U16 Girls (Born 1999-2000): --36 kg, -40 kg,-44 kg,
-48 kg, -52 kg, -57 kg, -63 kg, -70 kg, +70 kg
U18 Women (Born 1997-98): -40 kg, -44 kg, -48 kg,
-52 kg, -57 kg, -63 kg, -70 kg, +70 kg
U21 Women (Born 1994-97): -44 kg, -48 kg, -52 kg,
-57 kg, -63 kg, -70 kg, -78 kg, +78 kg
Senior Women (Born 1997 or earlier): ): -44 kg,
-48 kg, -52 kg, -57 kg, -63 kg, -70 kg, -78 kg, +78 kg
Katas: Randori-no-kata, Nage-no-kata, Katame-no-kata, Ju-no-kata, Goshin-jutsu
For Categories U14 and Lower Only
(Developed by Dr Yoshio Senda, kudan)
This kata is to be performed by two partners who demonstrate each technique in turn, one executing the technique, then the other. It is to be done in fluid movements, rather than from fixed positions, demonstrating the concept of randori, that is, free-practice.
The kata begins with the two partners at opposite edges of the tatami. They bow to each other, and walk onto the tatami, stopping about 4 metres apart. They turn, bow to joseki, then turn towards each other, and bow to each other. They then step forward on the left foot.
At this point, they moved freely towards each other, taking a normal grip (kumi-kata). One will perform the first technique, then the other partner will execute the same technique. The grip may shift as required to properly execute the techniques.
Both partners are to move freely, entering and executing each technique, with the tori demonstrating kuzushi, tsukuri and kake for each technique, and the uke demonstrating free movement, confidence and proper ukemi, with little or no resistance to the technique being performed. After being thrown, the uke will resume a standing position, and then become the tori for their turn at the current technique (if they are the second to do the waza) or begin the next technique in the series.
Once all techniques are completed, the partners will return to their starting positions, straighten their judogis, then take one step back on the right foot. They will bow to each other, then turn and bow to joseki. They will then turn towards each other again and withdraw from the demonstration area, bowing at the edge of the mat.
The techniques demonstrate hand techniques (te-waza), leg techniques (ashi-waza), hip techniques (koshi-waza), combinations of differing techniques (renraku-waza), and techniques to counter an original attack (kaeshi-waza). In order, the techniques are:
4Uchi mata
- Ouchi-gari to Seoi-nage
- Ouchi-gari to Kosoto-gake
- Harai-goshi (original attack) with Okuri-ashi-barai (counter)
- Osoto-gari with Harai-goshi
The techniques can be done to the left or right side, at the partners’ preference, but must be done smoothly with skill.
Please complete all the following information (print neatly):
Name: ______Birthdate: M ______D______Y______Sex: M F
Address: ______Phone: ______
Judo Club/Province/State/Country: ______Sensei: ______Rank:______Judo Association ______Judo Passport #______
DIVISION (Please indicate all categories): (U9 and U 11 judoka must also be listed on the Club Entry Form)U10 Girls (2005-2006)Wt. Div. ______kgU10 Boys (2005-2006) Wt. Div. ______kg
U12 Girls (2003-2004)Wt. Div. ______kgU12 Boys (2003-2004) Wt. Div. ______kg
U14 Girls (2001-2002)Wt. Div. ______kgU14 Boys (2001-2002) Wt. Div. ______kg
U16 Girls (1999-2000) Wt. Div. ______kg U16. Boys (1999-2000) Wt. Div. ______kg
U18 Women (1997-1998) Wt. Div. ______kg U18 Men (1997-1998) Wt. Div. ______kg
U21 Women (1994-1997) Wt. Div. ______kg U21 Men (1994-1997) Wt. Div. ______kg
Senior Women (1997 & earlier)Wt. Div. ______kg Senior Men (1997 & earlier) yellow-blue Wt. Div. ______kg
Senior Men (1997 & earlier) brown & black Wt. Div. ______kg
Kata ______Tori ______Uke ______
Kata ______Tori ______Uke ______
Kata ______Tori ______Uke ______
Kata ______Tori ______Uke ______
NOTICE TO PARENTS AND/OR GUARDIANS: This is a legal document, which must be properly completed and signed or the entry will not be accepted. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. It affects your rights. If you do not understand it, obtain legal advice before signing
(Under 18 years old)
