I AM 03: “The Gate”
John 10:1-10
Today’s discussion is aimed at helping you understand what Jesus meant when He said that He is “the Gate” and how that should impact your faithwalk.
When was the last time you were “locked out”? Have you ever locked your keys in the car? Been locked out of the house? Any good ideas or solutions?
Introduction: (Get the conversation started)
- Have someone pray out loud for your group and your time together.
- How is knowing facts and information regarding our Christian faith beneficial to the Christ-follower?
- When does knowing facts and information become harmful to the Christ-follower?
- What is the difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus personally? How does our knowledge of Him interact with our relationship with Him?
Discussion: (Digging into the sermon)
- In your opinion, how does culture view “salvation” or “heaven” (i.e. getting to God)? What matters most in popular culture as it relates to eternity?
- What markers do people in our culture often use to proclaim themselves “good people”
- What are some of the flaws in this religious construct? In other words, what are the problems with the “I’m a good person” law of spirituality?
- Read John 10:1-2. What simple point was Jesus making here? Who is the shepherd in the analogy and who “climbs in some other way”?
- Read vv.3-5. If God the Father is the Shepherd, we are the sheep, and Jesus is the Gate in this analogy, what important points does Jesus make in these verses?
- Keeping in mind that God and Jesus are one and the same (something the Pharisees rejected as blasphemy), How can Jesus be both the Gate (vv.1-10) and the Good Shepherd (vv.11-21; next time)? What is the role of each according to this analogy?
- Read vv.6-9. What is the one clear end result of Jesus as the Gate and His sheep entering through Him?
- Read v.10. In addition to eternal life (v.9), in what way(s) does a relationship with Jesus makes our lives full?
Closing Prayer
Have 1 or 2 people in the group pray thanking God for His Son, the Gate to the Father. Ask God to make us sensitive to the Shepherd’s voice and willing to follow His leadership in our lives.