Mimosa Bay H.O.A. Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

December 6, 2016 at 4:00 pm

Meeting was called to order at 4:38 pm.

I.  Attendees

Attendees: Roger Scambler, Gordon Frieze, Dennis Morey, Kristen Downing, Paula Wright and Windy Sipe. Cathie Pittman (CAMS) attended via phone.

A quorum was present.

II.  Board Actions during month

a.  No Board actions were conducted in the period between the November and December meetings.

III.  Approval of minutes from prior meeting

a.  October minutes along with the corrected November minutes will be forwarded to the Board members for review.

b.  Minutes will be approved electronically prior to January meeting.

IV.  Old Business

a.  Nautical Reach

i.  The Nautical Reach Developer was not contacted to address his request with Board members. Meeting will not be necessary

ii. The Developer will be informed that no change to a vegetative border from a wooden fence will be considered.

b.  Compliance Chair Vacancy

i.  Two names were submitted as possible candidates. As of December meeting neither had agreed to take position.

ii. Paula Wright will handle duties with the help of the current committee members until a replacement for John Berke is found.

c.  John Berke has agreed to review and revise the current rules and restrictions for the community. He will submit his recommendations to the Board for action.

d.  Reserve Study

i.  Greg Moody will not be available to assist but Mike Stonestreet could be one option.

ii. The updated 2015 study needs incorporated into the spreadsheet and some areas require updated local pricing.

iii.  Pricing for ribbon replacement in Phase 5 was omitted in prior study.

e.  Trash Proposal

i.  Final changes to the proposal will be handled by Paula Wright.

ii. CAMS will send proposal to M&W, East Coast Consolidated and Waste Industries for response.

iii.  Residents should begin changing to the chosen vendor beginning in June 2017. Full implementation of trash removal by one vendor is anticipated to be completed by January 2018.

f.  Budget Workshop

i.  A proposed budget will be supplied prior to budget session.

ii. Financials to date should be available from CAMS after February.

iii.  CAMS conversion may create issues with detailed costs. Monthly financial reports through October are available.

iv.  Date or workshop TBD.

g.  Open meetings

i.  One each quarter.

ii. Publish at beginning of the year.

iii.  First meeting will be January 11 from 5:30 to 7:30.

iv.  Kristen will write notification then forward for release to homeowners.

v. Procedures will be finalized at January 5 meeting.

h.  Fire inspection costs to be given to Board.

i.  Rental Property restrictions

i.  BOD can create a rule.

ii. This topic will be revisited.

j.  Committee responsibilities will be released to homeowners once the descriptions are finalized.

V.  New Business

a.  Social Committee is overbudget for the year. 70 children were signed up to visit Santa Claus and receive a stocking. Cost reduction to what Santa gives will be implemented for Christmas 2017.

b.  CAMS agreed to pay for the deli tray for the Christmas party.

c.  Quotes for pool furniture replacements: (just information not for vote)

i.  Pine tables from Lowe’s $629

ii. Local vendor larger hand built tables delivered painted $1730

VI.  Motion was made by Gordon Frieze to adjourn at 7:03 pm. Kristen Downing seconded the motion.

VII. Next meeting will be January 5, 2017 at 4:30 pm.

VIII.  Items for next meeting

a.  Restriction on rental properties

IX.  Action Items/Items

a.  The quorum percentage must be changed at the next Annual Board Meeting to ensure the ability to conduct HOA Business due to such low meeting turnout.

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