In consideration of the acceptance of the entry of (hereinafter referred to as "the said child') to compete in and/or being permitted to participate in the Rocky Mountain Invitational Judo Tournament (hereinafter referred to as '“This event”), I/we for myself/ourselves and for and behalf of the said child hereby release, remise, and forever discharge and agree to indemnify and save harmless the Alberta Kodokan Black Belt Association, Ishi Yama Judo Club, Calgary Judo Society, Hiro's Judo Club, Acadia Recreation Complex, the organizers of this event,Ishi Yama Judo Club, Calgary Judo Society, Hiro's Judo Club, Acadia Recreation Complex, the organizers of this event, their respective organizers, officers, executives, directors, officials, agents, servants, sponsors and representatives (hereinafter referred to as "the releasees") from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses, and demands in respect of death, injury, loss, or damage to the person or property of said child, or myself/ourselves, however caused, arising out of or in connection with the said child competing, or participating in this event and notwithstanding that the same may have been caused by, contributed to or occasioned by the negligence , breach of contract, breach of a common duty of care as an occupier of premises or otherwise, of or by the releases or any of them.
I/We agree to assume all risks, both known and unknown, and all consequences thereof, for me/us and for and on behalf of the said child, arising out of or in connection with said child competing or participating in this event.
I/we agree for myself/ourselves and for and on behalf of the said child to adhere to all rules, regulations and conditions of this event.
I/We agree to allow the said child to participate in one weight division higher than his/her actual weight if there are insufficient competitors in either division and as guided by Judo Alberta’s Sanction Policy. He/She may partake in exhibition matches one weight division higher than his/her actual weight.
I/we hereby register the said child as a competitor or participant in this event and I/we certify that:
The said child is in good physical condition and has no injury, disease or disability that would impair his or her performance or physical condition or increase the likelihood of injury in competing or participating in this event.
No physician, nurse, therapist trainer, coach, manager, or other person has advised me/us not to allow the said child to compete or participate in a body contact sport or in this event.
I/we am/are familiar with the sport of judo and the nature of a judo contest. I/we am/are aware that there is a risk of injury by the very nature of the sport. We are the father and mother of the said child or the guardian(s) of the said child and the only person(s) lawfully entitled to act for and on behalf of the said child. This document shall be binding upon the said child, me/us, the heirs, executors, administrators, assignees and personal representatives of each of us and the said child.
I/we have read this document and I/we agree that the said child and I/we are bound by its terms. I/we further understand that it is compulsory and mandatory that this document be fully completed and signed as a condition precedent to the said child competing or participating in this event.
INSTRUCTIONS: This form is to be completed for all persons under the age of 18 years by the following person(s):
- both natural parents of the child if living together, if separated and no court order for custody has been granted, if divorced and a court grants joint custody and if the natural parent and the adopting parent of the child is married and if an adoption order has been granted.
- both adopting parents of the child if an adoption order has been granted.
- either the natural mother or natural father of the child if divorced or separated and being the parent who has sole custody of the child by court order.
- all guardians of the child whether appointed by court order or who are guardians by law.
- the natural mother of the child if the child is illegitimate and no court order has been granted giving custody to anyone else.
Please complete all the following information (print neatly):
Name: ______Birthdate: M ______D______Y______Sex: M F
Address: ______Phone: ______
Judo Club/Province/State/Country: ______Sensei: ______Rank:______Judo Association ______Judo Passport #______
DIVISION (Please indicate all categories):U21 Women (1994-1997) Wt. Div. ______kg U21 Men (1994-1997)Wt. Div. ______kg
Senior Women (1997 & earlier) Wt. Div. ______kg Senior Men (1997 & earlier) yellow-blue Wt. Div. ______kg
Senior Men (1997 & earlier) brown & blackWt. Div. ______kg
Kata ______Tori______Uke ______
Kata ______Tori______Uke ______
Kata ______Tori______Uke ______
Kata ______Tori______Uke ______
(18 years and older)
NOTICE: This is a legal document, which must be properly completed and signed or your entry will not be accepted. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. It affects your rights. If you do not understand it, obtain legal advice before signing.
IN CONSIDERATION OF the acceptance of my entry to compete and/or my being permitted to participate in the 2013 Rocky Mountain Invitational Judo Tournament (hereinafter referred to as "this event'), I hereby release, remise and forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and save harmless The Alberta Kodokan Black Belt Association, Ishi Yama Judo Club, Calgary Judo Society, Hiro's Judo Club, Acadia Recreation Complex, the organizers of this event, their respective officers, executives, directors, officials, agents, servants, sponsors and representatives (hereinafter referred to as " the Releasees") from and against all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death, injury, loss or damage to my person or property, however of common duty of care as an occupier of premises, or otherwise, of or by the Releasees or any of them.
I agree to participate in one weight division higher than my actual weight if Tournament organizers deem that there are insufficient competitors in my actual weight division and as guided by Judo Alberta’s Sanction Policy. I may partake in exhibition matches at my actual weight or one weight division higher.
I agree to assume all risks, both known and unknown, and all consequences thereof, arising out of or in connection with my competing or participating in this event. I agree to adhere to all rules, regulations and conditions of this event.
I am in good physical condition and I have no injury, disease or disability nor have I injected or ingested anything that would impair my performance or physical condition or increase the likelihood of injury in competing or participating in this event.
No physician, nurse, therapist, trainer, coach, manager or other person has advised me not to compete or participate in a body contact sport or this event.
I am familiar with the sport of Judo and the nature of a Judo contest. I am aware that there is a high risk of injury by the very nature of the sport.
I have read this document and I understand it fully.
SIGNED ______DATE ______
Note to Parents of U10and U12Athletes:
In keeping with the directions of Sports Canada and Judo Canada, Judo Alberta is following the Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model.
This model states that athletes in the U10and U12divisions should be at the stage of skill development, and not at a competitive phase of their development.
In light of this policy, and as noted in Rule IV (1) (above), in the U10and U12 categoriesthe tournament will consist ofrandori sessions of two minutes duration. If one participant completely dominates the match, by throwing the other for multiple ippon-level techniques in a row, the referee may stop the match. Otherwise, the match will continue for the full two minutes.
In addition to the referee on the mat controlling the match, one or more mat-sideofficials will evaluate the competitors for the demonstration of judo skills, including:
- sportsmanship
- posture
- etiquette
- effectiveness of techniques
- use of varying types of techniques (both standing and in groundwork)
- use of techniques in different directions(both standing and in groundwork)
- transition from standing techniques (tachi-waza) into groundwork (ne-waza)
- transition between groundwork techniques
All athletes in these U10and U12divisions will be recognized for their skill level.
Note that in both the U10and U12 division, mixed gender matches are allowed and may occur if there are inadequate numbers for single gender competition.
THE 34st ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN INTERNATIONALClub Entry List for U10 (Born 2005-2006) and U12 Categories(Born 2003-2004) only
Name of Club: / Location of Club:
Name: / Year Born / Category (U10/U12) / Sex / Weight Division
Weights to be confirmed by Club Sensei
Signature of Club Sensei ______
(for information only; the tournament organisation has no relationship with any of these hotels
Hotels:There are numerous hotels near the tournament site, as it is also close to the Calgary International Airport. So far we do not have any special arrangements with any of them.
(May be reproduced)